Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 202: Spy Impossible in the World of Immortal Cultivation

After hearing Lin Tianxing's words, Mr. Lin's expression suddenly became extremely complicated, with helplessness in his eyes.

He really thought that Lin Tianxing didn't know about this, because Lin Tianxing was still young at that time, only four or five years old.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

It turns out that my son has been carrying this in his heart since he was four or five years old.

As a father, he thought his son didn't know anything.

He is actually more innocent than a four or five year old child!

"Xiao Xing, even if you want revenge, you don't need to go to Fengyun Demon Sect. You just need to practice quietly in Shushan Sword Sect. When you become strong, you can still take revenge!" Mr. Lin said to his son Lin Tianxing.

Lin Tianxing shook his head and said: "So what if you practice to a stronger state?

Father, your cultivation is not weak anymore, but do you have any hope of revenge?

Even if you are given another ten years, or even twenty or thirty years, do you really think you have any hope of succeeding in revenge? "

Even if you become the leader of Shushan, so what if you become the number one person in Shushan? Can you order Shushan to use all its strength to attack the Fengyun Demon Sect?

You can't! !

Only if I break into the Fengyun Demon Sect and become a senior member of the Fengyun Demon Sect can I have a chance to destroy the entire Fengyun Demon Sect! "

Mr. Lin said one thing, and his son responded ten times.

As a father, he was left speechless.

Really can't say enough.

Eventually, Lin Tianxing left Shushan Sword Sect and went to Fengyun Demon Sect.

As for Lin Tianxing's alias in Fengyun Demon Sect, Meng Fan didn't know.

Because the memory of Jian Sha stopped abruptly at this point, when Lin Tianxing left Shushan Sword Sect, he left the Flying Star Sword with Shushan Sword Sect.

Meng Fan opened his eyes and looked at the Flying Star Sword in his hand, with a hint of confusion on his face.

Then he slowly put the Flying Star Sword back on the wooden stand!

He has cleaned seven or eight thousand long swords on the first floor of the sword pavilion, so it is not unusual to occasionally see some secrets. In theory, the probability is not high.

Although the secret in the memory of the Flying Star Sword shocked Meng Fan greatly, it still pales in comparison to the secret that the leader Lin Jinghong might be an undercover agent.

"Eh~~~" Meng Fan said softly and frowned.

The sect Lin Tianxing went to was the Fengyun Demon Sect.

The undercover Lin Jinghong came to Shushan Sword Sect from Fengyun Demon Sect.



The rhythm of Mission: Impossible is so brain-burning.

Meng Fan touched his forehead and threw all this messy information behind him.

Although these secrets are shocking, he is not prepared to pay attention to them.

Even if it was the secret of Mr. Lin's son, Meng Fan was not prepared to get involved now.

After all, he is self-aware and knows that he has no ability to interfere.

And he felt that there was no need to take the initiative to tell Mr. Lin this. What could he do if he told Mr. Lin that he knew about this matter?

There is no point in making Mr. Lin feel sad for nothing!

In the future, when I become stronger and stronger, I can help Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing.

But now, don't cause trouble.

Meng Fan collected his emotions and continued to absorb the origin of the sword.

After that, I didn’t encounter any special memory of the sword evil again.

After absorbing the origin of the sword, he returned to his room and began to practice the Pure Yang Transformation Thunder Sutra with all his strength, striving to reach the realm of condensing pills as soon as possible.

The next day, Meng Fan came to Si Guo Cliff's Qianjun Falling Formation.

At the same time, with the help of the Ning Yuan Dan, the Origin of the Sword, and the Qianjun Falling Formation, the three effects are combined into one. Meng Fan's training speed is like a rocket, which is no exaggeration at all.

Even the cultivation speed of top-grade spiritual roots is beyond the reach of those behind him!

Just like that, another month passed.

Meng Fan's cultivation has reached the sixth level of Tianyuan, and the effect of temporarily giving up the practice of the Red Blood Scripture and the Spiritual Wind Mysterious Technique is indeed obvious.

And within this month, Meng Fan got another piece of good news.

This good news is related to Hongqi Sword.

Although Hongqi is still a long way from cultivating a soul body, Hongqi Sword has reached the level of a magic sword first.

As Meng Fan's natal flying sword, as Meng Fan strengthens, the Hong Qi Sword will also be tempered and slowly evolve.

But under normal circumstances, Meng Fan would have to cultivate to the peak of Dan Condensation, or even the realm of spirit-inducing, to be able to temper his natal flying sword into a magic sword.

But Meng Fan is not normal!

Every time he absorbs the origin of the sword, part of it will be absorbed by Hongqi, and part of it will be absorbed by Hongqi Sword.

It is not unbelievable that the Hong Qi Sword evolved into a magic sword in advance.

At least according to Meng Fan, this is normal!

Meng Fan now has a real magic sword, not a incomplete magic sword like the Red Sheep Sword.

This... is something that even monks in the realm of condensing pills find it difficult to do.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Tian, ​​the abandoned Buddhist disciple, has also made great progress during this period.

This guy completely abandoned Buddhist practice in Shushan Sword Pavilion and concentrated on practicing swordsmanship.

The Bingxin Sword Sutra given to him by Mr. Lin was actually practiced by him to the level of sword posture in this short period of time. Judging from his posture, he has a tendency to attack the sword soul with great force.

However, it is too difficult for a monk at the sixth level of Tianyuan to cultivate the sword soul.

Even Meng Fan has a hard time doing it!

But Wu Tian, ​​this kid, really has hope.

Because he is indeed very talented in spiritual power. He is unique and far surpasses Meng Fan. He is suspected to have cultivated a divine soul.

The most important point in cultivating the sword soul is to cultivate the divine soul.

However, Wu Tian concentrated on practicing swordsmanship and fell behind in terms of cultivation.

When he first came to Jiange, Meng Fan was on the fourth level of Tianyuan, and he was on the sixth level of Tianyuan.

Now Meng Fan is on the sixth level of Tianyuan, but he is still on the sixth level of Tianyuan!

Now if Meng Fan were to spar with him again, he would really have no room to resist and would be beaten while hanging.

On this day, Liu Yanping, a girl, made a rare visit to Jiange to find Meng Fan.

To put it bluntly, this girl hasn't come to see Meng Fan for a long time.

Because as Meng Fan's cultivation became stronger and stronger, she felt more and more pressure, and felt that the distance from Meng Fan was getting farther and farther, so she was too embarrassed to look for Meng Fan again.

After all, only friends with similar strengths can be in the same circle.

If the gap is too big, it will only get further and further apart.

Unless, instead of being friends, the relationship is more intimate.

Liu Yanping and Meng Fan can only be regarded as ordinary friends, and their relationship is not very close.

"Senior Brother Meng, the sect has released a training mission. There are disciples of the Ghost Shadow Sect in Kongyue Town who are practicing magic and harming the people. Let us kill those disciples of the Ghost Shadow Sect. I am going to participate in this mission. Are you interested? "

Liu Yanping came to invite Meng Fan to participate in this training mission because she knew that Meng Fan was very strong. If Meng Fan participated, this training trip would be guaranteed.

This girl has changed the title of Meng Fan from Junior Brother to Senior Brother.

There was nothing she could do, Meng Fan was so much better than her now, she really had no shame in calling herself senior sister anymore.

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