After hearing what Mr. Lin said, Meng Fan nodded.

Since Mr. Lin said there would be no life-threatening danger, then there definitely wouldn't be.

Meng Fan believed 100% in Mr. Lin.

"By the way, Master, I haven't used the sword seal you gave me before." Meng Fan took out the sword seal and said to Elder Lin.

Mr. Lin glanced at the sword mark and said with a smile: "This thing is somewhat useful against others, but against Li Sansi, it's just scratching an itch and is useless!"

"Master, how powerful is the sword energy in this sword seal, and what level of monks can it deal with? Once this is clarified, the disciple can have confidence in his heart to avoid wasting this sword seal." Meng Fan faced Lin Lao asked.

Last time when Mr. Lin gave him this sword seal, he only said that it could deal with the Ye family, and it would not be difficult to defeat the Ye family.

But Meng Fan really didn't know how powerful it was.

Only by asking clearly can you find the most suitable opportunity to use this sword seal.

Since Meng Fan asked, Mr. Lin naturally wouldn't hide it, and there was nothing to hide.

"The sword energy in this sword seal, if activated and used, is about as powerful as a blow from a monk who has just entered the realm of Yuanshen. It is almost as powerful as it comes and goes!"

Meng Fan was shocked when he heard what Mr. Lin said.

This was much stronger than he imagined, more than a little bit.

The strongest head of the Ye family, Ye Yuanfeng, Ye Qingyu's grandfather, was only at the ninth level of the Dan Condensation level.

All Mr. Lin needs to do is create a sword energy that is comparable to the state of attracting gods, and he can walk sideways in the Ye family.

As a result, it turned out to be a sword energy comparable to that of a monk in the Yuanshen realm!

It's such a luxury.

Meng Fan was slightly moved in his heart. He understood that it was because Mr. Lin cared about him that he would casually create such a strong sword energy, fearing that he would be in danger.

However, if you think about it this way, isn't Mr. Lin too strong?

Sealing a sword energy casually is comparable to a move from the Yuanshen realm.

"Master, if you activate the sword god in the Red Sheep Sword, what level of power can it unleash?" Meng Fan then asked.

Mr. Lin shook his head and said: "I can't say for sure, it depends on the situation, but there will definitely be no problem in dealing with your uncle Li Sansi."

Since Mr. Lin was unwilling to elaborate, Meng Fan stopped asking further.

After a while, he returned to the first floor of the sword pavilion and continued practicing.

In fact, Meng Fan could probably guess that when Mr. Lin asked him to go to Li Sansi to retrieve the Wind and Thunder Sword, he actually prepared it for himself.

A Tao sword that fits the Pure Yang Transformation Thunder Scripture. After getting this sword back, Mr. Lin will definitely pass it on to Meng Fan.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Liu Yanping came to Jiange as scheduled and called Meng Fan to set off.

Meng Fan didn't have any ink stains, so he didn't need to pack anything. He stuffed a few sets of clothes into his clothes and left the Jiange directly.

"Senior Brother Meng, this is Yang Shishi, also a disciple participating in this training mission." Next to Liu Yanping, there was a girl who looked to be about twenty years old, about the same age as Meng Fan.

However, his level is much different from Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was at the sixth level of Tianyuan, while she was at the sixth level of Zhenwu.

In fact, Liu Yanping's cultivation level is even worse, only the fifth level of Zhenwu!

I think back then, Liu Yanping’s level was much higher than Meng Fan’s.

This is probably because things in the world are fickle and unpredictable.

"Hello, Senior Brother Meng, I am Yang Shishi." Yang Shishi greeted Meng Fan.

"Hello." Meng Fan nodded to Yang Shishi.

Liu Yanping brought a "teammate" over, which was not too surprising to him.

It would be unusual for Liu Yanping to go on this kind of training mission alone.

With only one teammate, Meng Fan considered it too little.


If there are too many people, he will get annoyed even if he doesn't say anything.

"Let's go." Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping.

Then he walked in front of Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi, heading down the mountain.

Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi quickly followed Meng Fan, fearing that they would be left behind.

Yang Shishi whispered to Liu Yanping: "Pingping, you only told me that you called me a senior who has a strong cultivation level, but why didn't you say that this senior is so handsome?"


Liu Yanping glanced at Meng Fan's back subconsciously.

He seems quite handsome.

"What's there to say about this? So what if he's handsome?" Liu Yanping rolled her eyes at Yang Shishi.

Yang Shishi said helplessly: "If I had known that Senior Brother Meng was so handsome, I would have definitely dressed up carefully. First impression is very important."

When Liu Yanping heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes.

She took out a bronze mirror from the storage ring and handed it to Yang Shishi.

Yang Shishi smiled bitterly, shook her head and said, "It's too late to dress up now."

Liu Yanping said angrily: "I want you to look in the mirror and gain some self-awareness!"

Yang Shishi said angrily: "Am I ugly?"

She thinks that even if she is not beautiful, she is definitely a beauty.

Of course, in Liu Yanping's view, the three words "self-thinking" are very essential...

Meng Fan walked in front, slightly helpless.

Since the two girls behind are whispering, can't they stay away from me?

Is this looking down on my own hearing?

He speeded up slightly, preparing to keep a little distance from the two girls.

I really didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but his body is just too strong!

Soon, a group of three people left the Shushan Sword Sect and then left the Shushan area.

Meng Fan rented a carriage and got directly into the carriage.

When he and Ye Qingyu traveled before, they were too lazy to drive, and now they were naturally too lazy to be a driver.

After all, it was Liu Yanping who invited him out this time.

In the end, Liu Yanping drove the car and became the driver.

Yang Shishi was sitting in the carriage with Meng Fan. This girl was obviously very reserved, a little embarrassed, and shy.

Meng Fan had no interest in her, so he simply closed his eyes and started practicing.

Yang Shishi looked at Meng Fan with her eyes closed, feeling slightly embarrassed. She moved her mouth, wanting to strike up a conversation with Meng Fan, but she didn't know what to say.

Finally, I reluctantly gave up.

Because Meng Fan gave her an inexplicable pressure along the way, so she didn't have the courage to talk to Meng Fan.

Fortunately, Meng Fan closed his eyes and practiced, otherwise she felt that she would be even more embarrassed.

After a while, she opened the car curtain and simply came out to drive with Liu Yanping.

Although there was a handsome guy in the carriage, his personality was a bit cold, so she felt more comfortable with Liu Yanping.

"What's wrong? You're riding in the same car with the handsome Senior Brother Meng. Shouldn't you be happy to miss Shu? Why did you come out to look for me?" Liu Yanping curled her lips at Yang Shishi.

Yang Shishi quickly put her index finger to her mouth, signaling Liu Yanping to be silent.

"Keep your voice down, Senior Brother Meng can hear you." She put her mouth against Liu Yanping's ear and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito's hum.

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