Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 206: How can a man be a good man and a woman of faith?

Meng Fan smiled to himself.

The person who can single-handedly defeat the Shushan Sword Sect has probably not yet been born in this world.

In the future, he probably won’t be born either!

The Shushan Sword Sect is too strong, no matter in terms of foundation or hard power, it cannot be shaken by one or two people.

If multiple top sects join forces, there is still some hope of defeating the Shushan Sword Sect.

Trying to level Shushan with one person's power is sheer nonsense!

Even if a true immortal comes, it will not be possible.

"Dan Sword Immortal Ye Lingyun. Adding the word "dan" before "Sword Immortal" gives people a very gentle feeling, but in fact this is an illusion!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself that he would destroy other sects at the slightest disagreement, not even caring about the old, weak, sick and disabled, and massacre them all...

How could such a person be a good man and a believer?

Meng Fan put away the Shuihan Sword and continued to wipe the long sword. This was only the eighth sword. Of the ten swords he took out, two of them had not absorbed the sword's essence.

After absorbing the sword origins of the ten spiritual swords, he began to continue practicing.

He did not absorb all the sword origins of more than a hundred spiritual swords in one go, but kept them for future use.

The time of cultivation is actually very fast and does not feel long.

The sun was setting in the west and it was getting late. Meng Fan frowned slightly when he saw that Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi had not yet returned.

Under normal circumstances, these two girls would go out to investigate the news, and they would definitely come back when it gets dark.

"Either they have found clues and can't leave now, or something happened to them!" Meng Fan murmured to himself, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

Although he didn't go with these two girls, it didn't mean that he didn't care about their safety.

If he didn't care, he wouldn't have come to Kongyue Town.

"It would be nice if they found a clue, so that they can solve the problem on the first day here and save me trouble." Meng Fan got off the bed and left the room.

He wanted to see what was going on with those two girls. It would be best if he could find the disciple of the Ghost Shadow Sect and kill them all.

Kongyue Town is not a big place. It is not difficult for Meng Fan to find someone in this town!

Now if his consciousness is spread out at full strength, he can cover a distance of about one hundred meters in a radius just to find someone.

One hundred meters may not sound like a large range, but moving five times is one mile.

After a stick of incense, Meng Fan had scanned the entire Kong Yue Town with his spiritual consciousness, but found no trace of Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi.

"Leaving the town?" Meng Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

It's getting dark today, why are these two girls running out of town?

He gave a slight wry smile, he seemed to be too lenient!

If it were me, when I came out to investigate information, I would definitely go wherever I wanted. Who said that I could only investigate in the town?

"Unfortunately, my spiritual consciousness is still too weak. If I cultivate my spiritual soul, I can scan the entire town with a single thought."

Even outside the town, divine consciousness can cover a long distance, making it easy to find people!

But with Meng Fan's current strength of consciousness, finding someone outside the town is no worse than finding a needle in a haystack.

"It stands to reason that by practicing Xihuang Guanyin, my spiritual consciousness has far surpassed that of monks at the same level. How did that guy Wu Tian develop his spiritual consciousness to be so strong?"

When Meng Fan thought about his spiritual consciousness, he thought of Wu Tian, ​​an abandoned Buddhist disciple. This kid was also in the Tianyuan realm. Why was his spiritual consciousness so much stronger than his own?

You have to pry it out of that guy's mouth when you go back and see if you can pry something out.

Meng Fan walked out of Kongyue Town and continued to look for the two girls Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi.

Fortunately, he is a monk with spiritual consciousness, so it is much easier to find people than ordinary people.

His consciousness has been covering a distance of a hundred meters around him, and then he moves quickly, which is somewhat efficient in finding people.

After a stick of incense, he had already circled Kong Yuezhen and scanned the surrounding ten miles with his spiritual consciousness, but still found no trace of Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi.

Where did these two girls go?

Meng Fan was a little helpless, why did he go so far?

"Hongqi!" Meng Fan called.

The next second, Hong Qi's shadow suddenly appeared in front of Meng Fan.

Hong Qijian and Meng Fan have almost reached the point where their minds are connected.

"Help me find where those two girls went!" Meng Fan said to Hong Qi.

"Yes, Master." Hongqi said nothing and got back into the Hongqi sword.

Then the Hongqi Sword turned into a thunderbolt, soared into the sky, and shot towards the distance.

There is a saying that Hongqi Sword is much faster than Meng Fan.

As for Hongqi, although she is a spirit body, her spiritual consciousness is actually stronger than that of Meng Fan.

Much stronger!

So Meng Fan was too lazy to look for Yang Shishi and Liu Yanping, so he gave this task to Hong Qi.

Although Meng Fan can also fly with a sword, it is an extreme operation and consumes too much money, so it is not worth it!

After only half a stick of incense, there was a huge wave of lightning speeding towards Meng Fan from the horizon.

The Red Sword is back!

"Master, we found it." Hong Qi's shadow appeared on Hong Qi's sword, giving the impression of flying with a sword.

"How are they two?" Meng Fan asked.

"They were caught, and nothing happened for the time being. The person who caught them seems to be someone from the Ghost Shadow Sect. However, the news is wrong. There is not just one person from the Ghost Shadow Sect here. I saw six of them!" Hong Qi said to Meng Fan said.

"Lead the way." Meng Fan said calmly.

It was really peaceful, with no feeling of anger or dissatisfaction.

Although these two girls were arrested, they are fine as long as they are fine.

Moreover, these two girls were able to find people from the Ghost Shadow Sect in such a short period of time, which quite surprised Meng Fan, and they were considered quite capable.

At least it saves Meng Fan time, and he can solve the problem today!

Originally he thought he would spend a few days in Kongyue Town, but now it seems that he can finish the work tonight.

After half a stick of incense, Meng Fan followed Hong Qijian to a valley.

There were six tents set up in the valley.

"The masters, Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi, are in the second tent on the left.

In addition to the three people outside the tent, there are two people inside the first tent on the right, and one person inside the third tent on the right.

The one in the third tent with the highest cultivation level is Zhenwu..."

"I know!" Meng Fan interrupted Hong Qi directly.

There are only six monks in the true martial arts realm. Is it worth wasting so much time?

At the same time, Yang Shishi and Liu Yanping were squatting in the corner with their hands and feet tied up in the tent, their faces dejected.

"I'm sorry, Shishi, it's all my fault. After finding the traces of the Ghost Shadow Sect disciples, I should have gone back to find Senior Brother Meng for help."

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