Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 225: Killing people and killing people is simply too much!

"In that case, please tell me first, why is the soul I cultivated weaker than others? What are the flaws?" Meng Fan began to ask the old monk.

Meng Fan felt that the old monk had been worn down to the point where he had endured it.

As for the cooperation and transactions mentioned by the old monk, we can also start to consider them.

First, you have to figure out what is wrong with your soul.

When the old monk saw that Meng Fan finally started to relax, he felt relieved.

Although this boy is not old, he is really rich and hard to fool.


"You can cultivate your soul through the magic power left in Lao Na's relic. Of course, you will make rapid progress and reach the sky in one step.

But the magic power in the relics is actually defective. It has been many years since Lao Na died. Although the magic power in the relics still exists, the spirituality in the relics has gradually disappeared!

It may be difficult for you to understand this. I can use an analogy:

If mana is compared to a human being, normal mana is a living person, while mana without spiritual power in the relic is a corpse.

If these non-spiritual magic powers are absorbed by you and cultivated into a divine soul, then your divine soul will naturally be defective.

As for the solution, it is to re-inject the spirituality of mana into your soul!

Even if you have enough spirituality, you can continue to practice with the help of the magic power in the relics, and there will no longer be any drawbacks and shortcomings. "

The old monk talked a lot in one breath, in a clear and coherent manner, and explained the whole story clearly in an instant.

Meng Fan nodded. The old monk's words were very reasonable, and in this case, there was no need for the old monk to deceive himself with such things.

What's more, you only need to test it to find out whether it is true or false.

"What exactly is this spirituality you are talking about?" Meng Fan asked, grabbing the point of the question.

"Spirituality is spirituality, and it is part of the magic power of us Buddhists." The old monk explained helplessly.

This kind of issue involving in-depth professionalism cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

"Then why is there no problem for Wu Tian to use the magic power in the relics to cultivate his soul? Doesn't he have such shortcomings?"

Until this moment, Meng Fan was still thinking that Wu Tian's soul was stronger than his own, and he felt resentful.

Finally, he continued: "Don't say you are helping Wu Tian, ​​you are not such a selfless person at all, and as far as I know, Wu Tian doesn't even know you exist!"

The old monk was slightly embarrassed. He had repeatedly promised to help Wu Tian before, but here he was exposed mercilessly by Meng Fan.

But I have been embarrassed so many times just now, and I seem to have gotten used to it.

I have to say, I seem to have thickened my skin!

"Wu Tian is a disciple of Buddhism. Although his realm is low and he has no magic power, the Buddhist Qi he cultivates also contains spirituality.

In fact, after he cultivated the divine soul, his cultivation level has hardly improved, and his cultivation speed has dropped a lot!

In the final analysis, the spirituality cultivated is absorbed by the soul.

The shortcomings of his soul were made up for, but his cultivation speed was greatly reduced and he was dragged down. "

Meng Fan nodded. Although this was a bit far-fetched, it was also very reasonable. He chose to believe the old monk.

Of course, the main reason is that he doesn't care much about whether Wu Tian has any problems.

He cares more about his own problems!

"How to obtain spirituality?" Meng Fan asked.

The old monk talked eloquently: “If you want to gain spirituality, you have to practice Buddhist techniques.

As for you, practicing Buddhist techniques is simply not worth the gain, takes a long time, and is extremely inefficient.

After all, you are now a monk at the sixth level of Tianyuan, and are about to reach the realm of condensation.

If you were to practice a new volume of Buddhist techniques, it would be too difficult to catch up with the current progress.

It is even more difficult to extract spirituality from it! "

Meng Fan looked at the old monk calmly and said, "So?"

"So, I can help you provide spirituality. As long as you provide me with spiritual stones, I can provide you with the spirituality I cultivated!"

The old monk said with excitement.

"Finished?" Meng Fan nodded.

Seeing that Meng Fan's attitude suddenly seemed a little strange, the old monk was a little confused and nodded: "That's it."

"That's it, you can leave." Meng Fan looked calm.

Old monk:...

The sudden confusion made him unable to react.

After a moment, he carefully asked in a low voice: "This...donor, didn't we agree to cooperate? Why did you change your mind again?"

He is a dignified and eminent monk who almost succeeded in overcoming the tribulation and ascended to the immortal world.

At this moment, I am humbled to the dust!

Before, he felt that he was humble enough, humble to the extreme.

As it turns out, there is no humblest, only humbler.

Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just asked you to make it clear before, but I didn't promise you to cooperate."

"But this is a matter of win-win and mutual benefit. What's wrong with cooperating with me? Why don't you cooperate with me?" The old monk's voice was trembling, and he was so angry that he was furious.

If he wasn't already dead, he might really be mad to death!

Meng Fan shook his head and said: "Compared to cooperating with you, I would rather practice a volume of Buddhist techniques again, even if the progress is slow, just spend more time.

By cooperating with you, you silently accumulate strength and become stronger. If one day you suddenly want to seize me again, wouldn't I be asking for trouble and death? "

He was like a mirror in his mind, how could he make such a mistake?

What's more, he has always been cautious and steady.

Why take the risk when there is a safer path to take?

Isn’t it just practicing Buddhist techniques?

Isn't it just slower?

He is not in a hurry!

Anyway, he usually practices very quickly, so he doesn't miss this amount of time.

" are kidding me..." The old monk was once again so angry that he could not speak.

If it weren't for the weakness of his remnant soul, there really would be nothing he could do against Meng Fan. As long as he had the ability to die with Meng Fan at this moment, he would not hesitate.


Destroy it! ! !

Hong Qi, who was beside Meng Fan, shook her head slightly, with a bit of unbearable expression on her face. She suddenly felt that this old monk was so pitiful.

However, poor people must be hateful and not worthy of pity.

Her shadow disappeared and returned to the Hongqi Sword.

There was no use staying here anyway, and she still felt a faint sense of pity. She was afraid that if she continued reading, she would be unable to help but plead for the old monk.

This kind of thing must not be done, so she decisively returned to the Hongqi Sword!

Meng Fan was not as soft-hearted as Hong Qi. He looked at the old monk coldly, his face expressionless and his heart as solid as a rock.



After all, this old monk wanted to take away his own body before.

"Old monk, don't think I'm cruel. Put yourself in others' shoes and think about it from another perspective. I believe if you were me, you wouldn't take this risk!" Meng Fan said ruthlessly.

There is nothing wrong with this at all.

The old monk looked at Meng Fan with surprise, anger, despair, murderous intent, and madness in his eyes...

In the end, these complex emotions converged into the last emotion.



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