This child named Ergou looks basically exactly the same as the child named Lin Jinghong in Jian Sha's previous memory.

The previous Lin Jinghong was a disciple of the Fengyun Demon Sect and was sent to the Shushan Sword Sect as an undercover agent.

Since this Lin Jinghong has the same name as the leader and looks similar to Senior Brother Jin, until now, Meng Fan is not sure who is the undercover agent of Fengyun Demon Cult.

We can only hope that it is not the headmaster, otherwise, it would be too outrageous!

How absurd and outrageous is it to go undercover and become the head of the Shushan Sword Sect?

You know, in terms of true strength, Shushan Sword Sect is stronger than Fengyun Demon Sect.

If the leader is really an undercover agent, does the Fengyun Demon Sect still have the qualifications and ability to order the leader?

And if Senior Brother Jin is an undercover agent...

Well, that's okay.

There are so many senior brothers who can cure metal!

"A child looks almost exactly like the young Lin Jinghong. Is this a coincidence?" Meng Fan frowned and murmured to himself.

Meng Fan had seen the memory of young Lin Jinghong's Sword Demon, so he could be sure that this child was not that young Lin Jinghong.

"It's interesting. I feel like after reading this memory of the sword demon, I should be able to unravel a few mysteries."

Thinking of this, Meng Fan shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Many times, the more you know, the quicker you die.

But these secrets are being stuffed into my mind, what can I do?

He can't knock himself out at this time, he doesn't have the habit of self-mutilation!

Meng Fan collected his thoughts and continued to watch the memory of the sword demon.

In my memory, this boy named Ergou spent his days eating, drinking, having fun, and occasionally practicing swordplay.

The [Mushu Sword] in Ergou's hands at this moment is just an ordinary wooden sword. It is only for fun and has no lethality at all.

The time in Jian Sha's memory passed very quickly.

Soon, the boy was already ten years old.

In these memories, Meng Fan only saw Ergou and his mother.

Ergou's mother, everyone calls her Susu, but they don't know what her real name is.

As for Ergou’s name, I don’t even know. Everyone calls him Ergou.

Then Ergou's father never appeared in this memory.

This day is Ergou's tenth birthday.

Ergou's uncle, whom he has not seen for many years, came to celebrate his birthday.

Meng Fan learned that Ergou's uncle was named Jin Zheng, and he also learned the full name of Ergou's mother, Jin Susu.

The most important thing is that Meng Fan heard Ergou's name from Uncle Ergou's mouth.

Jin Mantang!

When he heard the name, Meng Fan was not too shocked because he had basically guessed it.

Because this Ergou looks similar to young Lin Jinghong, and young Lin Jinghong has a vague resemblance to Senior Brother Jin between his eyebrows.

"Er Gou is now Senior Brother Jin of the Shushan Sword Sect!" Meng Fan murmured.

"That young man Lin Jinghong is no longer Senior Brother Jin. He can basically be identified as the leader!"

Thinking of this, Meng Fan felt a little heavy in his heart.

Although he basically confirmed the secret, he was determined to keep the secret in his stomach and tell no one.

Perhaps he is the only one in the world who knows this secret!

If he is exposed and the leader wants to kill him, even Mr. Lin may not be able to save him!

Although Mr. Lin is strong, he should not be the opponent of the leader, and Mr. Lin himself has said that he is not the opponent of the leader.

"I always say that Senior Brother Jin is a Shushan PHS and knows all the news, haha!"

"Now it seems that as I come into contact with more and more memories of Sword Demon, I am the real Shushan PHS. Many secrets that have been buried long ago may be revealed by me!"

“Whether this kind of thing is a blessing or a curse, I really can’t tell!”

"But as long as I keep my mouth shut enough and let these secrets rot in my stomach, then it will only be a blessing, not a curse!"

Meng Fan continued to watch the memories.

Ergou's uncle Jin Zheng only stayed here for one day and left overnight without staying.

Just when Meng Fan thought his memory was about to jump again, someone unexpected appeared.

That night, a figure appeared outside the window of Ergou's room.

He stood outside the window, quietly looking at Ergou in the room, saying nothing, just watching silently.

When Meng Fan saw this man's face, his breathing became rapid again.

Because this person also looks familiar!

Lin Jinghong.

It's not the young man Lin Jinghong, but the leader Lin Jinghong.

The appearance of young Lin Jinghong is not similar to that of the leader.

But the man outside the window looks very similar to the leader, except that he is obviously much younger.

There is a high probability that this is the leader when he was young!

Meng Fan's brain was racing and his thoughts were active.

If he guessed correctly, young Lin Jinghong is the leader Lin Jinghong.

After Lin Jinghong joined the Shushan Sword Sect, he should have used some method to change his original appearance.

So the appearance of young Lin Jinghong and the leader are not similar!

"If this is the case, senior brother Jin and young Lin Jinghong look so similar, and the leader is here now..."

"Could it be that Senior Brother Jin is the son of the leader?"

This guess is very reasonable and well-founded.

There's one more secret to keep!

Meng Fan was helpless.

This kind of secret, even Senior Brother Jin, the person involved, he didn't dare to tell.

"Then the question is, if Senior Brother Jin is really the son of the leader, does Senior Brother Jin himself know about this?"

You know, you have to continue looking at the memory.

If the leader and Senior Brother Jin know each other, then Senior Brother Jin will naturally know.

If the leader had not shown up, left directly, and continued to hide, then maybe even to this day, Senior Brother Jin might not know about it.

"But what does this have to do with me? Why am I so gossipy and excited?" Meng Fan smiled bitterly, feeling a little

The memory continued, the leader kept looking out the window and did not enter the house.

It wasn't until the sky turned slightly white and the first ray of morning sun appeared that the leader turned around and left.

"There is no recognition, the leader is hiding this matter!"

Then, as soon as the leader left, Meng Fan saw a beautiful figure and chased after him. It was Senior Brother Jin's mother, Jin Susu.

If Senior Brother Jin is the son of the leader, then this Jin Susu is the wife of the leader.

The memory screen continues and starts to jump.

The memory of this sword evil is mainly based on the Mushu sword.

Even if Meng Fan wanted to chase after Jin Susu and see what happened to the leader, it would be impossible.

Because Mu Shujian doesn’t have this memory at all!

Then the memory moved quickly, and soon Ergou became an adult, and he vowed to take part in the assessment of the Shushan Sword Sect.

His dream is to become a swordsman, to fight for justice and kill demons.

Ergou's mother did not agree with Ergou going to Shushan Sword Sect, so Ergou found an opportunity to secretly run away from home and go to Shushan.

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