Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 235: I don’t have a woman in my heart, I’m so good at practicing swordsmanship!

When Ye Qingyu arrived, he happened to see Liu Yehan and Meng Fan competing.

It was said to be a sparring match, but from the moment Liu Yehan took out the sword, to the moment the sword returned from Meng Fan, it flew past Liu Yehan's scalp.

It all adds up to nothing more than a matter of seconds, like lightning!

"If Senior Brother Meng had no sense of propriety, you would be a corpse now." Ye Qingyu said coldly as soon as he came in.

Except for Meng Fan and Yang Shishi, everyone else here is a disciple of the Alchemy Hall.

Liu Yehan and Liu Changyuan were both very familiar with Ye Qingyu and knew Ye Qingyu's cold temperament.

So although these words were not flattering, Liu Yehan did not refute Ye Qingyu.


Ye Qingyu actually called Meng Fan his senior brother?

Liu Yehan and Liu Changyuan looked at each other, both seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Because Ye Qingyu, as the darling daughter of the alchemy hall, has always set her sights higher than the top and is looked down upon by everyone.

Now she actually takes the initiative to call a Shushan disciple on the sixth level of Tianyuan as senior brother?

What Meng Fan didn't expect was that just because of Ye Qingyu's name, his image would suddenly become much taller in the eyes of the brothers Liu Yehan and Liu Changyuan!

"Senior Sister Ye, why are you here?" Liu Changyuan quickly walked up to Ye Qingyu and asked in surprise.

There was also a hint of surprise in the surprise.

Meng Fan looked at this scene, and with just one sentence, he could already feel the scent of a licking dog.

Unfortunately, based on his understanding of Ye Qingyu, this kind of woman couldn't lick her hard.

This Liu Changyuan is destined to end sadly!

"I came here to ask Senior Brother Meng to teach me about swordsmanship." Ye Qingyu said to Liu Changyuan very coldly.

Although his attitude was extremely cold, Liu Changyuan's eyes clearly showed a hint of excitement when he saw Ye Qingyu replying to him.

Meng Fan saw this and sighed calmly.

There is no woman in my heart, but I can be great at practicing swordsmanship!

It seems that Liu Changyuan is not easy to give guidance to, and it will probably take more time and energy.

On the other side, Liu Yehan picked up the sword that fell on the ground, but he didn't pay too much attention to Ye Qingyu.

Just because of Ye Qingyu's reaction, he looked at Meng Fan more solemnly.

"Junior Brother Meng, if I read it correctly just now, you should also be using the Aurora Sword Technique, and you have already perfected the sword technique.

I didn’t expect that Junior Brother Meng had also practiced laser swordsmanship. No wonder Yan Ping came to me!

A gentleman says that a horse is hard to catch, but he is willing to admit defeat.

As long as Junior Brother Meng can teach me how to cultivate the Aurora Sword, I am willing to give out two thousand spiritual stones. "

Meng Fan immediately smiled, extremely happy.

Originally it was just a deal for a thousand spiritual stones, but with just a few words, it turned into two thousand.

This money is so easy to earn!

"Easy to say, easy to say." Meng Fan said with a smile on his face.

Ye Qingyu glanced at Liu Yehan, and then said to Meng Fan: "Senior Brother Meng, as the saying goes, first come, first served. You already started to give me guidance yesterday, so you should give me guidance first today, right?"

She wanted to be the first to receive advice, finish things early, and leave early.

This girl is a bit unsociable and doesn't like to be around many people.

Meng Fan shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I've seen Liu Yehan's swordsmanship, but I haven't seen Liu Changyuan's swordsmanship yet. I'll take a look at his swordsmanship first. After reading it, I'll give you some pointers first!"

Of course Liu Changyuan has no problem. Even Liu Yehan, his cousin on the ninth level of Tianyuan, was defeated. What opinion can he have?

What's more, Senior Sister Ye seems to respect Meng Fan, so he will naturally not be rude to Meng Fan in the slightest.

He quickly said to Meng Fan: "Senior Brother Meng, I have been practicing the "Spring Thunder Sword Technique" recently, but I have not been able to master the sword intention and have been turned away."

The swordsmanship he practiced was naturally not limited to the "Spring Thunder Swordsmanship".

There is a "Fire Sword Technique" that he has already mastered to master the sword skill, but it is too far away from the sword skill, so he doesn't even dare to ask Meng Fan to guide him to master the sword skill.

So at this time, he only dared to mention the "Spring Thunder Sword Technique" and did not dare to mention the "Flame Sword Technique".

Because cultivating sword intent is much easier than cultivating sword power.

After he mentioned the sword power, he failed to cultivate it in the end and was embarrassed in front of Ye Qingyu.

It is worth mentioning that when he first practiced the "Fire Sword Technique", it was because Ye Qingyu practiced this sword technique that he secretly learned it.

It's a pity that Ye Qingyu never looked at him twice and never paid attention to him!

"Practice the Spring Thunder Sword Technique first and show me." Meng Fan said to Liu Changyuan.

"Spring Thunder Sword Technique", he had seen it in the Sutra Pavilion.

Because he had practiced the "Thunder Sword Technique" given to him by Mr. Lin, he only took a second look at the "Spring Thunder Sword Technique" in the Sutra Pavilion.

Speaking of which, Thunder Sword Technique is much stronger than Spring Thunder Sword Technique. After all, Thunder Sword Technique is already close to the Heavenly Grade sword technique.

A moment later, Liu Changyuan had already practiced the Spring Thunder sword technique.

Meng Fan smiled and said: "This business of yours is the simplest. Go ahead and prepare five hundred spirit stones."

Liu Yanping and Meng Fan had agreed before that it would take 500 spiritual stones to cultivate Sword Intent, and 1,000 Spiritual Stones to cultivate Sword Strength.

"Ah?" Liu Changyuan was stunned for a moment. Meng Fan's sudden words made him a little unable to react.

Meng Fan patiently continued to explain: "Your request is too simple. Today I will be able to teach you how to cultivate sword intent, so I want you to prepare spiritual stones first!"

"How is that possible?" Liu Changyuan looked at Meng Fan in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He knows his own situation best, how could he master sword intent in one day?

He doesn't deserve it!

Liu Yanping quickly pinched the fat around Liu Changyuan's waist and said angrily: "Just do whatever I ask you to do. Can Senior Brother Meng still lie to you?"

She felt ashamed that her brother was so worthless and had never seen the world.

"But..." Liu Changyuan frowned and looked at his sister, wanting to say something else.

"No buts!" Liu Yanping glared at Liu Changyuan.

"Okay." Liu Changyuan succumbed to his sister's power.

To be honest, it is quite rare for a brother to be afraid of his sister!

Liu Yanping glanced at her brother and asked with some suspicion: "You don't have any spiritual stones, do you?"

Liu Changyuan immediately blushed and said quickly: "How is that possible? It's just five hundred spirit stones."

This expression is obvious!

Liu Yanping knew this brother very well.

There are not even five hundred spiritual stones, so miserable!

When no one was paying attention, she secretly gave Liu Changyuan five high-grade spiritual stones to save her brother's face.

But what she didn't know was that his little actions completely caught Meng Fan's eyes.

To be honest, Meng Fan didn't expect this at all.

It is said that daughters should be raised rich and sons should be raised poor, but isn’t the gap between rich and poor too big?

Meng Fan sighed in his heart and pretended not to see this scene to save some face for this poor brother.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think that if he had children in the future, he must achieve equality between men and women!

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