Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 241: Brother Meng, There’s No Need for Such a Big Show

In the morning, Meng Fan continued to practice in the Qianjun Falling Formation at Siguo Cliff as usual.

It has to be said that Meng Fan is still very determined.

When it was time to practice, these trivial matters could not affect his practice at all.

At noon, Meng Fan came to Liu Yanping's yard.

In fact, he arrived not too late, but Liu Changyuan, Liu Yehan, Yang Shishi and Ye Qingyu were already waiting for Meng Fan.

I have to say that these "disciples" still "respect their teachers and their teachings".

Meng Fan looked at the few people and said directly: "If you want to improve your swordsmanship, practicing hard is too inefficient. Only actual combat can quickly improve your swordsmanship.

These days, I have given you systematic and detailed guidance on your swordsmanship, and I have helped you fill in many of the flaws and loopholes.

Today, I am not going to give you any more verbal instructions, I want to take you to actual combat! "

After hearing Meng Fan's words, several people across from him were stunned.

This sudden change really caught them off guard!

"Actual combat? Senior Brother Meng, do you want us to learn from each other?" Ye Qingyu asked a little confused.

Meng Fan immediately shook his head and said: "The discussion between fellow disciples is of little significance to you. The actual battle I am talking about is a battle between life and death."

He paused, then looked at the four of them and said, "Among the four of you, is there any one who has never stained his hands with blood or killed anyone?"

After a moment, Meng Fan showed surprise on his face.

These four people have never killed anyone!

To be honest, this was beyond Meng Fan's expectation.

But soon, he realized that everyone was a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect, and three of them were disciples of the Alchemy Hall.

Killing is too far away from them.

In fact, theoretically, as a Shushan disciple, Meng Fan should have never killed anyone. But he encountered several accidents and not only killed people, but also killed more than one!

"This time, I am going to take you down the mountain, and the purpose of going down the mountain is to kill people!

Near the town of Jianyun, there are disciples of the Sky Eagle Demon Sect who are doing evil and killing the people.

The four of you must kill at least one disciple of the Sky Eagle Demon Sect to eliminate harm for the people.

Of course, if anyone is not used to it and feels they can’t do it, they can just quit, and I don’t need to take you down the mountain! "

Meng Fan spoke impassioned and high-sounding, but to put it bluntly, he just wanted to find a few thugs to do things for him.

But there is nothing wrong with what he said. Actual combat is the only criterion for testing swordsmanship.

What's more, these disciples of the Sky Eagle Demon Cult near Yanyun Town are all completely heartless and deserve to die!

The mission of Shushan disciples is to subjugate demons and eliminate evil spirits.

Moreover, even if they do not take action against the demon sect disciples who harm the common people, the Law Enforcement Hall of the Shushan Sword Sect will be dispatched to kill them.

"Actually, this is not murder, it is slaying demons!" Meng Fan continued to lie.

In the end, Liu Yehan, Liu Changyuan and Ye Qingyu were all ready to follow Meng Fan down the mountain to Yanyun Town.

Yang Shishi was grounded by her family for unknown reasons and was not allowed to leave Shushan.

Then Liu Yanping also made a fuss and wanted to follow, but Meng Fan refused directly and asked her to stay here to take care of Shu Changsheng.


Li Xuerou has been waiting here for a long time.

When Meng Fan came over with Ye Qingyu and the others, the girl showed a hint of surprise on her face.

"Brother, who are they?" Li Xuerou asked with a frown.

"Three of them, come with us to Yanyun Town to deal with those evil-doing disciples of the Sky Eagle Demon Cult." Meng Fan said casually to Li Xuerou without explaining much.

Li Xuerou didn't ask any more questions. There is strength in numbers, which is a good thing!

But she was very curious, when did her brother Meng Fan have so many experts around her?

From Li Xuerou's perspective, these three people are indeed considered masters.

One of them is in the same realm as her, and there are two others who are in a higher realm than her, and the specific realm cannot be discerned.

Not only Li Xuerou was surprised, Ye Qingyu and the other three were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that there would be one more person on this trip.

Although they were not familiar with Li Xuerou, they had heard about it.

After all, this girl is the leader of the younger generation in Shushan. She has a rare top-grade spiritual root, is amazingly talented, and her cultivation speed is indeed amazing!

Li Xuerou, this girl, does not stand out next to Meng Fan, but in fact she is the target of many disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Quite famous!

The three of them looked at each other in surprise.

From this tone, it seems like Li Xuerou is Meng Fan's sister?

I have to say, these brothers and sisters are really more evil than the other!

In the afternoon, a group of five people left Shushan and headed to Yanyun Town.

Kaiyun Town is three hundred miles away from Shushan Mountain.

Meng Fan was naturally too lazy to walk this distance.

After leaving Shushan, he rented two carriages.

Originally, she wanted to share a carriage with Li Xuerou and the other three in a carriage.

But Ye Qingyu didn't want to share a car with two grown men and insisted on squeezing into Meng Fan's car.

Meng Fan lacked a driver, and Ye Qingyu had more driving experience, so this girl naturally became the driver of his carriage.

Along the way, Liu Changyuan proposed more than once to drive for Ye Qingyu, but Ye Qingyu refused.

The humbleness of licking a dog!

Two days later, a group of five people successfully arrived at Yanyun Town.

Yuelai Inn!

Meng Fan met Lin Feilong of Wuji Sword Sect.

"Junior Brother Meng, Junior Sister Li, it's been a while!" Lin Feilong hurriedly greeted Meng Fan and Li Xuerou when he saw them in the inn lobby.

Meng Fan frowned subconsciously. The first time he saw Lin Feilong, he felt unhappy.

He couldn't remember whether Lin Feilong was older or younger than him.

But regardless of his age, this guy would always call him Junior Brother, which made Meng Fan completely unfavorable!

The most important thing is that Lin Feilong's cultivation is only at the fifth level of Tianyuan.

Where do you get the courage to call yourself junior brother or junior sister Li Xuerou?

Meng Fan was a small-minded person and didn't like to feel any grievance at all. He glanced at Liu Changyuan subconsciously.

This kid Liu Changyuan, although he and Liu Yanping are brothers and sisters, are much smarter than Liu Yanping.

As soon as Meng Fan looked over, Liu Changyuan understood the meaning in Meng Fan's eyes.

He stepped out quickly, walked in front of Meng Fan and the others, and said to Lin Feilong: "This junior brother of Wuji Sword Sect, his eyes seem not to be well? I don't know where you got the courage to call senior brother Meng junior brother?"

If Meng Fan said this himself, it would be too low, and it would appear that he is mean and cheap!

But if Liu Changyuan stood up and said it, there would be no problem.

After all, if a person is used to being a bitch, there is nothing wrong with letting him act like a bitch!

In this situation, Lin Feilong would only be embarrassed.

"We are just dealing with a few disciples of the Sky Eagle Demon Cult. Senior Brother Meng, we don't need such a big battle, right?" Lin Feilong said to Meng Fan awkwardly.

Meng Fan smiled.

"Perhaps, it's not just the Sky Eagle Demon Sect that we have to deal with!"

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