Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 243 [This is to subdue demons and eliminate demons]

Liu Changyuan and the other three couldn't understand Meng Fan's words at all.

But Li Xuerou understood!

A person who has cultivated the Supreme Heartless Sword Intention is not a good person in any way.

Li Xuerou immediately understood why Meng Fan had such a bad attitude towards Lin Feilong.

To be honest, after hearing the news, she also had no good impression of Lin Feilong.

The Supreme Heartless Sword is indeed an extremely vicious sword technique. Li Xuerou and Meng Fan have the same view on this.

Lin Feilong's practice of this kind of swordsmanship turned him, the man who wanted to slay a dragon, into an evil dragon.

"Senior Brother Meng, what are you talking about, and what is the Supreme Heartless Sword?" Liu Changyuan asked curiously.

"It's not important!" Meng Fan said casually, ignoring Liu Changyuan's question.

Wu Tian's thoughts on the side are relatively simple. In his thinking, isn't it normal to dislike someone?

What's there to get to the bottom of?

Since he is an unpleasant person, let alone telling him to get out, isn't it normal even to hack him to death?

"Senior Brother Meng, if you don't like that kid just now, I will help you kill him. As long as you give me ten thousand... uh, give me one thousand spiritual stones."

Ten thousand spirit stones, he was embarrassed to ask.

The kind of stuff just now is really not worthy of the price of 10,000 spirit stones!

Seeing that Meng Fan didn't respond, Wu Tian continued: "Five hundred is fine. As long as you have five hundred spirit stones, I can help you kill him!"

At this stage, not only Meng Fan is short of spiritual stones, but Wu Tian is also in short supply.

This kid is still obsessed with the Sword God Monument and wants to understand it again.

Unfortunately, it’s really too expensive!

Except for Meng Fan, the four people on the side looked at Wu Tian in surprise.

I find it a bit unbelievable. How can a great monk kill people just by talking about it?

They all said that I, the Buddha, was merciful and merciful, but they felt that this great monk was a bit unruly.

Admittedly, this feeling is correct. Is this guy Wu Tian more than just being dishonest?

"Wu Tian, ​​since you are here, I won't let you go. But you must remember that you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately here!" Meng Fan looked at Wu Tian with a serious face.

"If you kill someone indiscriminately, I will go back and tell Mr. Lin. You know exactly what punishment you will face!"

Wu Tian was sent to Jiange because he was too murderous.

Wu Tian's father also specifically asked Mr. Lin to take care of Wu Tian in this regard and "save and save" Wu Tian!

If Mr. Lin finds out about Wu Tian's indiscriminate killing of innocent people, the consequences will definitely be serious!

"Meng Fan, are you a man?

Snitching is extremely shameful and not something a man should do.

Besides, when you came down from the mountain, weren’t you just here to kill people?

Don't think I don't know! "

Wu Tian looked indignant.

To be honest, he hasn't killed anyone for a long time, and his hands are really itchy.

Especially with his newly developed swordsmanship, he really wanted to kill a few people to sacrifice his sword.

Meng Fan stared at Wu Tian with a solemn expression, and said in a serious tone: "We are here to kill the people of the Sky Eagle Demon Sect! If you kill the people of the Sky Eagle Demon Sect, I will not care about you, and I will not tell Mr. Lin ”

When Wu Tian heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "Okay, then I will kill the people of the Sky Eagle Demon Cult!"

In fact, the best choice is to tell Wu Tian not to kill people. After all, his father sent him to Jiange just to sharpen his murderous nature.

But this kid is here even though he is allowed to watch Meng Fan and others kill people, but he is not allowed to kill people himself.

If he did this, Meng Fan had a vague feeling that something would happen, something worse would happen.

It is better to open up than to block...

Just kill these bastards from the Sky Eagle Demon Sect.

[This is to subdue demons and eliminate demons]

Ye Qingyu, Li Xuerou, Liu Changyuan and Liu Yehan were all a little confused after hearing the conversation between Meng Fan and Wu Tian.

I feel that this person named Wu Tian is not a Buddhist, but a murderous demon!

Although they met Wu Tian for the first time, they were inexplicably afraid of Wu Tian.

"Brother, who is he?" Li Xuerou frowned slightly and asked Meng Fan.

"His name is Wu Tian. He is a new disciple of Jiange. You can just call him Junior Brother Wu!" Meng Fan introduced casually.

But these words made Wu Tian furious.

He said angrily: "Fart, call me junior brother, you have to beat me to be qualified! If any of you want to call me junior brother, you have to fight with the sword in my hand first!"

When Li Xuerou heard this, she ignored Wu Tian and chose to ignore it.

Liu Changyuan glanced at the fierce Wu Tian and said nothing. He could sense that Wu Tian was at the sixth level of Tianyuan like him.

But he was a little scared and felt that he could not be Wu Tian's opponent.

As for Ye Qingyu and Liu Yehan, they both looked at Wu Tian with some dissatisfaction, feeling that this boy was too arrogant!

However, Ye Qingyu had a cold temperament, so naturally he was too lazy to pay attention to Wu Tian.

Only Liu Yehan was a little unconvinced.

"Okay, I will challenge you. If you beat me, I will call you Senior Brother."

Wu Tian rushed to answer: "I keep my word. If you win, I will also call you senior brother!"

There is always some strange desire to win among men. In the eyes of Ye Qingyu and Li Xuerou, these are actually a bit childish.

Wu Tian and Liu Yehan came to the open space outside the inn. They drew swords and faced each other without any courtesy.

"After I mastered my self-created [Devil-Conquering Sword], I was worried that I didn't have a suitable opponent. That guy Meng Fan is too strong. I've been humiliating myself when I competed with him recently. I just want to gain confidence from you!"

When Liu Yehan heard this, he felt slightly angry.

He is a majestic sword cultivator at the ninth level of Tianyuan, who is only one step away from entering the realm of condensing pills, yet he is actually regarded as a tool?

From what Wu Tian said, this guy seemed to be Meng Fan's loser.

He admitted that he couldn't defeat Meng Fan, but how could he defeat a defeated opponent of Meng Fan's?

Two sword lights bloomed outside the inn.

Liu Yehan, who was on the ninth level of Tianyuan, was suppressed by Wu Tianmiao, who was on the sixth level of Tianyuan.

If Wu Tian hadn't been merciful, he could have cut off Liu Yehan's head with one sword.

"With your level, you still want to call me Master Buddha as your junior brother? Haha, you guys should just call me Master Buddha, Senior Brother Wu!" Wu Tian looked at Liu Yehan arrogantly, with a stern and extremely arrogant look on his face.

I have to say that after going down the mountain, I really swelled.

When he was in Jiange, he was like a younger brother, and he didn't even dare to bully Senior Brother Luo easily.

After going down the mountain, when I got here, I opened my mouth and closed my mouth. It was extremely swollen!

Meng Fan watched this scene quietly without saying anything.

After all, Wu Tian didn't dare to call himself Buddha in front of him, so he bullied Liu Yehan. After all, Wu Tian was considered a member of Jiange, so there was no need for him to help outsiders.

"Brother, why are the people around you more evil than the others?" Li Xuerou asked in shock after seeing Wu Tian's sword strike.

Masters like Liu Yehan and Ye Qingyu, who were on the ninth level of Tianyuan, just hung around Meng Fan.

Out of nowhere, another sixth-level Tianyuan-level monster appears, whose strength is already comparable to that of the Ningdan realm... a monster!

Is it true that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together?

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