Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 247: I kindly help you kill people, but you still yell at me

In fact, Meng Fan was the only one who was so thick-skinned. The rest of them were embarrassed to eat and drink in this situation.

Not long after, about an hour later, Wu Tian came back.

This kid's consciousness is much more powerful than Meng Fan's, and his soul is also flawless.

Even if Meng Fan were asked to find someone, the efficiency would actually be inferior to Wu Tian!

Therefore, Meng Fan was making the best use of his resources, and was not simply bullying Wu Tian.

"We have found them. These bastards have not left Yanyun Town and are hiding in a private house."

Wu Tian, ​​this kid, came back with another package in his hand and threw it directly on the table.

There is no doubt that the package inside must be a human head, still dripping with blood!

But this table is not a table in the room, but a dining table.

The table is filled with snacks and drinks!

Wu Tian threw the human head package up, which immediately affected Meng Fan's appetite.

However, Meng Fan took a deep breath, endured it, and did not argue with Wu Tian, ​​a silly boy.

After all, this kid just made a meritorious deed. You can't hang someone up and beat him up for such a trivial matter, right?

"Whose head is this? Didn't I ask you to stay alive?" Meng Fan said angrily.

Upon hearing the word "live", Wu Tian's expression suddenly froze, a little dazed, and then became extremely embarrassed.

This time, he really forgot!

He was so absorbed in the fight that he chopped them all to death and couldn't even think of leaving anyone alive.

Meng Fan felt an ominous premonition when he saw Wu Tian's expression.

He already knows Wu Tian relatively well!

"How many people have you killed?" Meng Fan asked, staring at Wu Tian.

At this moment, he doubted whether Wu Tian went on a killing spree and wiped out the rest of the Wuji Sword Sect, killing them all.

No, this kid shouldn't have that ability!

At least Wu Tian shouldn't be able to kill the Wuji Sword Sect's Ningdan.

"Not many were killed." Wu Tian said a little embarrassed.

He really couldn't remember the matter of keeping him alive. Once he killed him, he completely forgot about it!

Meng Fan opened the package on the table and revealed the human head inside.

Lin Feilong!

Seeing this head, Meng Fan breathed a sigh of relief. This proved that at least all the members of the Wuji Sword Sect were not dead.

If they were all dead, according to Wu Tian's character, what was wrapped in this package would definitely not be Lin Feilong's head, but the head of the monk who was in the realm of condensation!

"Senior Brother Meng, I see that you don't like this guy, so I brought his head back to you to drink for fun! How about it? Do you want to have two more drinks?" Wu Tian said while looking at the drinks on the table.

He picked up the wine bottle unscrupulously and took a breath into his mouth.

Seeing this, Liu Yehan asked Wu Tian in a low voice: "Senior Brother Wu, aren't monks allowed to drink alcohol?"

Wu Tian immediately rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Superficial! Who said that family members can't drink alcohol? Haven't you heard of [wine and meat pass through the intestines, but remain in the heart of the Buddha]?"

Liu Yehan shook his head helplessly, blaming himself for talking too much.

This guy named Wu Tian doesn't look like a serious monk at first glance, and he has nothing to say.

On the other side, Li Xuerou looked at Wu Tian coldly and said angrily: "We agreed to leave this guy to me to kill. Who told you to do it?"

Wu Tian immediately put down the wine bottle and stared at Li Xuerou, about to get angry.

Then when he thought that this was Meng Fan's sister, he quickly changed his face and said with a smile: "This kid doesn't know how to praise me. I really wanted to save his life, but he actually scolded you!

Even if you call me such a rough guy, I actually call you such a girl.

You don’t know how unpleasantly he scolded you at that time. I couldn’t hold it back anymore, so I chopped him to death with one sword! "

Wu Tian's excuse was really lame, and it was so fake that it was really hard for him.

Li Xuerou glared at Wu Tian fiercely and said nothing more.

If she continues to talk, it seems that she is unreasonable and does not know how to advance or retreat!

Meng Fan naturally ignored this, and continued to ask Wu Tian: "Don't change the subject, how many have you killed?"

Seeing that Wu Tian couldn't deal with it, he said honestly: "Five."

Killed six more?

Meng Fan's mouth twitched. He saw only twelve members of the Wuji Sword Sect yesterday!

I killed six before, and now I’ve killed five more.

Does that mean there's only one left?

The remaining one is, not surprisingly, the Condensing Pill from the Wuji Sword Sect!

Meng Fan glanced helplessly at Ye Qingyu and Liu Yehan, and said with a wry smile: "Originally, I wanted you to practice your swordsmanship with the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect, but now it seems there is no chance."

With only one Ningdan left, the two of them are no match at all and are not even qualified to practice swordsmanship.

Ye Qingyu and Liu Yehan are both alchemy masters. Although their cultivation has reached the ninth level of Tianyuan, even if the two of them join forces, they cannot compete with the alchemy at all.

After all, they are not pure sword cultivators, and their combat effectiveness is not great to begin with!

"There's only one left, where did he go?" Meng Fan continued to ask Wu Tian.

Wu Tian helplessly shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know about this either. I originally went for him, but in the end I only found a few other members of the Wuji Sword Sect, not the strongest one!"

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Meng Fan's mouth twitched.


Bear with me!

Be patient...

He raised his hand and blasted Wu Tian with sword energy, and said angrily: "Since you can't find it, why did you kill all those people and leave someone alive???"

Wu Tian blasted away Meng Fan's sword energy with an embarrassed look on his face, and said sheepishly: "I really forgot, it's really my fault. At worst, I will continue to help you find that bastard who escaped!"

At the same time, he felt a little aggrieved.

Lord Buddha, I kindly help you find someone, and I kindly help you kill people, but you still come to yell at me!

Meng Fan sighed helplessly and said dejectedly: "It's not your fault, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let you out."

Just before this, he thought he already knew Wu Tian very well.

Now it seems that I still don’t know this guy well enough!

Is killing people fun?

Can killing people be addicted?

How outrageous! ! !

How could there be such a person?

Meng Fan stood up helplessly and said to everyone: "Come out with me and let's search together to see if we can find the last surviving member of the Wuji Sword Sect."

After a pause, he stared at Wu Tiandao fiercely: "You stay!"

Wu Tian opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally held back.

Li Xuerou whispered to Meng Fan: "Brother, I think it's better for you to take him with you.

Although I don't have much contact with him, I feel that this person is very unreliable. If you leave him here alone, he will inevitably cause trouble.

It would be better to take him with you and watch in person! "

Meng Fan glanced at Li Xuerou, this statement was very reasonable.

"Your feelings are correct!"

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