Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 250: The Xiaoyao Divine Sword with Amazing Origin

Meng Fan admitted that if he saw several male corpses, he might not be so angry.

But seeing the corpses of these young girls lying here, and obviously being insulted, I was really angry.

The most important thing is that the body is left here without being disposed of, not even bothered to bury it, as if it is just thrown away as rubbish.

By killing so many young girls, there will be many more singles in this world.

Meng Fan, who was single in his previous life, really couldn't bear this!



Meng Fan seems to be single now...

"Are you Liu Chen?" Meng Fan looked at the man with white hair and black robes coldly and said in an extremely cold tone.

"You know my name, and you're here to die? No matter what your plans are, you'll end up dead!" Liu Chen looked at Meng Fan with cold eyes, and slowly walked off the bed.

He was not curious about Meng Fan, nor did he want to know why Meng Fan came, so he was too lazy to ask.

Because when he looks at you, all he needs to do is kill Meng Fan and leave here.

Now that this place has been exposed, there is no need to stay here.

Meng Fan looked at Liu Chen expressionlessly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Liu Chen sentenced Meng Fan to death, so why didn't Meng Fan sentence Liu Chen to death?

In fact, before this, Meng Fan planned to leave Liu Chen to Li Xuerou to kill.

After all, the hatred in Li Xuerou's heart was so deep that she could vent her hatred by killing Liu Chen, the son of the head of the Partridge Hall, with her own hands.

It's a pity that Liu Chen is a monk in the realm of condensation, and Li Xuerou is no match at all, so Meng Fan can only take action himself!

Beat Liu Chen half to death and then let Li Xuerou kill him personally?

Meng Fan didn't think he had such strong control. Although he believed in his own strength, he would not underestimate the monks in the Dan Condensation realm.

He has always been a cautious and steady person, he can be confident, but he cannot be arrogant!


A ray of sword light rose into the sky and stopped in front of Liu Chen who had just stepped out of bed.

Red sword!

As Meng Fan's natal flying sword, the power of the Hongqi Sword has already surpassed that of the Red Sheep Sword, and it is a complete magic sword.

The most important thing is that Hongqi Sword and Meng Fan have the same mind and wield it like arms.

"Magical sword?" Liu Chen's cold, machine-like eyes showed some fluctuations for the first time, with an emotion of surprise.

Can a monk in the Tianyuan realm be able to control a magical sword?

Thinking of this, Liu Chen's eyes showed a hint of solemnity.

One thing is that his own weapons are only at the level of spiritual weapons and have not reached the level of magical weapons!

He is a monk in the realm of Ningdan, and he is a Ningdan monk with a relatively transcendent status, but he cannot successfully control a magic weapon.

Opposite me, this little sword cultivator from the seventh level of Tianyuan, how can He De control a magic weapon?


Liu Chen stepped on the ground, and the ground suddenly shook.

Then he pulled out a sword and slashed at Meng Fan.

After Meng Fan showed his red sword, Liu Chen actually stopped looking down on Meng Fan and took it seriously.

So he didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore and took action directly, and once he took action, he didn't spare any effort.

The dark sword light enveloped the entire room, making the already dark room even more gloomy.

The light of the sword is not scary, what is scary is what is hidden in the light of the sword - the soul of the sword!

The soul of the sword is the same concept as the soul of the sword.

The monks who can cultivate the sword soul and sword soul in the realm of condensing pills are the most prominent and proud sons of the sect.

Meng Fan originally thought that the son of the head of the Partridge Hall might be a playboy, taking advantage of his father's authority to do mischief.

But with this soul-piercing attack, he knew that Liu Chen was not an easy person. Looking at the entire Tianying Demon Sect, he was also a talented and talented person, and he did not rely on the shadow of his father's generation.

"Death!!!" Liu Chen's sword fell, murderous intent overflowed, and his murderous intent soared into the sky.

People don't talk much.

Without any hesitation, he just wanted to kill Meng Fan with one blow, neatly.

Unfortunately, he was facing Meng Fan.

Another monk in the Tianyuan realm, even a monster like Wu Tian, ​​might not be able to take this sword and would be hacked to death.

But Meng Fan wouldn't.

After all, Meng Fan is a fighting evil among evildoers!

The Hong Qi Sword bloomed with endless red light, and with a thought in Meng Fan's mind, the Hong Qi Sword slashed towards Liu Chen's sword soul.

Although Meng Fan's soul had improved a bit with the help of the old monk, it was still far behind the flawless soul.

So under normal circumstances, the power of the sword soul he slashed was still lacking.

Therefore, what Meng Fan slashed this time was not the sword soul.

Not only is it not the soul of the sword, nor is it the power of the sword, it is the intention of the sword!

【Xiaoyao Shenjian】

Under normal circumstances, when the sword's intention is in front of the sword soul, it is like a mayfly shaking a tree or a mantis' arm acting like a chariot.

But the sword intention of Xiaoyao Divine Sword is not!

This "Xiaoyao Divine Sword" is one of the top-grade swordsmanship of several sects in Shushan.

Moreover, it is the pinnacle swordsmanship created by Li Xiaoyao, the 27th generation leader of Shushan Sword Sect.

The strongest point of this sword is not its power, soul, or god...

The strongest thing is care!

The ultimate sword intent can break the sky.

At that time, Li Xiaoyao struck the Xiaoyao Divine Sword, and the sword intention appeared, and he directly and invisibly killed the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult who was dominating the world at that time.

Meng Fan gained a new understanding of the way of swordsmanship when he and Wu Tian comprehended the Sword God Monument at the Sword Temple.

In addition to the clearer return of Wanjian to the clan, the most important thing is to realize the true meaning of swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship does not mean that the higher the level, the stronger it will be.

For example, if the Xiaoyao Divine Sword is cultivated to the extreme, it will not be weaker than the sword soul, or even stronger!

In theory, this is true!

But the fact is that Meng Fan's [Xiaoyao Divine Sword] sword intention was broken by Liu Chen's sword soul in the next second.

No matter how powerful the swordsmanship is, no matter how amazing the background is, it will have different powers when used by different people.

It is true that Meng Fan is not weak, he can even be said to be very strong.

But this Liu Chen is stronger!

The moment the sword intent was broken, Meng Fan's brows furrowed and his expression became even more ugly.

"Xiao Qing!!!" Meng Fan shouted sharply.

Just as Meng Fan issued the call, a giant cyan shadow appeared across the sky, standing between Meng Fan and Liu Chen, blocking the remaining power of Liu Chen's sword spirit.

"Huh?" Liu Chen's face showed surprise and he stared at Meng Fan in disbelief.

It's a magic sword, and it's a spiritual pet at the level of a great demon.

Liu Chen felt that he was already a "second-generation cultivator" with status and background. He didn't expect that the kid opposite him was richer than himself, and so much richer!

"Who are you?" Liu Chen looked at Meng Fan, becoming curious about Meng Fan's identity for the first time.

Before that, he just wanted to kill Meng Fan neatly and didn't bother to ask any more questions.

Now, he still wanted to kill Meng Fan, but he felt that Meng Fan was qualified to tell him his name.

He has killed countless people, and it is an honor to be remembered by his name!

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