For you!

When these three words came out of Meng Fan's mouth and reached Hong Qi's ears, Hong Qi couldn't help but be stunned.

She suspected that she heard wrongly!


"Master, are you kidding me? I'm just a spirit body. What's the use of giving me this ginseng fruit?"

Meng Fan said with a smile on his face: "Do you think I would make such a joke with you? This ginseng fruit can not only be taken by humans, but also by spirits."

Hongqi looked confused and said: "Even if it can be taken by the spirit body, it is meaningless.

This level of spiritual fruit can be maximized only if you, the owner, take it.

If you give it to me, it will be a pure waste, meaningless, and it will not be able to give me much enhancement at all! "

She really couldn't understand Meng Fan's brain circuit, and she didn't know what kind of medicine Meng Fan was selling in his gourd.

Meng Fan stretched out his hand and smoothed the red hair at his temples.

Of course, this hair is illusory and cannot be touched at all, it is just for show.

Then, Meng Fan explained: "Actually, you don't know enough about this ginseng fruit. This ginseng fruit has an unexpected effect."

"What effect?" Hong Qi was puzzled. What kind of effect would make the owner willing to give this ginseng fruit to herself?

Hongqi thinks that she understands her master quite well and knows that her master is a slightly "stingy" person.

Previously, the master was extremely thick-skinned for the spirit stone.

This ginseng fruit, if measured by spiritual stones, would definitely be in the millions.

How could the master be willing to give it to himself?

"Ginseng fruit, also known as the innate spiritual fetus, has the miraculous effect of reshaping the human body!" Meng Fan dropped a bombshell.

Hong Qi was so stunned that she was stunned and speechless.


incredible! !

"Really...really?" Hongqi stammered and trembled.

Reshape the body.

This was something she fantasized about every day after she was sacrificed to a sword and became a sword spirit, but it was something she didn't dare to imagine.

Because she knew this was impossible.

But now when she heard Meng Fan say this, she was a little confused. The happiness came so suddenly, she felt like she was dreaming.

Can spirits also dream?

"Of course it's true, am I still joking with you about this kind of thing?" Meng Fan said seriously: "I said at the beginning that I would definitely reshape your body and let you be reborn as a human being.

Originally I thought it would be difficult to do this!

At least I have to wait until I reach the level of Shushan Elder, or even become an immortal, before I can do it.

I didn't expect that I would get the chance so quickly. "

Although she really heard Meng Fan's words, Hongqi still felt that it was a bit unreal.

"Master, this...I..."

She was already a little incoherent and didn't know what to say.

After a long time, she calmed down slightly, and then said: "Master, even if this ginseng fruit can really reshape my body, I can't take it!

I have been a spirit body for so long and I am used to it. It doesn’t matter how long I am. I am not in a hurry.

This ginseng fruit is more important to you than to me.

Your increased strength is more important than my rebuilding my physical body.

Once you take this ginseng fruit, you will be able to enter the realm of attracting the spirit in a short time, and even the realm of the soul is just around the corner. "

Meng Fan shook his head, looked at Hong Qi and said, "It's not important!

Even without ginseng fruit, the realm of Yuanshen and even the realm of transformation into gods are just around the corner for me.

And if you miss this ginseng fruit, you may not have the chance to rebuild your body in the future.

Which one is more important, don’t you understand? "

Hongqi was extremely confused, even extremely embarrassed.

After pondering for a moment, she lowered her head and said, "But, I am just a humble sword spirit, not worthy of such a precious thing."

Meng Fan laughed and scolded: "I said you deserve it, so you deserve it. What's more, without you, I wouldn't have gotten this Qingtian Cauldron, let alone this ginseng fruit!"

"But..." Hongqi wanted to say something else.

"No buts!" Meng Fan interrupted with a solemn expression: "If you say such coy words of refusal again, I will destroy the ginseng fruit."

After a pause, he muttered: "No, it would be a pity to destroy it. In this way, if you refuse again, I will not take the ginseng fruit and give it to Xiaoqing directly, so that none of us need to push it." Come and push!”

Upon hearing Meng Fan's words, Xiaoqing's eyes lit up and he flew out from Meng Fan's pocket.

The little guy couldn't help but drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, one drop after another, and couldn't stop at all.

"Give it to me!" Xiaoqing couldn't help but said.

Although it doesn't know what ginseng fruit is or not, as a monster, it instinctively feels that this is an extremely rare treasure in the world.

If you let yourself take it, you will definitely be able to step into the realm of the Demon King in the shortest time!

Demon King! ! !

In this human world, the demon king is an extremely rare existence.

Even for a top sect like the Shushan Sword Sect, there are only a handful of demon king level spirit beasts in captivity.

If Meng Fan really gives this spiritual fruit to himself, then he will make a lot of money.

Xiao Qing looked at Hong Qi eagerly, with a trace of prayer in her eyes, hoping that Hong Qi would not want this spirit fruit, and then it would fall on her head.

"What good things are you thinking about? I just made a joke, and you still take it seriously?" Meng Fan stretched out two fingers, pinched Xiaoqing's seven inches, and stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Wuwuwu~~~~~" Xiaoqing in the pocket let out a very humane whimpering sound, pitiful, but unfortunately Meng Fan, who had a rock-like heart, did not show mercy at all.

After being silent for a while, Hong Qi finally raised her head and said to Meng Fan with a grateful face: "Master, Hong Qi will fight for you till death!"

Meng Fan rolled his eyes and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? This is not how the idiom "until death do us part" is used."

"Uh..." Hongqi's face turned red with embarrassment and she was speechless.

Xiao Qing, who was in Meng Fan's pocket, couldn't help cursing in her heart. Did she just make fun of herself?

Why am I always the one who's hurt?

After convincing Hong Qi, Meng Fan began to rebuild Hong Qi's body. He was an activist and didn't like ink.

When Hong Qi decided to follow him, he decided that he would reshape Hong Qi's body in the future and let Hong Qi go back to take revenge with her own hands.

But I really didn’t expect that this day would come so quickly.

There is no way, who makes yourself too good!

"Hongqi, the process of reshaping the body may be a little painful. Are you ready?" Meng Fan sat on the bed in the room and asked Hongqi seriously.

This is a big event and cannot be taken lightly. Hongqi herself must be in the best condition to greet it.

"Master, I'm ready."

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