
Hearing Hong Qi's words, Meng Fan's face was full of excitement and he subconsciously wanted to turn around.

As a result, as soon as he turned halfway, he immediately reacted and stopped.

Although he didn't see it, he could predict that Hongqi was naked at the moment.

He quickly took out a set of women's clothing that he had prepared in advance from the storage ring and threw it to Hong Qi.

"Put on your clothes first!"

Hong Qi, who was behind Meng Fan, suddenly turned red. She even forgot about this and quickly put on her clothes.

"Master, I'm dressed." Hongqi said softly.

Meng Fan turned around and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the well-dressed Hong Qi.

The appearance of Hongqi at this moment is no different from that of the soul body Hongqi, and they are very familiar.

The only difference is that the figure of the soul body Hongqi is very ethereal, with a special translucent form.

But at this moment, it is a real human body and entity!

"Not bad." Meng Fan showed a satisfied look on his face.

"How do you feel about this body?"

Hearing Meng Fan's question, Hong Qi quickly replied: "Master, although the strength of this body is only ordinary at the moment, I can feel that the talent of this body is extremely high.

Given time, my cultivation should be able to improve soon.

The most important thing is that although I have no cultivation at all now, the intensity of my spiritual consciousness still exists.

Even after this rebirth, my consciousness has been slightly strengthened. I don’t know why exactly. "

When Meng Fan heard this, he immediately became interested.

"What is the approximate level of your current spiritual consciousness?"

Hongqi thought about it carefully and replied: "It should be comparable to a monk in the realm of leading gods."

The physical body of an ordinary person has a spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a god.

In this case, your cultivation will definitely progress by leaps and bounds.

"That's right. If it doesn't take longer, I can fulfill my promise that day and let you go back and take revenge with your own hands!"

Hongqi's enemy is her uncle Ye Qingxuan, who is also her father's biological brother.

Hongqi's parents died when she was young, and she regarded Ye Qingxuan as her father.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan did such an unscrupulous thing, sacrificing his own niece to the sword in order to refine it.

Thinking of this, even Meng Fan was a little angry, let alone Hongqi.

"Your enemy Ye Qingxuan, I asked Senior Brother Jin. He is only in the realm of attracting gods now. I believe it won't be long before your strength can surpass him!" Meng Fan said to Hongqi.

He did not use Hongqi's word "uncle" to describe Ye Qingxuan, but directly used the word "enemy".

This kind of person is no longer worthy of being Hongqi's relative.

Not even verbally worthy!

"Master, thank you." Hong Qi didn't say anything more, she just looked at Meng Fan and moved her lips and only said the word "thank you".

Because she knew very well what a high price Meng Fan paid for giving this ginseng fruit to herself!

"Silly girl." Meng Fan touched Hong Qi's head and said with a smile: "You have just been reborn. Go back and rest first and calm down. I have arranged a room for you, you know it."

There are still many free rooms in the Jiange, and Meng Fan has already arranged them for Hong Qi.

No matter what others think, in Meng Fan's mind, Hongqi is a member of Jiange, and she is definitely ranked higher than Wu Tian.

No, Wu Tian couldn't compare with her at all.

After Hongqi left.

A message from Mr. Lin appeared in Meng Fan's mind, asking him to go to the second floor.

The second floor of Jiange.

"Master, are you always looking for me?" Meng Fan said with a smile.

He actually guessed the reason why Mr. Lin was looking for him.

Hongqi has been "resurrected", so naturally she can't hide it from Mr. Lin.

"How did you do it?" Although Mr. Lin's face remained calm, the surprise in his tone could be heard.

A sword spirit was resurrected as a human being.

This is outrageous!

There is one thing to say, even Mr. Lin at this moment cannot do it.

Perhaps, if you reach the level of the leader, there may be a way.

It’s just possible!

But Meng Fan, a mere monk at the fifth level of Dan Condensation, actually did it.

Especially since Mr. Lin watched Meng Fan step by step until now, he couldn't imagine how Meng Fan could do such an unnatural thing.

Although since he accepted Meng Fan as his disciple, his disciple had given him unimaginable shocks time and time again, making him think that he would not be surprised if he saw Meng Fan do anything outrageous.

But in fact, he found that there was no upper limit to shock.

This time, he was still shocked by Meng Fan.


"Master, actually this is not a big deal.

While you were away, my disciple and Wu Tian went back to the Wu family and had some small adventures in the Wu family's ancestral land.

Obtained a spiritual fruit called ginseng fruit, also called Xuantian spiritual fetus.

And this spiritual fruit has the magical effect of reshaping the physical body of a spiritual body! "

Meng Fan said lightly.

"Ginseng fruit? Xuantian spiritual fetus?" Mr. Lin has never heard of such a thing.

As a disciple, he not only possesses unparalleled qualifications, but also has always been outrageous in terms of opportunities.

It’s simply God’s blessing!

In this regard, even if Mr. Lin is well-informed, he has to be convinced.

"No matter what, this is a good thing." Mr. Lin nodded and said to Meng Fan with a smile.

Although this kind of thing is surprising, Mr. Lin is well-informed after all, so he didn't ask any further questions about it.

As he said, this is a good thing.

Since it is a good thing, there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

If it was a bad thing, he would figure out the whole story to prevent Meng Fan from getting into any unknown trouble.

"Master, this disciple has a request." Meng Fan said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Lin asked.

"The disciple wants Hongqi to join Jiange. She used to be the sword spirit of Jiange. Now she is reborn as a human, so she should be a disciple of Jiange."

Mr. Lin waved his hand and said calmly: "You can make the decision yourself on such small matters."

In his current state, Meng Fan can already take charge of his own business.

He could still trust Meng Fan's vision.

Like Shu Changsheng, the disciple he had accepted before, he was very satisfied.

"By the way, Master, Wu Tian also wants to join Jiange. I wonder if he has mentioned it to you?" Meng Fan thought of Wu Tian and mentioned it by the way.

Mr. Lin nodded and said: "I already know this. Before I came to Jiange, he refused to join Jiange, but now he actively begged me to join Jiange.

It really has to be you. During the time this boy was in Jiange, you really treated him well! "

In fact, Mr. Lin also knew about Meng Fan's bullying of Wu Tian.

But he has always maintained a supportive attitude towards this and thinks Meng Fan has done a good job!

"Then he started later than Hong Qi, so he can only be a junior brother." At this time, Meng Fan did not forget to fight for Hong Qi's rights and interests.

"Okay, you have the final say. After all, the sword pavilion will be handed over to you sooner or later." Mr. Lin said with a smile.

This sentence seemed very ordinary, but Meng Fan frowned when he heard it.

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