Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 412: The Demon-Suppressing Sword, the No. 1 Sword in Shu Mountain!

On the first day he came to Shushan, Meng Fan actually knew that the Demon Locking Tower was a forbidden area for the Shushan Sword Sect.

Later, after becoming a disciple of Mr. Lin, he was also lucky enough to enter the Demon Locking Tower once.

But even today, the Demon Locking Tower is still mysterious in Meng Fan's mind.

Ordinary disciples are not qualified to enter the Demon Locking Tower, and even Shushan elders will not easily enter the Demon Locking Tower.

Forbidden land!



This is Meng Fan's impression of the Demon Locking Tower.

"Master, the goal of the demon world is the Demon Locking Tower? What exactly does this demon world want to do?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

In fact, by this moment, half of the doubts in his mind had been solved.

First of all, I knew that this matter was caused by the demon world. The leader and Elder Yang were not in any danger in the demon world at the moment.

With the strength of the leader, not to mention walking sideways in the demon world, at least he would have no problem escaping wherever he goes.

If you can't beat him, you can always run away!

Of course, this is just Meng Fan's extremely stable idea. Maybe the leader will kill everyone in the demon world?

Now that half of the doubts have been solved, that's enough for Meng Fan.

But he couldn't help but wonder about his other half's doubts.

That's why the demon world values ​​​​the demon locking tower so much. What role can a demon locking tower in the human world play? It actually costs the demon world such a high price!

"The Demon Locking Tower is actually a channel that suppresses the demon world and connects to the human world." Mr. Lin continued to explain.

“The demon world trapped the leader in the demon world just to force the leader to open the demon lock tower.

Because only by opening the Demon Locking Tower can the leader return to the human world!

The demon world can also seize this opportunity and invade the human world. "

Hearing this statement, Meng Fan's face became even more confused. He thought that the leader was in Qingtian Lake and was transported to the demon world.

"Master, the demon world can teleport Elder Yang and the leader to the demon world in Qingtian Lake. Can't people from the demon world be teleported to the human world through this formation?"

In general, isn't transmission mutual?

If the leader can descend from the human world to the demon world, then people from the demon world should also be able to descend to the human world.

Mr. Lin shook his head and said: "The demon world is different from the human world. The human world is the most special world among the six worlds. In fact, the human world can connect to other worlds.

But it is extremely difficult for other realms to come to the human realm.

For example, in the fairy world, you have only heard of legends of monks ascending to immortality, but rarely of legends of immortals descending to earth.

The same is true for the demon world. The only way for the demon world to go to the human world is under the Demon Locking Tower in Shushan Mountain, and is suppressed by the Demon Locking Tower! "

Hearing Elder Lin's words, Meng Fan nodded. Although he could not understand the mysterious meaning, he at least knew such a thing.

"Everyone knows that the mission of our Shushan Sword Sect is to kill demons. But in fact, the most important mission of the Shushan Sword Sect is to protect the Demon Locking Tower!"

There was a trace of solemnity on Mr. Lin's face, and he said with a hint of horror in his tone: "If one day the Demon Locking Tower collapses, then this will not only be a disaster for the Shushan Sword Sect, but also a disaster for the entire human world!"

When Meng Fan heard this, he nodded without saying anything.

Although these words sound shocking, to be honest, they are too far away from him, so it is difficult to have any resonance and sense of empathy.

Mr. Lin is a human spirit level existence, so he naturally saw Meng Fan's attitude. He said seriously: "I know, you think your cultivation level is too low. This kind of thing has nothing to do with you, and you can't handle it." this responsibility.

But in fact, it is not so!

Nowadays, among the younger generation in Shushan, although there are many disciples who are better than you, there really is no one who is more talented than you.

Hundreds of years from now, you will definitely be the best among them.

At the end of the day, I am getting old, and the boss and the others are also getting old, and all these important responsibilities will fall on you! "

Meng Fan actually had no doubts about Mr. Lin's words.

One thing he said was that he really didn't think any of his peers from the Shushan Sword Sect could keep up with him hundreds of years later.

There is no way, after all he cheated!

"Master, you can rest assured that when the day comes, as long as this disciple has this strength, he will definitely protect the Shushan Sword Sect and the Demon Locking Tower!" Meng Fan said seriously.

There is a saying that the Shushan Sword Sect treated him well.

In particular, Mr. Lin treated him with great kindness. When he becomes stronger in the future, no one needs to tell him that he will definitely do his best to protect Shushan.

After all, he was in the Shushan Sword Sect as soon as he crossed over, and the Shushan Sword Sect was his home!

Mr. Lin patted Meng Fan on the shoulder, sighed and said: "This is no joke, the future of Shushan will most likely depend on you, otherwise, I wouldn't have said so much to you.

The Demon Locking Tower is the top priority!

Therefore, even if the leader reaches the demon world and cannot return to the human world, he will not easily open the demon lock tower to allow the demon world to take advantage of it.

There is a high probability that the leader and Elder Yang will stay in the demon world for a long time. "

After hearing what Mr. Lin said, Meng Fan frowned and felt a little worried in his heart.

"Then without the leader of the Shushan Sword Sect, wouldn't it mean that it would kill itself? If the enemies of the Shushan Sword Sect knew this news, wouldn't it be possible..."

Elder Lin shook his head and said: "So you have to keep this news secret. Apart from a few elders, you are the only one who knows the news."

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will never reveal a word!" Meng Fan said seriously.

Seeing that Meng Fan looked a little nervous, Mr. Lin smiled and said, "You don't need to be too nervous. Although the leader is no longer here, your master and I are not vegetarians.

If anyone dares to come to Shushan Sword Sect without opening their eyes to look for trouble, they are simply looking for death.

If the master can kill people, your master and I can also kill them! "

After Mr. Lin said these words, his impression in Meng Fan's mind immediately improved.

Almost all of them have reached the same height as the leader!

"Master, how big is the gap between you and the master?" Meng Fan couldn't hold back and subconsciously asked this slightly offensive question.

Mr. Lin touched his beard, then stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand to pull them apart, and said with a smile: "It's not that big of a difference, it's just that big."

Meng Fan made a visual inspection and found that the distance was about 18 centimeters.

"This gap seems to be quite big." Meng Fan smiled bitterly, but Fan Lin always used his fingers to measure the gap of one or two centimeters, and he was able to blow it.

But this eighteen centimeters cannot be blown even if you want to!

Mr. Lin smiled, his face suddenly showed confidence, and at the same time a sword appeared in his hand.

"Do you remember this sword?"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan looked at the sword in Elder Lin's hand.

"Of course I remember, the Demon Suppressing Sword!"

This was Meng Fan's first time coming into contact with an immortal sword at the level of an immortal weapon. It was just the demon-suppressing sword after it was sealed. He took advantage of it and gained a lot of the sword's origin.

"Yes, the demon-suppressing sword, the best sword in Shushan!"

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