Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 420 The Invincible Man and the Invincible Law

Of course, invincible is always a relative term.

There is no true invincibility in this world.

There are no invincible people.

There is no such thing as an invincible method!

Anyone will be surpassed.

But at every stage, there will be invincible people and invincible methods.

Meng Fan is destined to become an invincible person at some stage.

Wan Jian returns to the sect and is destined to become an invincible Dharma at a certain stage.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Soon, Meng Fan was woken up by Elder Hu.

He reluctantly put his hand down from the Sword God Monument. There were many other spiritual stones on his body. It would not be difficult to understand the Sword God Monument for another half month.

But he felt it was no longer necessary.

His Ten Thousand Swords Unity has reached a bottleneck.

His swordsmanship has also reached a bottleneck.

This bottleneck cannot be overcome by just understanding, it requires many other factors.

"How do you feel this time?" Elder Hu asked Meng Fan.

Apart from Meng Fan, there is no other person in this Shushan Sword Sect who could comprehend the Ten Days and Ten Nights at the Sword God Monument.

It’s not a matter of how many spiritual stones you have!

But no matter how long others stay at the Sword God Monument, they won't have any insights.

For most people, reaching the Sword God Monument and comprehending it will be over within an hour. This hour will indeed yield some gains.

But if you continue to realize it, even for a day or even a month or a year, it is a pure waste of time.

What a waste of spiritual stones.

There will be no more gains.

"It feels okay. I have gained something after all." Meng Fan said to Elder Hu with a smile.

For other Shushan disciples, this would definitely be a huge gain.

After all, this is the integration of several heavenly swordsmanships.

Even Shushan's top secret skill "Sword God" has been thoroughly explored and reached the level of Sword Soul.

But for Meng Fan, it really can only be regarded as some gains.

From Meng Fan's point of view, he was indeed no longer comparable to those ordinary Shushan disciples.

No, let alone ordinary Shushan disciples, even those Shushan disciples with amazing talent and genius level cannot compare with Meng Fan.

"Your master is still as stingy as ever. Since you gain something every time you come to the Sword God Monument to gain enlightenment, can't he be more generous and let you gain enlightenment all at once?

With his background, allowing you to comprehend the Sword God Monument for a year and a half is nothing to him! "Elder Hu began to whisper bad things behind Elder Lin's back.

Hu Qingshi originally saw Meng Fan's terrifying aptitude, but wanted to accept Meng Fan as his disciple.

It's a pity that the old guy Lin Bianyun has already got there first.

What a pity!

"It's better to bite off more than you can chew, just the right amount, haha." Meng Fan was speaking for Mr. Lin.

Although he also felt that Mr. Lin was indeed a bit stingy.

Not to mention the spiritual stone, there is clearly a heavenly swordsmanship from the Shushan Sword Sect, but it still has to be hidden away.

Although Mr. Lin has now passed on the swordsmanship to Meng Fan, Meng Fan still feels resentful.

However, in front of an "outsider" like Hu Qingshi, he must show enough "teacher's kindness and disciple's filial piety".

Leaving aside the stingy aspect, Mr. Lin treated Meng Fan very well, so naturally he wanted to earn face for Mr. Lin in front of these outsiders.

"Good boy, keep practicing hard. I hope that one day when you reach the top of Shushan Mountain, my old bones will still be alive to see that scene." Hu Qingshi said with a smile.

He had always valued Meng Fan very highly and believed that Meng Fan was the absolute leader of the younger generation in Shushan.

When the younger generation grows up, Meng Fan will definitely be the strongest person in Shushan.

This is not an inexplicable trust, but because he has been in charge of the Sword God Monument for so many years and has seen many geniuses who come to the Sword God Monument to gain insights.

Meng Fan was the only one who surprised him, even horrified him.

none of them!

"Thank you, Elder Hu, for the reward. Since you said so, I will definitely practice hard so that you can see that scene sooner." Meng Fan said with a smile.

Although the tone was joking, he knew it was not a joke.

Elder Hu Qingshi also didn't think this was a joke.

After leaving the Sword Temple, Meng Fan returned to the Sword Pavilion again. After caring about and supervising the cultivation progress of Hong Qi and Shu Changsheng, he began to retreat on his own.

Although I have been in seclusion at the Sword God Monument for ten days, I have gained enough insights.

But perception is just perception after all, there are other aspects that need to be improved.

After returning to the room, Meng Fan took out the enlightenment futon and sat on it.

After you have comprehended it, you have to check your actual combat ability.

As the saying goes, your best opponent is yourself.

But in fact, there are very few people who can compete with him, and it is impossible to have this opportunity.

But Meng Fan does!

This is the evil thing about the Enlightenment Futon.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Fan came to the familiar hall again.

At the same time, a black-robed Meng Fan appeared out of thin air and attacked Meng Fan with a sword.

People don't talk much!

To put it bluntly, this black robe always struck directly, without saying a word or making any ink marks, and had no desire to communicate with Meng Fan.

Or, this function may not exist directly.

After all, no matter how strong and real this black-robed Meng Fan is, exactly like the real person, he is still fake after all.

Meng Fan had a smile on his face because he recognized the sword struck by the black-robed Meng Fan.

It's the sword-fighting and demon-slaying technique I just learned!

Every time he comes to this futon space, the black-robed Meng Fan will randomly use a sword technique to attack him without stopping.

"Sword and Demon Fighting"

This sword technique was exactly what Meng Fan wanted, because he originally wanted to try out some of the newly learned sword techniques.

The best thing to do is "Sword God", which will be more enjoyable.

Of course, Sword Controlling Demons is not as good as Sword God, but it’s not bad to have an appetizer first.

Meng Fan raised the Red Sheep Sword and also slashed at the black-robed Meng Fan with a sword strike to subdue the demon.

The Red Sheep Sword is now a proper tool sword in Meng Fan's hands.

Pure tool!

The Black Jade Sword is the strongest sword Meng Fan has and he cannot use it easily.

The Hongqi Sword is Meng Fan's natal flying sword, and he is reluctant to use it easily.

Oh, to say that the Black Jade Sword is the strongest sword in Meng Fan's body, naturally we have to exclude the Qingyun Sword and the Snow Cherry Sword.

After all, Meng Fan couldn't control either of these two divine swords.

It's okay for Qingyun Sword, because I am the disciple of Dan Sword Immortal, and it is willing to follow me, although it is not for my use for the time being.

But Xueying Sword was completely deceived by Meng Fan.

As long as you help him take action once, Xue Yingjian will leave.

This was a deal that was negotiated between Meng Fan and Sword Spirit Xueying in the ancestral land of the Wu family.

According to Meng Fan's original intention, unless he encountered a certain death situation and had only a glimmer of hope, he would not use Xueying's opportunity to attack.

The later you give her a chance to leave, the better.

After all, "love grows over time", what if she is reluctant to leave after being together for a long time?

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