Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 434: Killing the Demonic Dragon and Opening the Sword Realm

"Monster?" The deep voice sounded again.

"I am also a monster. Even if the master becomes a monster, what does it matter? He is still my master."

There was a hint of roar and anger in the voice, and of course more stubbornness.

Sometimes stubbornness is indeed an admirable thing, but more often, stubbornness is a wrong persistence.


Elder Lin sighed. To be honest, the monster in the Locking Monster Tower that he regretted most was the Star Eclipse.

Originally, it could have washed away the evil spirit, regained its life, and become a Shushan spirit pet.

Unfortunately, there is no chance now!

This monster wants to open the passage between the human world and the monster world from the inside of the Locking Monster Tower.

This move must be stopped.

It must be stopped at all costs.

Otherwise, once the monster world invades the human world in a large scale, these cultivators can still struggle and have a way to survive.

But ordinary mortals will be devastated!


At this moment, the roar of the monster resounded throughout the Locking Monster Tower.

In the first floor of the Demon Locking Tower, a shadow of a dragon appeared in front of Elder Lin.

The next second, the shadow gradually solidified.

A dragon with blood all over its body really appeared in the hall of the first floor of the Demon Locking Tower.

It is called a dragon, but in fact it is not much different from a real dragon.

Dragon head, dragon horns, dragon claws, dragon tail, dragon scales.

The only difference is that there is no reverse scale under the neck.

Once it grows reverse scales, it will completely and completely evolve into a real dragon.

Only one step away, it will be a real dragon.

"What a pity!" Elder Lin sighed again.

This existence that is about to become a real dragon is going to fall here today.

"Today, I will overturn the Demon Locking Tower and let the master return to the human world. This Shushan Sword Sect should have changed its surname to Wang long ago!" The dragon's mouth opened and let out a roar.

Elder Lin looked at the dragon named Xingshi coldly, his eyes calm, no longer fluctuating.

When looking at dead things, you should look at them the same way.

"Demon Locking Tower, fall for me!" Xing Eclipse's dragon tail swung out, and it seemed to grow a thousand times larger in an instant, and wanted to blow up the Demon Locking Tower.

Even if it couldn't be blown over, it had to stretch the Demon Locking Tower.

But at this moment, a formation appeared in the Demon Locking Tower, pressing Xing Eclipse's body back.

The Demon Locking Tower, the forbidden land of Shushan, has stood in Shushan for so many years, how could it be destroyed so easily?

Seeing this scene, Lin Lao's face was calm, which was within his expectations.

But Xing Eclipse on the opposite side didn't look so good.

The dragon's face was full of anger, but at the same time, it didn't lose its mind, because it also knew very well that the Demon Locking Tower was not so easy to destroy.

But it had made up its mind, and it was a fight to the death at this moment.

"Master, see you in the next life!" Xing Eclipse murmured, and then the blood light around it exploded.

The next second, its entire body exploded.

A terrifying force was brewing, and was about to burst out in the entire Demon Locking Tower.

Elder Lin's face changed. He didn't expect that this monster would be so decisive and directly choose to self-destruct, regardless of life and death.

The power of a monster of this level self-destructing is extremely amazing.

Although it is impossible to destroy or overturn the Demon Locking Tower, it is indeed possible to cause a little damage to the Demon Locking Tower.

For the Demon Locking Tower, even a slight damage will cause loopholes in the formation.

Although this loophole can be repaired quickly, it is still not what Meng Fan wants to see.

"Demon-suppressing Sword!"

With Elder Lin's light shout, a sword light burst out from the Demon Locking Tower.

The Demon-suppressing Sword, which was originally stored on the top floor of the Demon Locking Tower, suddenly appeared in Elder Lin's hands.

The sword light poured down, and the seal on the Demon-suppressing Sword was instantly unlocked.

A breath that shocked the world and made ghosts cry burst out from the Demon-suppressing Sword, and the energy generated by the self-detonation of the Eclipse seemed to be frozen and locked there.

"Open the sword realm." Elder Lin uttered a low groan.

Instantly, a strange passage seemed to appear in the void at the tip of the sword of the Demon-Suppressing Sword.

The body and energy of the self-destructing Eclipse were immediately sent into this passage.

Then the passage slowly closed, and the Demon-Suppressing Sword returned to normal.

If Meng Fan stood here and saw this scene, he would definitely widen his eyes and look envious.

Sword realm.

The world of swords!

This is a sword art at a higher level than the sword realm.

Rarely seen in the world!!!

Before, under the leadership of Elder Lin, Meng Fan had seen the battle between the head of the sect and the leader of the Ghost King Sect, and the sword realm was used.

That was the strongest sword art he had ever seen.

Of course, he didn't understand anything at the time.

Even with the supreme talent of the sword art, he couldn't see any clues, because the gap was too big, a world of difference.

The sword realm is already a glimpse that countless sword cultivators will never see in their lifetime.

The world of swords, even more dare not think about it.

No one knew that at this moment, the Locking Demon Tower would burst out with such brilliant light.

"Go back." Elder Lin said to the Demon-Suppressing Sword.

As soon as the words fell, the Demon-Suppressing Sword disappeared from his hand and returned to the top of the Locking Demon Tower.

At the same time, the entire Locking Demon Tower returned to a calm state again.

The move of opening the world with a sword sounds like a shocking act, but in fact it is calm and silent.

Except for Mr. Lin, no one knew that the Shushan Sword Sect had experienced such great turmoil just now.

"Thankfully I have the Demon Suppressing Sword, and also lucky that I am the law enforcement elder." Elder Lin murmured to himself.

In fact, although Mr. Lin is strong, he has reached his limit in the Sword Realm. He is not yet capable of opening the Sword Realm.

That is to say, he was able to do this with the help of the Demon Suppressing Sword, and the Demon Suppressing Sword in its unsealed state.

After all, the Demon Suppressing Sword is an immortal sword.

A genuine artifact!

Looking at the entire human world, there are only a handful of immortal weapons, very rare.

"As long as I am here, the Demon Locking Tower will be safe. You'd better put away your evil thoughts. Otherwise, this star eclipse will be your fate!"

Elder Lin's majestic and resonant voice spread throughout the entire Demon Locking Tower at this moment.

Star Eclipse is already a very powerful existence among the monsters suppressed by the Demon Locking Tower. Elder Lin's move can be regarded as a warning to the monkeys.

In fact, this is indeed the case. With him guarding the Demon Locking Tower, it is absolutely foolproof.

It is completely wishful thinking to open a channel to the demon world.

As the sword-wielding elder of this generation of Shushan Sword Sect, he still has this confidence.

As Elder Lin's words fell, the entire Demon Locking Tower became completely quiet, and there was no longer any movement inside. It was peaceful and quiet.

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