Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 438: Mr. Lin: I want to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect

"I have only been away from the Northern Territory for a few days, and these people jumped out one by one and dared to provoke and humiliate me like this!

Lao Lin, write down the names of these people one by one.

When I return to Shushan, I will find them to account for them one by one! "

Lin Jinghong used special means to transmit messages to Mr. Lin in the demon world.

Anyone who is familiar with Lin Jinghong knows that this old guy was famous for his bad temper when he was young.

That is to say, now that he is older and his cultivation is too strong, no one dares to offend him.

Even if a junior bumped into him occasionally, he was too embarrassed to meet the junior due to his status.

If he hadn't been exiled to the demon world this time, no one would have dared to provoke and humiliate him like this!

"They just told you to be a coward. You didn't kill your whole family, did you?" Mr. Lin said to Lin Jinghong.

This tone sounds like an exhortation, but it can't help but give people the illusion of fanning the flames.

"Am I such a bloody and violent person? They just scolded me, it's not a big deal. Even if I wait until I go back, the most I can do is cut out their tongues and punish them with minor punishments."

When he said this, Lin Jinghong's face was calm and indifferent, showing that he was indeed very generous.

"You have cultivated your moral character and temperament over the years that you have been the leader. Your temper has indeed improved a lot." Mr. Lin praised.

After a pause, he continued:

"By the way, it's rare for you to contact me once, and I have to tell you something.

An accident occurred in the Demon Locking Tower some time ago. That old guy Wang Hongyuan came and wanted to open the passage from the Demon Locking Tower to the demon world.

Although this old guy was killed by me, the passage to the demon world was also sealed.

But I estimate that it can only be sealed for about eighty years at most. After eighty years, I don’t know what to do? "

After all, the leader is in the demon world, and it is not easy to talk to him once, so he has not contacted him a few times this year. Each time he contacts him, he should pay a high price.

"Eighty years?" Lin Jinghong muttered to himself.

"You don't have to worry too much. I will definitely return to Shushan within eighty years. You only need to guard Shushan during this period and leave the rest to me!"

"The leader is the leader, and he speaks with courage. With your words, I feel relieved." Mr. Lin's tone was obviously relieved.

"By the way, there is one more thing. I don't know if I should tell you." Mr. Lin said hesitantly.

"What's going on?" Lin Jinghong, who was in the demon world, frowned and had an ominous premonition.

"There is one thing I have wanted to do for a long time, but you have always blocked me. Now that you are gone, you can't stop me anymore. Even if you come back to blame me, I will do it!"

After hearing what Mr. Lin said, Lin Jinghong remained silent.

As soon as these words came out, although Mr. Lin didn't explain clearly, he already knew what was going on.

Because for so many years, there was only one thing that he had been blocking Lin Bianyun from.

That is to prevent Lin Bianyun from destroying Fengyun Demon Sect!

Lin Jinghong sighed and said: "Old Lin, I know you will never forget Bing'er's death after so many years.

This blood feud should indeed be settled with the Fengyun Demon Sect.

But you insist on going your own way and want to destroy the entire Fengyun Demon Sect. How is this behavior different from that of a demon?

There are enemies and debts, and you can't massacre everyone in an entire sect out of hatred.

If you really commit such an act of extermination, you are possessed by a demon! "

When Mr. Lin heard this, a sneer appeared on his face.

"I've heard too many high-sounding words like this. Lin Jinghong, let me ask you, if you were me, what would you do?"

"I will definitely not do this like you!" Lin Jinghong said firmly.

Hearing this, the sneer on Mr. Lin's face became even worse.

"Yeah, of course you wouldn't do that.

You can't even count how many wives and children you have, right?

But I only have one wife and one son!

Of course you, a heartless person like you, will not understand my thoughts. "

When he said this, Mr. Lin's tone became a little colder.

He has long been dissatisfied with Lin Jinghong's behavior of showing mercy everywhere. The most egregious thing is that not only does he show mercy everywhere, he also leaves seeds everywhere!

"Let's talk, let's talk, we are all brothers and we know the truth. Isn't it too much for you to attack your life by opening your mouth?

Why am I so unsympathetic?

I just love more people, and I truly love every one of them, I can swear on this! "

When Mr. Lin heard this, he was too lazy to say anything else, so he just uttered two words.


Thousands of words can be incorporated into these two words, two extremely essential words.

Lin Jinghong said helplessly: "I am now in the demon world, and there is no way I can go back in the short term. I can't stop you from whatever you want to do.

But I hope you will consider the consequences clearly before doing anything, and put Shushan Sword Sect first.

If you want to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect, I won’t stop you and I won’t blame you.

But you must ensure the safety of the Shushan Sword Sect, and don't put the Shushan Sword Sect in danger because of your selfishness. "

Elder Lin continued to transmit the message: "You can rest assured about this, my feelings for the Shushan Sword Sect are no less than yours, or even more than yours.

The safety of Shushan Sword Sect is more important to me than destroying Fengyun Sword Sect!

However, if I really destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect, do you really not blame me? "

This last sentence actually contains very important information.

Meng Fan thought that no one in the world except him knew that the leader was from the Fengyun Demon Sect, but in fact Mr. Lin knew this very well.

So from beginning to end, Meng Fan's worries were unnecessary.

If Meng Fan knew that Mr. Lin knew that the leader was from the Fengyun Demon Sect and still trusted the leader so much, he would not have such worries.

Meng Fan had doubts about the leader, but he had 100% trust in Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin trusts the leader, which proves that the leader is really trustworthy.

Lin Jinghong, who was in the demon world, was silent for a moment after hearing Mr. Lin's vague suggestion, and then said:

"The Fengyun Demon Sect once did have people I cared about, but that was only in the past, and they are long gone now."

Lin Jinghong's tone was full of melancholy and a hint of helplessness.

Although he is now extremely powerful and his cultivation is earth-shattering, there is nothing he can do about the fact that people cannot be resurrected after death.

The deceased is gone, and he can only miss him.

As for the Fengyun Demon Sect, those memories he had in the Fengyun Demon Sect were not good memories.

Even if Lin Bianyun really destroyed the Fengyun Demon Sect, the most he could do was express emotion, and it was definitely not sad.

"With your words, I have no worries anymore." After saying that, Mr. Lin concluded the call.

Shushan Sword Sect, second floor of Sword Pavilion.

Mr. Lin opened his eyes. After the call with Lin Jinghong ended, he had silently made a decision.

It was a decision I had made many years ago, but I just never had the chance to make it.

Now, the opportunity has come!

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