Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 443 Who deserves to be an immortal besides you?

Mr. Lin glanced at Meng Fan in surprise, rolled his eyes and said, "What's in your head? How could I let you pretend to be Xu Chunsheng?"

"Who am I pretending to be?" Meng Fan was also a little surprised. Didn't Mr. Lin just say this himself?

Mr. Lin shook his head helplessly.

"The purpose of becoming a teacher is to let you pretend to be the reincarnation of the Earth Immortal of the Shushan Sword Sect! His Fengyun Demon Sect has the reincarnation of the Earth Immortal, so of course our Shushan Sword Sect should also have it, and the reincarnation of the Earth Immortal of our Shushan Sword Sect is better than his Fengyun Sect. The Demon Cult is stronger!”

After hearing what Elder Lin said, Meng Fan finally understood what Elder Lin meant.

In fact, it was similar to what he had just thought. It did mean killing people and killing people.

It's just that it's a little more advanced than I thought, even killing people and killing people is so fancy.

"But, again, Master, even the Fengyun Demon Sect has reincarnated earthly immortals. Don't we, the Shushan Sword Sect, have reincarnations? Do we need disciples to impersonate us?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

The reincarnation of the Earth Immortal who is now at the same level is no match for him, but after all, he is not the real reincarnation of the Earth Immortal, and even if he pretends to be, he is still a fake.

If the Shushan Sword Sect has a real reincarnation of the Earth Immortal, then just let the other party take action. Why let yourself be a fake?

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Mr. Lin frowned. He was a little hesitant, thinking about whether he should answer some words.

After hesitating for a while, thinking that this was his only successor, Mr. Lin still said to Meng Fan: "Shushan Sword Sect does have reincarnations of Earth Immortals, but he is not suitable to take action against Xu Chunsheng. His cultivation is too strong. Taking action is bullying and will not achieve the desired effect!”

Outsiders simply don't know about the reincarnation of Earth Immortals in Shushan Sword Sect, and even only a handful of people in Shushan know about it.

This was a difficult secret, so Mr. Lin was hesitant whether to tell Meng Fan just now.

Little did he know that Meng Fan knew many more secrets than Mr. Lin thought.

Of course, although Meng Fan knew a lot of secrets, he really didn't know the secret of the reincarnation of the Earthly Immortal in Shushan before.

"Master, who is the reincarnation of this Earthly Immortal in Shu Mountain? Have you seen it before?" Meng Fan became interested.

For young monks who have never seen the world, the existence of the reincarnation of earthly immortals is indeed very curious.

Mr. Lin thought for a moment, and since he had already started this, there was nothing to hide from Meng Fan.

He opened his mouth and said to Meng Fan: "Of course you have met him, and you have met him several times, and you have even been in the same room for a few days and nights."

Meng Fan was a little confused after hearing what Mr. Lin said.

How many days and nights did you spend in the same room?

How can this be?

My time in Shushan was basically spent in Jiange. How could I have the opportunity to spend a few days with others in the same room?

Could it be that the reincarnation of this Earth Immortal is from Jiange?

Senior Brother Luo?

Impossible, Senior Brother Luo is a waste.

Wu Tian?

This kid is even more impossible, he is just an idiot.

If the reincarnation of the Earthly Immortal looks like this, it is better not to be reincarnated at all, and to disperse as soon as possible to avoid harming others and causing embarrassment.

Shu Changsheng, this kid is even more impossible.

"Could it be that...master, you are always the reincarnation of the Earthly Immortal?" Meng Fan asked curiously, because this was the only reasonable explanation.

Moreover, since Master is so powerful, it makes perfect sense that he is the reincarnation of an Earthly Immortal.

Mr. Lin knocked on Meng Fan's forehead and said with a helpless smile: "What are you thinking about? If I were reincarnated as an earthly immortal, would I still be suppressed by the master since I was a child?"

"Didn't you just say that the reincarnation of the Earth Immortal is not an invincible being at the same level? It's not unexplainable that the leader's talent is a little better than yours, right?" Meng Fan rubbed his forehead, it still hurt.

Mr. Lin shook his head and said: "If my teacher is the reincarnation of the Earthly Immortal, why are I still trying to get along with you here? Think about it carefully, are there any other candidates?"

Meng Fan frowned, the answer to this question was really hard to figure out.

Could it be Ye Qingyu? Or Lin Feiyan?

When he and these two girls went down the mountain before, they seemed to be barely in the same room.

But that's not right. Even if the reincarnation of the Earth Immortal cannot be invincible at the same level, it is not so weak.

These two girls are really not worthy!

Meng Fan's mind was racing. After a moment, he suddenly had an idea and thought of someone.

"Master, the reincarnation of the Earthly Immortal you always talk about is Elder Hu?"

Elder Hu, Hu Qingshi, the gray-robed elder who has been guarding the Sword Temple on weekdays.

I once studied the Sword God Monument in the Sword Temple day and night, and I really spent a long time in the same room with this elder.

"Not bad, I finally guessed it right." Mr. Lin said with a smile.

Meng Fan showed a hint of emotion on his face and said, "I never expected that Elder Hu, who seems ordinary, could actually be the reincarnation of an earthly immortal."

In Meng Fan's impression, this Elder Hu is a typical old homebody, and he is obviously a social fear.

It is really surprising that this kind of person is actually the reincarnation of an Earth Immortal.

But thinking about it from another angle, perhaps it is precisely because this kind of people practice with concentration and no distracting thoughts that they can successfully overcome the tribulation and achieve the status of Earth Immortal.

Earthly Immortal!

Thinking of these two words, another question popped up in Meng Fan's mind.

This question was truly a curiosity that he had never thought of before!

"Master, I have a question, should I ask it?" Meng Fan asked.

"It's okay. If you have any questions, just ask. Anyway, it's up to me whether I answer or not." Mr. Lin said casually.

This really makes sense...

Meng Fan directly asked: "Master, in our Shushan Sword Sect, is there any real earth immortal alive now, a land immortal!"

Land gods, this is the pinnacle existence in the human world, and it is completely unsurpassable.

The pinnacle of the world, the absolute supreme existence.

Mr. Lin smiled and glanced at Meng Fan, but did not directly answer Meng Fan's question.

"Perhaps you can only get the answer to this question by asking the leader."

After a pause, Mr. Lin continued: "I can't tell you for sure whether there are land gods in Shushan now. But I know that hundreds of years from now, there will definitely be land gods in Shushan."

Meng Fan curled his lips. What would happen hundreds of years later? What is there to say?

We monks seize the day and the moment!

As a result, before he could give his speech, he heard Mr. Lin continue to say: "Because I believe that in a few hundred years, you will definitely become a land god.

Oh, no.

If you successfully overcome the tribulation, you will definitely be able to ascend to the immortal world and become a true immortal. What will the earthly immortal be then? "

It has to be said that Mr. Lin has great expectations for Meng Fan.

Because throughout his life, he has seen a lot and has a very high vision.

But he still had never seen someone as evil as Meng Fan.


If Meng Fan couldn't overcome the calamity and become an immortal, then he really couldn't imagine who else was worthy of becoming an immortal?

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