In the eyes of others, it feels the same way.

Although Wang Dong is the leader of Fengyun Demon Sect, he has just taken over the position and does not have a deep foundation.

It is completely normal for such people to be intimidated by the Demon Suppressing Sword like them, and it is not surprising at all.

But Meng Fan felt that something was a little abnormal, because although he didn't understand Wang Dong, he knew Mr. Lin too well.

I always felt that Mr. Lin's words were a little special, with a faint feeling of abnormality.

Especially Mr. Lin's expression and eyes revealed a strangeness.

Of course, other people would not notice this weirdness at all and think it is normal.

But Meng Fan knew Mr. Lin so well that he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

He had a vague feeling that Mr. Lin and the leader of Fengyun Demon Cult should know each other.

And it's not an acquaintance in the conventional sense, it's like there's some little secret hidden between the two.

This is very weird!

Mr. Lin wanted to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect, and as the leader of the Fengyun Demon Sect, Wang Dongfang must have hated Mr. Lin deeply and wished he could kill him quickly.

In this case, what connection can these two people have, and what secrets can they have?

Meng Fan was really puzzled.

Thinking about it carefully, he could only feel that his feelings were wrong, maybe he was overthinking.

After all, Mr. Lin is determined to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect this time, and this is not just playing tricks.


Meng Fan stopped paying attention to this point and turned his attention to Xu Chunsheng.

His mission today is to kill Xu Chunsheng and promote the prestige of the Shushan Sword Sect. This is also the purpose of Mr. Lin. Today is to establish prestige.

"Why don't we just start the fight? I'm tired of waiting." Meng Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, and just now he almost couldn't help but subconsciously shout the word "master" on the prefix.

Fortunately, I held back and reacted in time without shouting these two words.

Although with Mr. Lin's current status, it is not incomprehensible for him to have an earthly immortal reincarnated under his sect.

After all, the reincarnation of earth immortals is not the real land immortal, there is an essential difference.

It is normal for the reincarnated Earth Immortal to have a master with advanced cultivation.

But what's abnormal is that Mr. Lin doesn't have many disciples. If he calls out the word "master", someone will inevitably think of him in the future.

If someone associates the reincarnation of Changheng Sword Immortal with the name Meng Fan, this is not good news for Meng Fan.

It’s not what Meng Fan wants to see!

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and let's start the fight. Let me see how much this Earthly Immortal reincarnation of Fengyun Demon Cult weighs!" Mr. Lin glanced at Xu Chunsheng with disdain.

Xu Chunsheng became very angry when he saw Mr. Lin's expression.

As the reincarnation of an Earth Immortal, he has always been admired by everyone. When had he ever been wronged like this?

But looking at the Demon Suppressing Sword in Elder Lin's hand, he did not dare to show any dissatisfaction and could only endure the humiliation silently.

He gritted his teeth, thinking that he was no match for Lin Bianyun, and he would definitely teach this reincarnation of the so-called Changheng Sword Immortal a lesson later.

A small person in the realm of condensing pills actually dares to challenge me, and even looks aloof. Isn't this looking for death?

He was ready to vent all his pent-up anger on this boy.

Mr. Lin waved his hand and drew a path on the top of the mountain, clearing out a large space.

It is equivalent to the arena between Meng Fan and Xu Chunsheng.

Everyone wisely took a few steps back to give the two of them enough space.

"Boy, don't say that I bully you, you draw the sword first!" Xu Chunsheng put his hands behind his back, raised his head slightly, and said to Meng Fan with a hint of disdain in his tone.

Although Meng Fan was looked down upon in this way, he would not be annoyed.

Comparing oneself with others, if I were at the third level of the Soul-inducing Realm, I would naturally not think highly of a monk at the Dan-Condensing Realm.

This is human nature.

But soon, this human nature will be broken.

This Xu Chunsheng was so arrogant that he insisted on letting Meng Fan make the first move, so Meng Fan was not polite and took advantage of the situation to make the first move.

Although Meng Fan was confident of defeating Xu Chunsheng, his certainty was almost 100%.

But if we take action first, our certainty can continue to improve, reaching at least 150%.

Meng Fan has always been an extremely stable person, so if you have this confidence, don't waste it.

Then, in full view of everyone, Meng Fan raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

"Here comes the sword."

With this whisper.

The next second, countless sword energies were born on the top of the mountain and in the void.

Everyone here, except Elder Lin, saw this formation for the first time, and saw Meng Fan draw his sword for the first time.

When they saw that each sword energy in the sky was different, and even each sword energy had a power comparable to the realm of leading gods, they were shocked.

Even though they were all masters of various major sects and well-informed, they were still shocked by Meng Fan's move.

It would not be surprising if a monk at the ninth level of Dan Condensation could condense a sword energy that was comparable to the power of the Soul Condensing Realm. They had seen it many times.

There is never a shortage of geniuses in this world. When monks at the ninth level of condensing elixirs erupt with sword energy that is comparable to the realm of leading gods, their minds will definitely be as calm as water, without any fluctuations.

Even if several such sword energies burst out at the same time, they would not be surprised. After all, their experience and city are too deep, and they have seen too many geniuses.

But the scene in front of them has exceeded their definition of genius.

The reincarnation of the Changheng Sword Immortal not only unleashed countless sword energies that were comparable to the spirit-inducing realm, but most importantly, these sword energies were not all the same.

Each sword energy is different and a completely different product. In other words, each sword energy is the result of practicing different sword techniques to the extreme.


Hundreds and thousands of sword energy, doesn't it mean that this Changheng Sword Immortal has practiced hundreds of sword skills to the extreme?

When manpower is limited!

It is not easy for a sword cultivator to be proficient in several sword techniques and practice several sword techniques to the extreme. The key is that this is completely enough.

To practice hundreds of swordsmanship to the extreme is something that normal people cannot imagine.

Someone has actually done something unimaginable?

This is really outrageous!

"As expected of the reincarnation of the Sword Immortal, only the reincarnation of the Sword Immortal can have such a terrifying foundation."

Many people present couldn't help but exclaim this kind of exclamation, the exact same exclamation, miraculously uniform.

Others were shocked and amazed, but Xu Chunsheng, who faced Meng Fan directly, was a little frightened.

Because he himself is the reincarnation of a land immortal, he knows very well that even the reincarnation of an earth immortal cannot do this.

Practicing hundreds of sword techniques to the extreme at the same time, how terrifying is this understanding?

Even though Xu Chunsheng was the reincarnation of an Earth Immortal, he had stood at the pinnacle of this world and had seen countless geniuses and monsters, but he had never seen such an exaggerated existence.

It's not that he has little knowledge, it's just unreasonable.

It's like anyone who sees the sun coming out in the west will find it incomprehensible!

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