But when he thought about it, Meng Fan felt that he didn't need to prove this.

In fact, if it wasn't a very important matter, he wouldn't risk revealing the news at all.

After all, ever since he could see Jian Sha's memory, he had formulated a policy for himself.

There are too many secrets in Jian Sha's memory, and they must not be revealed.

Because people who know too many secrets often die miserably. It is very likely that they will be shot in the back for no apparent reason and die with their eyes open.

This time I revealed this secret to Mr. Lin. Although I explained that it was a rumor I overheard, it was still a leak of secrets and deviated from the policy I had originally customized.

"Okay, you go back first, don't think about it anymore, the situation you are worried about will never happen, you can rest assured." Mr. Lin said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan didn't bother to say anything anymore. Anyway, he had fulfilled his obligation to remind him, and the rest was out of his control.

Do your best and obey destiny!

In fact, in Meng Fan's mind, the most important thing is cultivation.

As long as you are strong enough, no matter what happens, you can use the troops to cover up the water or the earth.

In the world of immortality, it is impossible to eliminate dangers. In essence, the strong is respected.

Rather than worrying unfoundedly, it is better to improve one's own strength.

Meng Fan returned to the room, ready to continue practicing, and practiced in one go to the state of attracting gods.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Meng Fan sensed that it was Wu Tian standing outside the door, so he shouted to the door.

I have to say that Wu Tian has indeed become a lot more polite during his time in Jiange.

If this had been the case before when he first came here, this kid would have just barged in wherever he had no idea of ​​knocking on the door.

Mainly because I was beaten too many times and was beaten down.

Bitch just deserves a beating.

"What's the matter?" Meng Fan asked Wu Tian.

"Well, Senior Brother Meng, did Mr. Lin tell you when we will start a war with Fengyun Demon Cult?"

After knowing that there was going to be a war with the Fengyun Demon Sect and that he could go on a killing spree, Wu Tian was so excited that he couldn't even sleep.

But after Mr. Lin dropped such a bombshell, there was no follow-up news, which made him anxious.

"How do I know this question? If you want to know, you have to ask Mr. Lin." Meng Fan said casually, not to fool Wu Tian, ​​he really didn't know.

When Wu Tian heard this, his face was full of helplessness.

"I've asked Mr. Lin a long time ago, but he just doesn't give me any assurance. He keeps telling me to wait. How long will it take?"

Meng Fan smiled, then shook his head and said, "If Mr. Lin doesn't tell you, he certainly won't tell me, so it's useless for you to ask me this question.

However, my intuition tells me that the battle you are looking forward to should be coming soon, you can’t wait too long! "

It really shouldn't take too long. According to Meng Fan's speculation, the battle between himself and Xu Chunsheng was the trigger for the desperate battle between the Fengyun Demon Sect and the Shushan Sword Sect.

At that time, he felt that Wang Dong, the leader of the Fengyun Demon Sect, was too cowardly. Not only did he not save Xu Chunsheng, he even refused to collect Xu Chunsheng's body, which was an insult to his status as the leader of the sect.

Now that he knew Wang Dong was Lin Tianxing, Meng Fan completely understood the twists and turns involved.

Elder Lin and Lin Tianxing obviously cooperated on purpose.

The two of them "collaborated" and caused Xu Chunsheng to die so tragically. After Lin Tianxing returned to Fengyun Demon Sect, he had enough excuses to fan the flames and encourage Fengyun Demon Sect and Shushan Sword Sect to fight to the end.

This method is actually not clever, but for others, it is impossible to imagine that Wang Dong, the leader of Fengyun Demon Sect, is the son of Lin Bianyun, the sword-wielding elder of Shushan Sword Sect.

Because of this poor information, this unsophisticated method will be elevated to an extremely clever level.

"Senior Brother Meng, I can't wait too long. How long is it? I really don't want to wait another day." Wu Tianji said with a headache.

For Wu Tian, ​​he is actually addicted to killing.

Although he had indeed cultivated his moral character during this time in Jiange, after hearing that he could go on a killing spree, he felt that his blood was getting hot again, almost boiling.

As a result, after waiting for so many days, there was no movement at all. His heated blood had long since cooled down.

It’s really torturous.

"How long, you have to ask Mr. Lin." Meng Fan said, and the topic came back.

"But Mr. Lin didn't tell me." Wu Tian looked helpless.

"If Mr. Lin doesn't tell me, I don't know either."

"You don't know? Then you just told me that it should be soon, or won't it be too long?"

"My guess!"

Hearing the last two words "guessed", Wu Tian was immediately choked up.

Isn't this a joke?

Fortunately, he had been tricked by Meng Fan many times before, and now he was somewhat used to it, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to stand this kind of stimulation.

Meng Fan looked at Wu Tian's aggrieved expression and couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, in these few days, there will definitely be plenty of opportunities for you to kill.

The day of a desperate battle between Shushan Sword Sect and Fengyun Demon Sect is already approaching. "

When Wu Tian heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

However, he hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Then when is this imminent moment you mentioned?"

Going around and around, we come back to the first question.

Meng Fan felt that his talk was in vain.

He lost his patience and comforted Wu Tian angrily: "Go away, I don't know!"

Although Wu Tian did not leave, he walked out of Meng Fan's room and even closed the door on his own initiative.

After this kid left Meng Fan's room, he went straight to the second floor of the Jiangge.

"Mr. Lin, when are we going to start a war with the Fengyun Demon Sect? All the flowers I've been waiting for have withered."

Exactly the same problem.

I have to say that this kid is really stubborn. After getting no answer from Meng Fan, he went to the second floor to ask Mr. Lin again.

Originally, Wu Tian thought that he would be kicked out by Mr. Lin like before.

But this time, Mr. Lin highlighted three words to him with a calm expression.

"Three days later!"

Three days later, it will be the day of a desperate battle between Shushan Sword Sect and Fengyun Demon Sect.

"The date has been set, are you so sure?" Wu Tian was surprised and even a little confused. He didn't expect that he would actually get the answer from Mr. Lin this time.

Seeing Wu Tian's reaction, Mr. Lin just smiled and said nothing more.

This day is extremely certain and certain.

Because this date was personally decided by him and the leader of Fengyun Demon Cult, how could it be wrong?

"Get ready these two days. I'll definitely give you a good fight in three days. But please pay attention to me, kid, don't die in the hands of those disciples of Fengyun Demon Sect. That would be too embarrassing for me!"

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