In any case, the appearance of this altar is definitely not a good thing.

Meng Fan felt very solemn when encountering this kind of thing. He even prepared to invite the master over.

After all, he could no longer get involved in matters of this nature.

The most urgent task is to first find out who lives in this cave and who decorated this altar.

And most importantly, is this person dead?

Since the altar has been laid out and it seems to be quite old, it means that the altar must have been used.

The owner of this cave must have gained something by relying on the sacrifices at this altar?

Meng Fan didn't care what this guy sacrificed, the main thing was what he got?

Thinking of this, Meng Fan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a box in the corner.

In this case, anyone would be curious and want to know what is in this box. Is it a treasure?

Therefore, Meng Fan did not leave in a hurry, but walked to the box and opened it.

To his surprise and disappointment, the box was empty, with nothing in it.

This made Meng Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes, his anticipation was in vain.

"Old monk, did you do it on purpose? You already knew that there was no treasure in this cave, so you let me have more than a thousand spiritual stones in vain." Meng Fan said to the old monk angrily.

Hearing this, the old monk quickly explained: "When I discovered this place, it was covered by a ban. How could I know what was here in advance? Lord Meng, you just misunderstood me."

"Restriction? Didn't you break the restriction here instantly?" Meng Fan muttered, but he was just talking, and he didn't really want to compete with the old monk.

Meng Fan continued to scan the box with his spiritual consciousness. Although the box was empty, Meng Fan was keenly aware that there was a dark layer under the bottom of the box.

He touched the bottom of the box with his finger, and the bottom suddenly shattered, revealing the items hidden inside.

A jade slip.

When Meng Fan looked at the jade slip with his spiritual consciousness, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of shock.

Shocked because of familiarity.

What is recorded in this jade slip is actually a heavenly swordsmanship.

"Heavenly Sword"

One of the heavenly swordsmanship of the Shushan Sword Sect, Meng Fan had already mastered it long ago and incorporated it into the swordsmanship of Ten Thousand Swords.

How come there is Shushan’s secret skill in Fengyun Demon Sect?

Shushan's "Heavenly Sword", this swordsmanship is also among the best in Shushan Sword Sect, second only to "Sword God", and it is the secret of Shushan Sword Sect.

The existence of this sword technique among the Fengyun Demon Sect proves that the Shushan Sword Sect’s secret knowledge has been leaked.

Fortunately, the Fengyun Demon Sect has been destroyed. Otherwise, if the Shushan Sword Technique is thoroughly studied, it will definitely be a disaster for the Shushan Sword Sect.


After calming down, Meng Fan suddenly thought that the appearance of Shushan's secret skill in Fengyun Demon Sect did not necessarily mean that Shushan's secret skill had been leaked.

Because among Fengyun Demon Sect, there is one person who should know the secret of Shushan.

The current leader of Fengyun Demon Sect, Wang Dong.

Lin Tianxing should have been called back by now.

Mr. Lin's son is the number one undercover agent of Shushan Sword Sect who went to Fengyun Demon Sect. It is not surprising that this person has Shushan's "Heavenly Sword".

Meng Fan had a vague feeling that this cave belonged to Mr. Lin's son?


If you guessed it yourself, it would be really scary to think about it.

Because if Lin Tianxing is really the owner of this cave, then he is the one who decorated the altar.

Mr. Lin's son has collusion with the devil?

When Meng Fan thought about this possibility, his heart suddenly trembled and his hair stood on end.

He doesn't care whether Lin Tianxing is good or evil, let alone whether this guy has colluded with the devil.

But Mr. Lin cares!

If it were true, how sad would Mr. Lin be?

"Huh~~~" Meng Fan took a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

He calmed himself down. Even if the owner of this cave was really Lin Tianxing, things might not be what he thought.

Setting up this kind of altar does not necessarily mean colluding with the demon world. It may just be that you want to sacrifice something and get what you need.

If you think about it from another perspective, if you have this opportunity, you might take advantage of it.

So what if you cooperate with the devil as long as you can become stronger?

"Alas..." Although he could comfort himself in this way, Meng Fan also knew very well that this was just comfort.

After all, dancing with the devil will not end well. It is tantamount to playing with fire and burning yourself.

If this sacrificial altar was really created by Lin Tianxing, then no matter what he gained, he would definitely lose more at the same time!

There is no pie in the sky. Making a deal with the "evil god" can only give you temporary pleasure, but the final outcome will definitely not be good!

In fact, everyone understands this truth.

But everyone understands the truth, and often everyone makes mistakes.

The human heart is actually very difficult to control, and even you can't control your own heart.

Meng Fan sighed.

After returning to Jiange later, I will definitely tell Mr. Lin this news.

In other words, Mr. Lin is actually quite pitiful. He has known that his son is still alive for so many years, but he has not been able to reunite with him.

Now that the Fengyun Demon Sect has finally been destroyed, if something really goes wrong with Lin Tianxing, Meng Fan can hardly imagine what a huge blow this will be to Mr. Lin!

I hope I guessed wrong and this is not Lin Tianxing's cave.

Meng Fan glanced at the entire cave again. Except for the altar and the box, it seemed empty and there was nothing.

Just when he was about to leave here and return to the Shushan Sword Sect to tell Mr. Lin about this, the old monk's voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind again.

"Donor Meng, take a closer look at the northeast corner of this altar."

After hearing the old monk's reminder, Meng Fan immediately had no idea of ​​leaving.

After all, this old monk would not make a mistake without aim. Since this old thing mentioned it, he must have discovered something.

Meng Fan came to the northeast corner of the altar and observed it carefully.

Under normal circumstances, most people would not dare to approach this weird altar because accidents could easily happen.

So even though Meng Fan took a careful look at the cave just now, he didn't delve into the altar.

After being reminded by the old monk, Meng Fan noticed something unusual in the northeast corner of the altar.

After a while, he dug out a small box from the ground next to him.

Hidden so deeply, this box must not be simple.

Meng Fan carefully opened the box and found that there was also a jade slip inside.

This scene immediately made him frown.

They are both jade slips, so it would be nice to put them together.

The jade slip just now was already hidden in the dark layer of the box. Unexpectedly, this jade slip was hidden even deeper.

Meng Fan looked at the jade slip carefully. He was really curious. What was recorded in such a tightly hidden jade slip?

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