Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 486: Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, Hundred Swords Ceremony

Thinking of this, Meng Fan was immediately full of expectations for the next journey.

Half a day later, Senior Brother Jin and Meng Fan appeared in a secluded forest.

This forest, called Ghost Eye Forest, is already on the edge of the Northern Territory. If we walk a few thousand miles further south, we can reach the Middle Earth China.

For Meng Fan, China is a place that is both strange and full of expectations.

It's just that he is cautious and steady by nature and does not dare to set foot in China easily.

After all, the Shushan Sword Sect is a sect in the Northern Territory. In the Northern Territory, it can be protected by the Shushan Sword Sect, but in the Middle-earth China, the name of the Shushan Sword Sect is not easy to use.

Meng Fan planned to wait for his cultivation to be strong enough to go to China for a walk.

He couldn't forget that he once saw Chinese characters in Jian Sha's memory!

The three words "Nie Rulong" still impressed Meng Fan deeply.

These three words play a large role in the reason why Meng Fan longs for the Middle-earth China.

In Jian Sha's memory, there was a stone tablet in a certain cave in the Middle-earth China. The three characters Nie Rulong were written on the stone tablet in Chinese characters, and the words were sharp and contained profound sword meaning.

The sword intent was not what attracted Meng Fan, the main thing was the three Chinese characters.

This means that there is at least a 90% chance that the man named Nie Rulong is a time traveler from China like himself.

How could Meng Fan not be interested in such a senior?

It would be extremely desirable if we could find this senior Nie Rulong and have a chat with him about China's affairs?

And, most importantly, can the two of them find a way to return to China?

After traveling to this world, Meng Fan had already accepted this reality, but he also knew that there was a high probability that he would never have the chance to return to Earth in this life.

But it doesn't stop him from dreaming occasionally. It would be a good experience to dream with someone of the same mind.

But all of this must be based on sufficient cultivation.

Without strong enough cultivation, Meng Fan didn't even have the courage to go to Middle-earth China to look at the stone tablet, let alone find senior Nie Rulong.

"Why are you so dazed?" Senior Brother Jin asked Meng Fan when he saw Meng Fan standing in front of the Ghost Eye Forest and was distracted.

Meng Fan glanced at the south, and asked Senior Brother Jin in a complicated tone: "Senior Brother Jin, if you go further south, you'll find the Middle-earth China. Have you been to the Middle-earth China?"

After hearing Meng Fan's question, Senior Brother Jin realized that Meng Fan really yearned for the China of China not far away.

He smiled and said: "I have been to Middle-earth China once, but that was ten years ago.

Ten years ago, I was still a monk in the realm of condensation and had just become a deacon of the Shushan Sword Sect.

At that time, I went with the seniors of the Shushan Sword Sect to participate in the Hundred Swords Ceremony of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect in the China of Middle-earth, and I really gained a lot of experience. "

"Hundred Swords Ceremony?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

This was the first time he heard this term, and he had never heard of it before.

Senior Brother Jin explained: "The Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect is considered to be the number one sect of swordsmanship in the Middle-Earth Divine State. Although the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect is not the strongest sect in the Middle-earth Divine State, in terms of the strength of the swordsmanship, it is indeed the most powerful sect. The leader!

Even our Shushan Sword Sect cannot match this point.

After all, there are three major sword sects in the Northern Territory, the Shushan Sword Sect, the Kunlun Sword Sect and the Wuji Sword Sect. They are not alone.

But the Middle-earth China is different. When it comes to sword sects, the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect is the unrivaled number one in swordsmanship, and no one can match it.

And every ten years, the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect will hold a Hundred Swords Ceremony, in which ninety divine swords and ten divine swords can be learned by participants! "

Meng Fan was stunned when he heard what Senior Brother Jin said.

Ninety swords, ten swords?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

According to what Meng Fan knew, even with the Shushan Sword Sect's background, it was far from being able to collect ninety divine swords and ten fairy swords.

And this Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect can actually bring out these for people to understand, proving that the foundation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect is far more than this.

It is worthy of being the first swordsmanship sect in the China of Middle-earth. Even the Shushan Sword Sect cannot match this foundation!

Wait a moment?

Meng Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Senior Brother Jin, do you mean that if you can participate in this Hundred Swords Ceremony, you can understand these divine swords and come into contact with these divine swords or even fairy swords?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Senior Brother Jin nodded.

"If I can participate in the Hundred Swords Ceremony, won't I be able to touch these swords? Can I touch all of these hundred divine swords?" Meng Fan suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked this question, which even made his tone tremble. question.

“That’s true according to the rules, you can touch every sword.

But I advise you to give up this idea, because let alone the fairy sword, even the secrets of the divine sword are beyond your imagination.

If you really want to gain enlightenment, a divine sword is enough for you to gain enlightenment. There is no need to bite off more than you can chew! "

There are a hundred divine swords and fairy swords. Contact with each one will only cause harm. This is not a good thing. It is best to pick one to gain insights.

But this is Senior Brother Jin's understanding, which is not the case for Meng Fan.

Ninety divine swords, ten immortal swords, these swordsmanship sources are more than the entire Shushan Sword Pavilion combined.

And there are many more, which are completely different from each other.

One divine sword is much more important than a thousand spiritual swords put together.

Not to mention the fairy sword!


Just thinking about the origins of so many swords makes Meng Fan drool and his heart beat faster.

If you can really absorb the origin of these swords, then you can't become an immortal instantly?

"Senior Brother Jin, you just said that you participated in the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect's Hundred Swords Ceremony ten years ago, and you also said that the Hundred Swords Ceremony is held every ten years.

So doesn't it mean that this edition of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect's Hundred Swords Ceremony is about to begin again? Meng Fan asked, holding back the excitement in his heart.

Senior Brother Jin nodded and said: "Counting the days, it is indeed almost here. It should be about a year or two."

Although he said it was ten years ago, he didn't calculate it carefully, he just said it roughly.

Meng Fan asked so seriously, so he thought about it carefully and did some calculations.

"According to the time, it should be about a year and a half away."

Senior Brother Jin smiled and said to Meng Fan: "What, you also want to participate in this Hundred Swords Ceremony?

In fact, although this Hundred Swords Ceremony sounds bluffing, to put it bluntly, it is just deliberately creating a grand spectacle and will not be of any real help to you.

If you really want to comprehend the divine sword, there is a divine sword in the sword pavilion for you to comprehend. As the deacon of the sword pavilion, you know this better than me.

As for the Immortal Sword, although you are talented in swordsmanship, your cultivation and strength are here, and you have not yet been able to comprehend the Immortal Sword. "

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