Now that he had come in, even though he was protected by Elder Wang, Meng Fan was still subconsciously curious about the dangers here.

"Ghost Eye Forest, as its name suggests, Ghost Eye, there are countless pairs of ghost eyes staring at you in this Ghost Eye Forest, wanting to devour you." Elder Wang walked in and said casually without looking back.

Ghost Eye?

This name is also a fancy way of saying it, and there is nothing to analyze at all?

Meng Fan was still a little confused, and felt that Elder Wang's explanation was the same as no explanation.

I don't understand it at all!

Senior Brother Jin on the side explained: "The ghost eyes that Elder Wang mentioned are actually the eyes of ghost cultivators.

This Ghost Eye Forest is the gathering place of many ghost cultivators, and in a sense, it is also the territory of ghost cultivators.

We normal cultivators come to the Ghost Eye Forest and are outsiders, so these ghost cultivators are naturally not welcome!

And the spirit of the cultivators is a great tonic for ghost cultivators.

Once you mistakenly enter the Ghost Eye Forest, you will become a delicacy in the eyes of ghost cultivators.

Therefore, if your cultivation is not strong enough, you will basically not be able to walk out alive once you enter the Ghost Eye Forest."

In comparison, Senior Brother Jin was much more reliable and gave a detailed explanation to Meng Fan.

This time, Meng Fan finally understood!

Ghost cultivators...

Old Wang is really a ghost cultivator. Ghost cultivators are ghost cultivators. He has to talk about ghost eyes and make it so fancy.

Meng Fan has heard about ghost cultivators.

Some cultivators have their bodies destroyed and cannot rebuild their bodies, but their souls are immortal, so they can only become ghost cultivators.

Like Hong Qi before, although she is a sword spirit, she is essentially no different from a ghost cultivator.

Then there is another situation, such as the three souls of the cultivator are not complete, and one soul or even the soul is destroyed, then it is also enough to become a ghost cultivator.

The two souls of heaven and earth are often outside and not in the flesh.

Once the soul in the flesh is damaged, only the heavenly soul or the earthly soul is left, and it is impossible to control the flesh, and it can only become a ghost cultivator.

Anyway, no matter what the situation is, ghost cultivators are a miserable existence, and they can only envy real cultivators!

But from another perspective, they are not the worst. After all, they did not turn to ashes and their souls flew away, and at least they can survive in another way.

After listening to Brother Jin’s explanation, Old Wang also added a sentence.

"Yes, if we live and enter this Ghost Eye Forest, we will be the tonic for these ghost cultivators. If we are not careful, we will die miserably. Therefore, this Ghost Eye Forest is also a forbidden place for cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation! You two, stay with me and don't go too far, otherwise you will indeed encounter unnecessary trouble." Hearing what Elder Wang said, Meng Fan and Senior Brother Jin nodded. In fact, even if Elder Wang didn't say this, they would never run around. "Since living cultivators are delicious tonics in the eyes of these ghost cultivators, why don't these ghost cultivators leave the Ghost Eye Forest and go to the outside world to "forage for food"?" Meng Fan couldn't help asking. This is a normal person's idea. Elder Wang smiled and didn't say anything, leaving it to Senior Brother Jin to explain for Meng Fan. Senior Brother Jin said seriously: "These ghost cultivators can only be protected by hiding in this Ghost Eye Forest. Once they leave the Ghost Eye Forest, they will become the targets of cultivators to slay demons and eliminate monsters." This truth is actually not difficult to understand. This Ghost Eye Forest is the territory of ghost cultivators. Ghost cultivators gather together for warmth, and cultivators who mistakenly enter here will die miserably. If the ghost cultivators leave their territory, they will be the ones who will die miserably!

The outside of the Ghost Eye Forest is the territory of the cultivators.

"Then the cultivators of various sects can unite and eradicate the ghost cultivator forces in the Ghost Eye Forest."

"Why should we eradicate them?

These ghost cultivators are not all bad people.

To put it bluntly, ghost cultivators are actually a kind of cultivator!

As long as the cultivators do not step into the Ghost Eye Forest and the territory of the ghost cultivators, everyone can live in peace."

This is indeed the truth. Ghost cultivators are also a kind of cultivator, not demons. It is not everyone's turn to kill demons and eliminate demons!

As the three walked, Wang Lao, who was in the front, stopped.

In front of them, an extremely strange palace appeared.

The Ghost Eye Forest has always been shrouded in strange black fog. At this moment, a palace is looming in the black fog, which is still quite shocking.

"Wang Lao, is this the heritage site you mentioned?" Meng Fan asked.

Wang Lao looked back at Meng Fan and shook his head.

"This is the bedroom of the Night Emperor. I will take you two into the Ghost Eye Forest. I have to report to him. After you pass by here, the Night Emperor will know your existence and allow you to walk in the Ghost Eye Forest!" Hearing what Wang Lao said, Meng Fan was a little surprised and a little nervous. Because from Wang Lao's tone, the Night Emperor just mentioned seemed very strong and terrifying. [Night Emperor] This title sounds very impressive. Before, Meng Fan thought that Wang Lao could walk sideways in the Ghost Eye Forest because Wang Lao's strength was strong enough, so no ghost cultivator dared to provoke Wang Lao. Now it seems that this is not the case, but Wang Lao has "hooked up" with the boss of the Ghost Eye Forest. Meng Fan and Senior Brother Jin looked at each other and did not speak. Because according to Wang Lao, the Night Emperor in the palace should be observing them at this time, and they dare not speak nonsense for fear of offending the Night Emperor.

"Okay, let's go!" After just a few breaths, Elder Wang turned around and said to Senior Brother Jin and Meng Fan.

Then, he led the two away from the palace.

In fact, Senior Brother Jin and Meng Fan thought that this palace was the inheritance place that Elder Wang mentioned, but they didn't expect that the facts were so different from what they thought.

"Elder Wang, who is this Night Emperor you just mentioned?" After leaving the palace, Senior Brother Jin couldn't help but asked Elder Wang.

Along the way, it was Meng Fan who asked this and that, and this time it was Senior Brother Jin who couldn't hold it back.

After all, he was carrying the character of [Xian Xiu Bai Xiaosheng], and he didn't allow such a big loophole in his knowledge base.

Night Emperor, a person who sounds very powerful and awesome, he had never heard of it at all, which really aroused his curiosity.

Meng Fan was also curious, and he pricked up his ears and waited for Elder Wang's answer with Senior Brother Jin.

Old Wang frowned and glanced at the direction of the palace. Although he could not even see the shadow of the palace from a distance, he was still a little nervous and worried.

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about!"

Senior Brother Jin and Meng Fan were a little disappointed because they didn't get the answers they wanted, but there was nothing they could do.

From Old Wang's reaction, they could guess that this Night Emperor was definitely a terrifying figure, even Old Wang was so cautious and nervous.

Meng Fan subconsciously felt that this Night Emperor was probably more terrifying than the head of the sect, Lin Jinghong.

After all, even when facing the head of the sect, Old Wang would not be so nervous.

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