Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 509: Ten Thousand Swords Return to Their Origin! Complete!

"I really found a great treasure this time. Even if I can't get the inheritance, for me, this true knowledge of swordsmanship is no less precious than any inheritance." Meng Fan murmured to himself, feeling a little helpless. Excited.

Although he didn't know what the inheritance in Ghost Eye Forest was, he felt that this true knowledge of swordsmanship was his most precious inheritance.

Not to mention anything else, the Dan Sword Immortal inheritance he had received was thrown away by this true swordsmanship by countless ways.

Although theoretically speaking, there is no comparison between Dan Sword Immortal and this inheritance master, but Meng Fan is indeed extremely satisfied to have obtained this true knowledge of swordsmanship.

Really satisfied!

"If I can figure out the true meaning of the sword, then my Ten Thousand Swords will be unified, and it will be a great success!"

Thinking of this, Meng Fan's heartbeat began to accelerate and he became excited.

If Ten Thousand Swords Returns to One Great Success, then it is not Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One.

That is what Meng Fan dreams of - [The Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect].

Meng Fan had already predicted that once Ten Thousand Swords Return to Great Perfection and transform into Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, it would become a truly immortal swordsmanship.

Although Meng Fan has practiced many heavenly swordsmanship, he has never been exposed to the immortal swordsmanship. He has never even heard of the immortal swordsmanship of the Shushan Sword Sect, which can be called the holy land of swordsmanship. .

With Ten Thousand Swords returning to the clan, Meng Fan can truly be called the God of Swords.

He deserves this title!

Of course, I'm just thinking about it, I don't really want to be a sword god.

After all, the more outstanding a person is, the more he has to keep a low profile, otherwise he will die sooner or later.

"This great world of Hongxuan is really my blessed place." Meng Fan thought that not only had he broken through to the third level of the spirit spirit here, but he had also obtained a rare treasure such as the true knowledge of the sword.

However, since this is an illusion, if I can leave alive, will my cultivation be restored to the first level of leading gods, or will it still be the third level of leading gods?

And will this jade slip, which records the true meaning of swordsmanship, disappear by then?

Meng Fan was not sure whether it was the first level or the third level of guiding the gods. It didn't matter, but the true knowledge of the sword was extremely important.

"The best way is to thoroughly study the true meaning of swordsmanship before leaving this illusion."

Even if the jade slip will disappear, the things that have been recorded in my mind will not disappear.

For the next time, Meng Fan stayed in his room and stayed in seclusion, concentrating on studying the true meaning of swordsmanship.

He didn't know when the test of inheritance would end. It might end in the next second. There was no telling.

Therefore, he must seize every minute and every second and make full use of it.

"The True Explanation of the Way of Sword"

This thing is actually quite high-end. If it were a kid like Wu Tian who studied the true meaning of swordsmanship, he would just stare at it and not even be able to figure it out.

Just like many Shushan disciples went to comprehend the Sword God Monument, but could not comprehend anything.

Talent is something you are born with.

Meng Fan's talent in swordsmanship was maxed out and reached its peak. This was simply not something that others could compare to. There was no comparison at all.

Relying on the existence of the supreme talent of swordsmanship, Meng Fan frantically absorbed and replenished himself in the ocean of swordsmanship.

Time is like running water, and the days when you can't pretend to be cool always fly by.

A year has passed in the blink of an eye!

During this year, Meng Fan seemed to be in a state of comprehending the Sword God Monument almost every moment.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is an extremely terrifying thing.

A year has passed. Although Meng Fan's cultivation has not improved at all and he is still at the third level of the spirit-inducing state, his swordsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds to a perverted level.

Nowadays, in his swordsmanship, there is no distinction between heavenly swordsmanship and earthly swordsmanship. There is also no Small Thousand Sword Formation, Seven-Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation, Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Sword Formation...

All sword techniques, sword formations, etc., turned into one sword in Meng Fan's heart.

Only one sword is worth ten thousand swords.

The ultimate sword, the sword that enters the Tao.

I have a sword that can conquer demons, eliminate demons, kill immortals, kill gods, destroy Buddhas, reach the heavens, and penetrate the earth!

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Clan"


From today on, in Meng Fan's swordsmanship, there is no longer the saying that all swords will be unified.

It is no longer the return of thousands of swords to one, but the return of thousands of swords to the clan!

From the moment he stepped into the sword pavilion, from the first time he came into contact with the Sword God Monument, Meng Fan was determined to create the sword technique of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect... After five hundred chapters, he finally created it.

A monk in the realm of guiding gods created an immortal sword technique.

Even if you were to tell a true immortal this statement, the true immortal would not believe it with his knowledge.

Too ridiculous.

Extremely ridiculous!

Extremely outrageous! !

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect, ten thousand swords return to the sect. At first, I just had a random thought of creating a sword technique of my own. I didn't expect that after going through so much, I finally mastered this sword technique."

Meng Fan, who had been sitting cross-legged on the bed for a year, spoke with a complicated and sad tone, then stood up from the bed and stretched.

"Wanjian Guizong, the soul of the sword, has given me so much help in this inheritance trial. No matter whether the inheritance master allows me to pass the inheritance test in the end, or chooses me to be his disciple, he will He is my benefactor!"

Indeed, this kindness was too great, and the help Meng Fan received here was simply too great.

From this year of seclusion and this year of studying the true meaning of swordsmanship, Meng Fan's harvest is not just the return of ten thousand swords to the sect.

The return of Wan Jian to the clan is certainly an extremely amazing gain, but the gain on the other hand cannot be underestimated.

The soul of the sword!

In fact, as Meng Fan entered the realm of guiding gods, if he concentrated on research, he could hope to push his level of swordsmanship from sword soul to sword soul.

But he didn't practice deliberately, he just mastered it and it came naturally!

This year's study of the true meaning of swordsmanship not only came naturally, but also went too far.

Meng Fan directly crossed over to the level of the sword soul and reached the level of the sword soul in one step.

Sword Qi, Sword Intent, Sword Power, Sword Soul, Sword Soul, Sword Spirit, Sword Domain...

With the cultivation of Ten Thousand Swords, Meng Fan's swordsmanship has directly reached the level of the Sword Soul, and is even only one step away from the legendary sword realm.

Meng Fanyou remembers how shocked he was when he saw the master fighting with Li Fanchen, the leader of the Ghost King Sect, in the Demon Locking Tower. The sword fields used by both parties were amazing.

At that time, when he saw the Sword Domain, he was just like a mortal looking at the methods of immortals.

This is the difference between immortals and mortals!

Now, he, an "ordinary" person, is about to reach out and touch the "immortal".

a step far!

But should we say it or not, this one step away is actually so close and so far away that it is out of reach!

Because trying to upgrade from the Soul of the Sword to the level of the Sword Realm is tantamount to a monk's tribulation. This is essentially an improvement, and it's too difficult!

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