Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 521 Many people have seen each other for the last time

Or maybe, today's meeting is the last meeting in this life.

In fact, there are many people in this world who have seen each other for the last time in this life, and will never have the chance to meet again in this life.

"Alas..." Meng Fan couldn't help but sigh.

Not far away, Wang Lao said casually: "Young, why sigh? What did Ye Di say to you?"

Wang Lao also met Ye Di by chance.

It can't even be considered as knowing, because he has never met Ye Di in person.

In the final analysis, he is not even qualified to meet Ye Di once!

But Meng Fan was fortunate enough to enter the palace and see Ye Di's true face, which even Wang Lao envied.

He was curious about what Meng Fan saw after entering the palace and what he said to Ye Di.

Meng Fan heard Wang Lao's question and said casually: "Ye Di saw that I was amazing and gifted, so he taught me a skill."

Wang Lao did not doubt Meng Fan's words. If someone else said this, such as Jin Mantang, he would definitely slap him in the face, don't be green-faced!

But Meng Fan was indeed a man of extraordinary talent, and he really had no way to refute this.

In his opinion, the reason why the Night Emperor met Meng Fan was because although Meng Fan did not meet the requirements of the inheritance, he was indeed a talent that could be cultivated, so the Night Emperor met Meng Fan and passed on a technique to him.

It is not uncommon to cherish talents, and many seniors have this mentality towards their juniors.

For example, he himself also cherished Meng Fan's talent at the beginning, so he took good care of him.

Although Meng Fan made up an excuse casually, Old Wang believed it and believed it without a doubt.

There is no way, geniuses are easy to deceive even liars.

Like Meng Fan's previous life in middle school, the teacher did not believe the truth of the poor students, and the teacher believed the lies of the good students.

"Hey, where is Senior Brother Jin? He left so soon?" Meng Fan saw that only Old Wang was outside the palace, and he couldn't help asking with some doubts.

He thought Senior Brother Jin would at least wait for him, after all, they came from Shushan Sword Sect together.

"He should still be outside the Ghost Eye Forest. If you chase him now, you should be able to catch up." Old Wang said calmly.

Meng Fan did want to chase him. After all, two people going back to Shushan together is better than being alone.

"Then Old Wang, are you going to stay in the Ghost Eye Forest?" Meng Fan asked.

Old Lin nodded. He was still working hard to become the Night Emperor's registered disciple.

He did not expect to become the Night Emperor's personal disciple. Being a registered disciple was also a great opportunity.

Meng Fan saw that Lin was determined to stay in the Ghost Eye Forest, and his heart moved. He just forgot to say a few words to Old Wang in front of Wu Yingying.

Thinking of Old Wang's care for him, he felt that he had to do so.

He was going to enter the palace again and say a few words for Old Wang in front of Wu Yingying.

But on second thought, with Wu Yingying's current ability, everything that happened in the Ghost Eye Forest could not escape her eyes.

Wu Yingying also saw the relationship between him and Old Wang, and it was impossible for her not to take care of Old Wang.

If I go to find her again, it will affect her mood and be superfluous.

"Old Wang, I will go after Senior Brother Jin first, and return to Shushan with Senior Brother Jin. If you have anything else, you can continue to look for me." Meng Fan bowed to Old Wang.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will never forget you if there is anything good."

"Uh, that's not what I meant..." Meng Fan's embarrassed expression was slightly hypocritical.

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Old Wang just smiled and said nothing more.

Meng Fan, this kid, is not only more talented than Jin Mantang, but also much thicker-skinned than Jin Mantang.

Lin Bianyun, this old man, really picked up a treasure.

Then Meng Fan said goodbye to Old Lin and walked out of the Ghost Eye Forest.

Outside the Ghost Eye Forest, he saw Senior Brother Jin, and it was obvious that the other party was waiting for him here.

"Brother Jin, if you want to wait for me, why did you come outside to wait? You could have just waited for me outside the main hall in the Ghost Eye Forest." Meng Fan asked with some confusion.

"Don't mention it." Brother Jin said helplessly, "I was thrown out by Elder Wang."

"How did you offend Elder Wang?" Meng Fan was a little surprised when he heard what Brother Jin said.

"I didn't do anything. I just said I wanted to go into the hall to see the Night Emperor, and he threw me out. Really, why did he let you in but not me?" Brother Jin was indignant.

"Uh..." This was really inconvenient for Meng Fan to answer.

The two of them left the Ghost Eye Forest and rushed back to the direction of Shushan Sword Sect.

On the way, Brother Jin couldn't help asking Meng Fan about the news of the Night Emperor, but Meng Fan just evaded him.

Since Wu Yingying didn't want to participate in the chaos in this world and only wanted to cultivate to the seventh level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra to seek revenge on the demons, there was no need for him to reveal her information.

Senior Brother Jin did not get any news about the Night Emperor from Meng Fan, and thought that Meng Fan had not seen the Night Emperor's true body, but that the Night Emperor appreciated Meng Fan's talent and gave him a little reward.

Both Elder Wang and Senior Brother Jin tacitly acknowledged Meng Fan's excellence in their hearts, which was beyond doubt.

It was normal for a person like the Night Emperor to look at Meng Fan with a little more respect.

Both of them were fast and returned to Shushan soon.

"Junior Brother Meng, I will go back to the Sutra Library directly. Goodbye." Senior Brother Jin said to Meng Fan and returned to the Sutra Library alone.

Then Meng Fan also returned to Jiange alone.

He and Senior Brother Jin, one was sitting firmly in the Sutra Pavilion and the other was sitting firmly in the Sword Pavilion.

It feels quite like Mr. Wang and Mr. Lin back then!

Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years.

The times will belong to young people sooner or later.

In the sword pavilion, Hong Qi was the first to run over when she heard Meng Fan pushing the door open.

When she saw Meng Fan entering the door, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master, you are finally back." Hong Qi said excitedly.

Meng Fanxun thought that he hadn't been gone very long.

Although I have been in Hongxuan World for many years, only a short time has passed, and time has hardly passed.

From leaving Shushan to returning to Shushan, it only took a few days in total.

"Well, I'm back." Meng Fan said very calmly.

"By the way, nothing happened in Jiange during the few days I left, right?"

Hearing this, Hongqi quickly shook her head.

"Nothing happened. Junior Brother Wu Tian was also very honest and didn't cause any trouble."

When he asked Hongqi to join Jiange, Meng Fan specifically asked Mr. Lin to mention Hongqi's status. In terms of status, Wu Tian was indeed Hongqi's junior brother.

Meng Fan also told Hongqi not to call him master, but to call him senior brother, but Hongqi refused to call him senior brother and insisted on calling Meng Fan master.

In desperation, Meng Fan could only let Hong Qi go.

And after listening to Hongqi calling his master for so long, he got used to it and didn't resist as much as he did at first.

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