Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 529: Two illegitimate sons of the leader? The layout is smaller

Meng Fan knew very well how amazing his talent was. Those big guys in Shushan Sword Sect who knew of his existence would regard him as Shushan's treasure.

There is a saying that among the younger generation in Shushan, he is definitely the number one person, and no one can compare with him.

Especially the ancestors of the Shushan Sword Sect like Yipo Patriarch will definitely pay more attention to themselves and cannot harm their own ideas.

This is definitely not an exaggeration of Meng Fan, but an undoubted fact.

"You boy, you look loyal and honest, and quite naughty." Ancestor Yipo said with a smile, and then a small wooden sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

"If you really want to go to Tongtian Lake, take this thing with you to keep you safe."

Meng Fan quickly took the small wooden sword and thanked the poor ancestor.

The elders gave it to me, but I dare not refuse.

Meng Fan still knew this rule.

He even kept Shu Changsheng, a junior's divine sword, for safekeeping, let alone the elder's reward.

This wooden sword was indeed very small, only the size of a finger, and it did not have any aura or power on it, but Meng Fan carefully put it away, even putting it away close to his body, without putting it into a storage ring.

If you think about it with your toes, you can imagine that this seemingly ordinary little wooden sword is definitely an amazing treasure.

It was obviously more powerful than the sword seal that Mr. Lin gave him, and it was incomparably more powerful.

Meng Fan still has the sword seal that Mr. Lin gave him last time, but he has never had a chance to use it.

There is no way, he is too stable, basically he has been in seclusion in Jiange, and he will not encounter any danger.

This time, he had the small wooden sword given to him by the poor ancestor. This really gave him a sense of security, making it even harder for him to die!

“Tongtian Sword Pond is located on the top of Lingyun Mountain in the Northern Territory.

There is a sect on Lingyun Mountain called Lingyun Sword Sect.

The Lingyun Sword Sect can only be ranked among the second-rate sword sects in the Northern Territory, but because of the existence of Tongtian Sword Pool, the Lingyun Sword Sect's status is also extremely special.

The most important thing is that the Lingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation is more terrifying than the mountain-protecting formations of the three major sword sects. This is the reason why they can defend the Tongtian Sword Pond.

It is difficult for even the geniuses of Lingyun Sword Sect to qualify to enter the Tongtian Sword Pool.

It is even more difficult for you, an outsider, to get in. "

Ancestor Yipo followed the Tongtian Sword Pond and was introduced to Lingyun Sword Sect.

Although this Lingyun Sword Sect is a second-rate sword sect, it has been able to defend such a treasured place as Tongtian Sword Pond, which has proven its extraordinary qualities.

Therefore, Meng Fan would not underestimate the opponent just because he was a second-rate sword sect.

"So, after the ancestor and his disciples have said so much, there should be a way for the disciples to enter the Tongtian Sword Pond, right?" Meng Fan asked the ancestor with a smile.

He is not stupid. The poor ancestor, who is so persuasive, has obviously made arrangements for himself.

The impoverished ancestor sitting across from him actually laughed when he heard this.

"You boy, you are so handsome, so talented, and so smart. As a bad old man like me, I feel that God is a little unfair."

Meng Fan showed a somewhat honest expression on his face, and then said: "Ancestor, your face also has an extraordinary bearing, and you can vaguely see the handsomeness of your youth."

This is not an unintentional flattery. Although the poor ancestor has an old face, through this old face, one can still see the handsome shadow of his youth.

Frankly speaking, this poor ancestor was definitely a handsome guy when he was young. Although it is impossible to compare with him, he is at least one of the most handsome boys in a million.

"Poor talker!" the poor ancestor said with a serious expression.

But underneath this serious expression, there was still some joy between his eyebrows.

A man is a boy until he dies. Even if he is such a bad old man, he can't help but feel happy when he hears others compliment him on how handsome he is.

"However, ancestor, I do have a way to let you enter the Tongtian Sword Pond." Ancestor Yipo said to Meng Fan.

"What can I do?" Meng Fan asked quickly.

"Go to the Lingyun Sword Sect and find a person named Xiao Longhu. He will arrange everything for you."

After hearing this, Meng Fan had some questions, but he almost had the answer.

It seems that this Xiao Longhu is an undercover agent of Shushan Sword Sect placed in Lingyun Sword Sect.

He was already used to this kind of undercover and all kinds of infernal affairs among various sects.

The leader, Lin Tianxing, Shushan Sword Sect, Fengyun Demon Sect...

He has already seen such outrageous undercover relationships, and the rest is really nothing.

However, Meng Fan still subconsciously asked: "Is this Xiao Longhu related to our Shushan Sword Sect?"

Although there are speculations in his mind, the speculations are just speculations. Since he is going to the Lingyun Sword Sect, this matter is quite important. It is better for him to find out.

"Xiao Longhu is the law enforcement elder of Lingyun Sword Sect. The law enforcement elder is also a very special existence among the elders.

As for his relationship with the Shushan Sword Sect...

To be precise, he has nothing to do with the Shushan Sword Sect, but he has something to do with that guy Lin Jinghong!

You are quite clever. Can you guess what the relationship between the two of them is? "

Hearing the words of the poor ancestor, Meng Fan suddenly felt a wry smile in his heart.

Is it related to the leader?

If it were someone else, I really wouldn’t have guessed what the relationship would be.

But Meng Fan could guess what the relationship was by just thinking with his toes!

He pondered for a while, pretending to be confused, and then thought for a long time.

Finally, he pretended to make a casual guess and said, "Could this Xiao Longhu be the illegitimate son of the master?"

When the poor ancestor heard this, he immediately looked at Meng Fan in shock.

When Meng Fan saw the dumbfounded ancestor, he also had a dumbfounded expression.

"This... Ancestor, this disciple just said something nonsense. With your expression, could it be possible that the disciple's nonsense was correct?" He said with a look of disbelief on his face.

The poor ancestor was really dumbfounded, but Meng Fan's dumbfoundedness was naturally fake, and the incredible follow-up was also a buy-one-get-one-free show.

"You kid, you really have a bright mouth. You can make whatever you say right." The Yipo Ancestor smiled bitterly and at the same time acknowledged Meng Fan's statement.

When Meng Fan heard this, the shock on his face became more obvious, and his mouth opened so much that he could not close it.

" is this possible...the leader seems to be upright, but he actually has an illegitimate child outside?"

The poor ancestor also looked helpless and said with a wry smile: "Lin Jinghong was also a prodigal when he was young. As far as I know, he not only has one illegitimate son, but two!

But this all happened when he was young, and there is nothing to say now.

So with this relationship, if you go to Lingyun Sword Sect, Xiao Longhu will help you, and I will also inform that guy Lin Jinghong to contact Xiao Longhu. "

The leader only has two illegitimate children?

Meng Fan smiled in his heart, thinking that although this ancestor was terrifying in strength, his situation was still too small!

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