Hearing Xiao Longhu's words, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment subconsciously.

At the first time, he actually didn't react.

Are you talking to yourself?

Second reaction.

This is talking to yourself!

Meng Fan responded with a smile: "Senior Brother Xiao, what you said seems to be looking down on me. I have already reached the level of sword power."

Xiao Longhu nodded and didn't care too much.

For sword cultivators in the spirit-inducing realm, it is not unusual for them to achieve sword power, and it is also not unusual for them to fail to achieve sword power.

Both are very common!

From Xiao Longhu's point of view, Meng Fan was currently at the third level of the Divine Enchanting Realm. He had already mastered sword skills, so he couldn't be said to be very good. He could only be said to be not very good.

Of course, if he knew how early the "morning" Meng Fan mentioned was, then he wouldn't have such thoughts.

"It seems that when you reach the realm of Yuanshen, you will also have a good chance of cultivating the sword soul, and you will be no weaker than these two guys on the stage." Xiao Longhu said with a smile.

In fact, this was what he expected. After all, if Meng Fan was not good enough and was a fool, then his father would not have gone to such trouble to let Meng Fan come to the Tongtian Sword Pond.

Those who receive this kind of treatment must be the genius of Shushan Sword Sect. It would be a bit unjustifiable if they are not as good as Zhao Xifeng and Li Changqing.

When Meng Fan heard Xiao Longhu's words, he just smiled and said nothing.

Reaching the realm of Yuanshen and cultivating the sword soul?

This is indeed a bit difficult to do. I have to practice the swordsmanship to be able to do it, and I am a very useless person.

After all, Meng Fan is now immersed in the level of the Sword God (the soul of the sword).

The soul of the sword, the soul of the sword, the soul of the sword!

If I want to cultivate the sword soul when I reach the realm of soul, I must not only abolish the soul of the sword, but also the soul of the sword.


This is really a bit too troublesome, so forget it...

At the same time, the discussion and competition between the two geniuses on the Tongtian Platform has reached a fever pitch.

In fact, there is a saying that these two people are really close to each other in terms of cultivation and swordsmanship. It is really not easy to decide the winner.

Even for senior brothers who get along day and night, it is difficult for their cultivation and swordsmanship to be at such a synchronized level.

Needless to say, these two are a perfect match in a sense.

"Eh..." Xiao Longhu, who was beside Meng Fan, suddenly frowned slightly, obviously confused.

"Senior Brother Xiao, what's wrong?" Meng Fan asked curiously after seeing Xiao Longhu's reaction.

"Why do I feel more and more something is wrong with the aura on Zhao Xifeng's body? But after careful inspection, I can't detect anything unusual." Xiao Longhu's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

When Meng Fan heard this, he also carefully observed Zhao Xifeng on the Tongtian Tower.

He and Zhao Xifeng had never met each other before, and they didn't know each other. This was the first time they met, so they didn't understand each other at all.

Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic for him to see any clues.

But what surprised Meng Fan was that he actually saw something unusual.

"Senior Brother Xiao, I don't know much about this Tianlong Sword Sect, but you said that the head of the Tianlong Sword Sect is on good terms with the head of your Lingyun Sword Sect, so this Tianlong Sword Sect should also be a righteous sect, right?" Meng Fan tilted his head slightly. He turned his head to Xiao Longhu and asked.

"This is natural!" Xiao Longhu said without hesitation: "The Tianlong Sword Sect is of course one of the famous and decent sects in my northern region."

A decent family!

The corner of Meng Fan's mouth curled up. How could someone from a well-known and upright family have demonic energy hidden in his body?

And it is extremely pure demonic energy!

This demonic energy is hidden so deeply that no one else would be able to detect it.

But Meng Fan already had demonic energy in his body, and he even pretended to be a demon. Especially when he was in the Hongxuan World, he really had contact with too many demons and knew the demons very well.

Therefore, the wisp of demonic energy in Zhao Xifeng's body could not be hidden from him at all.

"Junior Brother Meng, what do you mean by asking if the Tianlong Sword Sect is a famous and upright sect?" Xiao Longhu couldn't help but ask.

Meng Fan's question was really abnormal, especially after he had just finished talking to himself at this point in time, he asked him this question after what he had said.

As long as Xiao Longhu was not a fool, he could tell that there was something wrong with Meng Fan's words.

"Senior Brother Xiao, you also know that I am a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Shushan disciples take it as their duty to kill demons and eliminate demons.

Moreover, the technique that I practice, my junior brother, is also very special, and I am very sensitive to evil spirits. "

After hearing Meng Fan's nonsense, Xiao Longhu couldn't help it.

"Tell the important point!"

"The point is, junior brother, I sensed the presence of demonic energy from Zhao Xifeng's body." Meng Fanyan said concisely and directly to the point.

Demonic energy?

Upon hearing these two words, Xiao Longhu's expression suddenly changed.

He knew very well what the word demonic energy meant, and he knew even more clearly what the presence of demonic aura on the body of the son of the head of the Tianlong Sword Sect meant.

"Junior brother, are you telling the truth? This is not a joke." Xiao Longhu said with a very solemn expression.

"Of course it's true. Junior brother, I, an outsider, come to your Lingyun Sword Sect to make fun of you. What's the point?" Meng Fan looked helpless.

In fact, as an outsider, he should treat things like this as if it has nothing to do with him, and it is best not to get involved in this matter.

But this time I came to Lingyun Sword Sect. To put it bluntly, I was asking for help and owed favors.

So now that this kind of thing has been discovered, just saying it casually can be regarded as returning the favor.

Anyway, as long as it does not prevent him from entering the Tongtian Sword Pond, and if there is really something wrong with Zhao Xifeng and something happens to the Lingyun Sword Sect, it will naturally be more difficult for him to go to the Tongtian Sword Pond.

"Okay, I believe you!" Xiao Longhu said solemnly.

Just when Meng Fan was curious about what his senior brother Xiao would do next, his eyes suddenly widened.

In the next second, everyone around him seemed to be frozen and motionless. Even Meng Fan himself felt an extremely strong binding force wrapping around him.

Even with his strength, it felt like it would take at least several breaths to break through this restraint.

Obviously, this was Xiao Longhu's move.

I saw the figure of Senior Brother Xiao appearing directly on the Tongtian Platform.

The two geniuses who were fighting on the stage also remained motionless like everyone else.

Needless to say, even Meng Fan needed several breaths of time to break through this restraint, and the same was naturally true for these two people.

"The Law Enforcement Hall is doing business, all disciples of the Lingyun Sword Sect must retreat!"

Xiao Longhu's voice was the only one echoing around the Tongtian Tower.

To be honest, Meng Fan was really shocked. He didn't expect that his senior brother Xiao could be so aggressive.

He just said that he sensed demonic energy from Zhao Xifeng's body, but Senior Brother Xiao didn't say anything and took action directly without any hesitation.

And he took action directly in public, without giving any face to Zhao Xifeng, the son of the leader of the Tianlong Sword Sect, or to the Tianlong Sword Sect.

Didn’t it say that Lingyun Sword Sect and Tianlong Sword Sect were on good terms?

Can't this be gentler?

Xiao Longhu ignored everyone's doubts and confusion, directly took Zhao Xifeng's collar and disappeared on the Tongtian Tower.

But before leaving, he still glanced at Meng Fan and barely said hello to Meng Fan.

After Xiao Longhu left, the feeling of restraint on everyone disappeared.

Li Changqing, who was on the Tongtian Platform, looked at Xiao Longhu's departure with a confused face.

This much-anticipated discussion and competition ended like this?

But he didn't dare to have any objections. After all, it was the law enforcement elder who took Zhao Xifeng away.

Although the status of the law enforcement elders in Lingyun Sword Sect is not as high as that of the master, everyone is more afraid of the law enforcement elders than the master!

"What did Zhao Xifeng commit? How did he attract the law enforcement elder to take action at this time?"

"It looks like it's not a big deal!"

"However, this Zhao Xifeng is not from our Lingyun Sword Sect. Isn't this behavior of the law enforcement elder a bit disrespectful?"

"Are you talking about etiquette with the law enforcement elder? When did our law enforcement elder have any etiquette?"

"I just saw that the law enforcement elder was also watching the battle. He seemed to be very interested in this competition. Why did he suddenly take action and directly interrupt the competition?"


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