Two hours later, the wine and food were gone.

The conversation is almost over.

From Xiao Longhu's mouth, Meng Fan learned that Zhao Xifeng's incident was more serious than he thought.

Originally, Meng Fan thought that Zhao Xifeng had probably come into contact with something from the demon world somewhere, so he was contaminated with some of this demonic energy.

What's more serious is that their Tianlong Sword Sect may have mixed with a demon clan.

Although there are not as many demon clans in this Tianyuan world as there are demon clans, they are not all there. Occasionally, you can still encounter one or two.

Even if there are hidden demons in the Tianlong Sword Sect, it is not something that is incomprehensible.

But after finishing the meal with Senior Brother Xiao and listening to Senior Brother Xiao's words, Meng Fan not only frowned deeply, but even felt a burst of anger in his heart.

Because this matter about Zhao Xifeng is somewhat similar to Senior Brother Lin Tianxing.

According to Zhao Xifeng's explanation, there is also an altar similar to the one built by Lin Tianxing of the Fengyun Demon Sect in the Tianlong Sword Sect.

And this altar was built by his father.

Two years ago, when he went out for training, he suffered a serious injury. His life was hanging by a thread and he was dying. It seemed that he could not be saved.

As a result, he didn't know what kind of deal his father made with the existence behind the altar, which allowed him to miraculously recover, and even made a faint breakthrough in his cultivation.

And the wisp of demonic energy in his body was left at that time.

After hearing this, Meng Fan actually understood the whole story.

To be honest, this matter has nothing to do with him. The person behind the altar of the Tianlong Sword Sect may not necessarily be the Blood Soul Demon Lord.

Making a deal with the demons behind the altar will only lead to self-defeat and self-destruction. Lin Tianxing has already proven this, and even caused Mr. Lin to suffer.

From Meng Fan's point of view, this kind of thing has nothing to do with him. The Tianlong Sword Sect is destined to reap the consequences and eventually seek death.

But if you think about it carefully, it's really a bit scary.

It can be seen from this that the infiltration of the demon clan into the human race is also shocking.

Meng Fan rarely walked outside and spent most of his time in seclusion in the Shushan Sword Pavilion. In this way, he was able to encounter an altar related to the demon world twice, which indeed proved that the probability was really not low.

Even if it is a coincidence, this probability is extremely amazing!

[With the demons infiltrating the Tianyuan World like this, do they want to deal with the Tianyuan World just like they did with the Hongxuan World? 】

An idea came to Meng Fan's mind.

This thought immediately made his hair stand on end. To be honest, having personally experienced the miserable and desperate era of Hongxuan World, Meng Fan really didn't want to see Tianyuan World become like that.

Even if he is as strong as a human king, he cannot sustain that desperate era.

Especially when he thought that the Human King might be his disciple, Meng Fan felt even more uncomfortable.

Although Meng Fan at the moment had no contact with the human king Nie Jingyun, let alone any deep feelings.

But even if Nie Jingyun becomes his disciple in the future, he can still refer to himself and others. For example, if Shu Changsheng was asked to support that era and endure that kind of despair, Meng Fan would also feel distressed!

Never let that happen again...

Meng Fan silently made up his mind.

Even if the devil really has this idea, it will not happen overnight. It requires long-term planning and time to grow.

In that era of Hongxuan's world, I was just a passerby and couldn't change anything.

But in this Tianyuan world, I have always been there!

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Longhu asked Meng Fan while holding the wine bowl.

Seeing Meng Fan's distracted look, he couldn't help but interrupt Meng Fan's train of thought.

It is obviously a matter of the Tianlong Sword Sect, but it still has something to do with the Lingyun Sword Sect. As a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect, why are you struggling here?

When Meng Fan heard this, he could only smile bitterly, pick up the wine bowl and work for another night.

It was impossible for him to reveal too much to Xiao Longhu, and no one could understand his worries.

"Nothing, Senior Brother Xiao, how are you going to deal with this matter?" Meng Fan put down his wine bowl and asked.

Xiao Longhu also had a trace of embarrassment on his face. This kind of thing is really difficult to handle.


"First of all, the Tianlong Sword Sect and Lingyun Sword Sect have always been on good terms, and then it cannot be said that Zhao Xifeng colluded with the demons, let alone the Tianlong Sword Sect colluded with the demons!

However, if you think about it with your toes, you can imagine that this altar is definitely a hidden disaster.

If that bullshit altar is not eradicated in time, it will definitely cause big trouble or even disaster in the future. "

In this regard, Xiao Longhu's thinking is still very clear.

"Senior brother, it's difficult for you to handle this kind of thing alone. It's better to discuss it with your leader." Meng Fan said casually.

Although Meng Fan has some knowledge about this kind of altar, it is not convenient to say too much. After all, it involves the secrets of Shushan Sword Sect and Fengyun Demon Sect.

And he knew, not much more than what he found out from Zhao Xifeng's mouth.

Zhao Xifeng actually confessed just now about the existence of the demon world behind the altar.

As for the danger, Meng Fan didn't need to mention it.

Everyone knows that anything related to the demon world is extremely dangerous.

What's more, it's impossible for Meng Fan to tell the truth about Mr. Lin's danger. This is causing trouble for the Shushan Sword Sect.

“This matter naturally needs to be discussed with the leader, not to mention that the leader already understood this when he came here just now.

It is impossible for the leader to ignore this matter, but the only difference between the leader and me is that the leader wants to let Zhao Xifeng go back first, and then negotiate with the leader of the Tianlong Sword Sect.

And I am determined that Zhao Xifeng cannot be let go, and I will never let him go!

It is essential to be on guard against others, and holding Zhao Xifeng here is also a threat to the leader of the Tianlong Sword Sect.

After all, if you know people well but don’t know their hearts, you can’t trust others too much.

Keep Zhao Xifeng, just in time to take care of that guy Zhao Yuanjiang! "

Zhao Yuanjiang, as expected, should be the name of the leader of the Tianlong Sword Sect.

Li Kun, the leader of the Lingyun Sword Sect, has a good relationship with Zhao Yuanjiang, the leader of the Tianlong Sword Sect, so he thought of letting Zhao Xifeng go back first so that if there are any issues, he can deal with them later.

From Li Kun's personal perspective, there is actually no problem with this.

But Xiao Longhu and Zhao Yuanjiang have no friendship. From Xiao Longhu's perspective, he naturally has to focus on the overall situation.

However, only Meng Fan knew that no matter how they dealt with it, Zhao Yuanjiang and Zhao Xifeng would most likely be dead.

It's hard to survive!

Making a deal with the demon boss behind the altar was a problem that even Mr. Lin couldn't handle, and in the end Mr. Lin himself was involved.

It was really hard for Meng Fan to imagine how Zhao Xifeng and Zhao Yuanjiang could survive.

"Senior Brother Xiao, this matter is not trivial. It involves demons from the demon world, so you really need to treat it with caution.

My trip to Tongtian Sword Pond can be delayed for a few days, it's not urgent.

You'd better deal with this matter with all your strength first! "

Meng Fan was not being polite, he was completely sincere.

To be honest, he was not concerned about the life and death of Zhao Xifeng and his son, but he was also afraid that the matter between the father and son would drag on for a long time and bring about any unforeseen changes.

After all, he has already seen the horror of the devil world.

When Xiao Longhu heard Meng Fan's words, he shook his head and said: "Don't worry, it's one thing and the other, and the two things are incompatible. I will definitely help you with your trip to Tongtian Sword Pond within three days." Done!”

"Senior Brother Xiao, I really am not being polite to you." Meng Fan said with a bitter smile.

"I'm not being polite to you either!"

A jar of wine was quickly finished.

Xiao Longhu arranged a room for Meng Fan in the Law Enforcement Hall and let Meng Fan stay directly.

And after he left, he was not in the mood to sleep, and went straight to the leader's residence.

The leader is acting out of emotion and wants to let Zhao Xifeng return to the Tianlong Sword Sect, which he will never agree to.

It can also be seen from this point that Xiao Longhu's position in Lingyun Sword Sect is indeed extremely amazing, and he can already take over as the leader.

I don’t know if there is any help from the leader here.

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