Meng Fan came to find him. Now that he couldn't see Meng Fan, he naturally had to look for him.

If nothing else, you have to care about Meng Fan's safety.

If something happens to this kid in Lingyun Sword Sect, his cheap father might also want to settle the score with him.


After the spiritual consciousness covered Lingyun Sword Sect, Xiao Longhu's expression suddenly changed.

Because he actually found no trace of Meng Fan.

This is definitely not normal!

There are only two reasons why there is no trace of Meng Fan.

One, Meng Fan is not in Lingyun Sword Sect at the moment and has gone down the mountain.

Second, Meng Fan was hidden, and even he couldn't find it!

The first possibility is very low, because it is unlikely that Meng Fan would leave without saying goodbye, and at such a late hour.

The second possibility...


No matter who was hiding Meng Fan or how he was hidden, it meant that Meng Fan might be in danger.

“In the entire Lingyun Sword Sect, there are only a handful of people who can hide people under my nose.

The most likely possibility is the leader, but I have been with the leader just now, so the leader has no chance to take action.

As for other than the leader..."

Xiao Longhu analyzed it and finally found that it was unlikely that anyone would take action against Meng Fan.

"Forbidden area?"

"Did this kid stray into a forbidden area?"

Soon, Xiao Longhu thought of another possibility.

If this kid wasn't kidnapped, it's really possible that he went out for a walk by himself and slipped into a forbidden area.

"This kid, how can he not make people worry when he is on someone else's territory." Xiao Longhu walked out of the law enforcement hall with a look of helplessness on his face.

Although Lingyun Sword Sect is only a second-rate sword sect, it once had a profound foundation and was not simple at all.

In addition to the famous Tongtian Sword Pond, Lingyun Sword Sect also has a forbidden area.

"However, there are restrictions on that forbidden area. Even if I want to enter, it is not easy. Can this kid really enter?" Xiao Longhu remained skeptical.

After a while, he arrived at the back mountain, just outside the "mass grave" area where Meng Fan was.

Meng Fan, who was originally in the mass grave, was still thinking about what was abnormal here, when he suddenly saw Xiao Longhu appearing outside.

I am already an outsider, and wandering around in other people's territory is a bit rude.

So the moment he saw Xiao Longhu, Meng Fan greeted Xiao Longhu and shouted: "Senior Brother Xiao, here!"

What surprised Meng Fan was that Senior Brother Xiao actually ignored him.

Even Xiao Longhu's eyes were clearly looking towards him, but he still didn't seem to see his figure, just like the previous mountain patrol disciple.

"No!" Meng Fan muttered in surprise.

Even if there are really any special restrictions here, it doesn't matter that the disciple patrolling the mountain can't see him, but even Senior Brother Xiao can't see him?

Xiao Longhu, although he calls him senior brother, can't really treat him as a senior brother.

This is the law enforcement elder of Lingyun Sword Sect!

Looking at the entire Lingyun Sword Sect, there is probably no one who is stronger than him.

Even if Xiao Longhu is transferred to the Shushan Sword Sect, he will undoubtedly become an elder.

The words "Senior Brother Xiao" really don't seem to have much meaning.

After all, Meng Fan’s senior brothers are all senior brothers Jin, or even senior brothers Luo...

But if Xiao Longhu's identity is converted into that of an elder from Shushan, then this moment will be completely different.

"In this hellish place, even Senior Brother Xiao can't even see me?" Meng Fan had already vaguely realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Old monk, you just said that we seem to have entered a formation?"

"Yes, there is indeed such a feeling."

Each question and answer made Meng Fan even more confused.

If there really were any formation restrictions, it would be fine if I didn't sense them, but I clearly didn't break the formation, so why did I get in like this?

Today, Meng Fan has cultivated the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect. He has also integrated a series of sword formations from the Shushan Sword Sect into the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect.

He is no longer a newbie in formations!

Although I dare not say that everyone is in the formation, I can't say that I can't feel it when I pass by the formation, or even enter the formation.

"Junior Brother Meng, are you there?"

Xiao Longhu outside started shouting into the air.

Meng Fan, who was confused about the situation, heard Senior Brother Xiao calling him and quickly replied: "Senior Brother Xiao, I am here, can you hear me?"

Obviously, his senior brother Xiao couldn't hear it.

After Xiao Longhu shouted a few times, he continued to shout into the air:

"Junior Brother Meng, if you are inside, I can't hear you, but you can hear me.

When I came back, I saw that you were not in the Law Enforcement Hall, and you were not among the Lingyun Sword Sect, so I came out to look for you.

According to my analysis, you may have entered here by mistake.

Well, although it’s unlikely!

I don't know if you are here, but if you are, hear me out. "

Xiao Longhu paused, seeming to be thinking about what to say.

After a moment, he cleared his throat and continued.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​Lingyun Sword Sect, and theoretically you can't enter.

But you are missing, and I really can’t imagine where else you could be?

Junior Brother Meng, the area in front of me is called Burial Sword Pond. As I just mentioned, it is the forbidden area of ​​Lingyun Sword Sect.

Everyone knows that Lingyun Sword Sect has a Tongtian Sword Pond, but they don't know that there is also a Burial Sword Pond.

However, Tongtian Sword Pond is helpful to people, but Burying Sword Pond is dangerous! "

Burial Sword Pond?

When Meng Fan heard these three words, his face was obviously confused.

There isn't even a drop of water around here. Where is there any appearance of a pond?

"If you want to leave the Burial Sword Pond, you must first find the Lingyun Sword..."

Senior Brother Xiao continued to speak, but his voice suddenly broke off as he spoke.

Before Meng Fan finished listening to Senior Brother Xiao's explanation, he found that the environment around him suddenly changed and he appeared in a pool.

At the same time, I can no longer see the scene outside, let alone hear the words of Senior Brother Xiao outside.

"It's broken!" Meng Fan showed a hint of helplessness on his face.

Before I finished listening to the standard answers, the exam started.

You still have to figure it out yourself!

However, Meng Fan still remembered the last sentence that Senior Brother Xiao just said.

If you want to leave the Burial Sword Pond, you must first find the Lingyun Sword.

This Lingyun Sword, which has the same name as the Lingyun Sword Sect, is obviously the focus.

"Donor Meng, there is no need to look for this Lingyun Sword." The old monk's voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind again.

Meng Fan smiled bitterly and instantly understood what the old monk said.

Because he is now in an extremely strange space, surrounded by only the pool in front of him, and then there is nothingness, nothing.

And this pond is obviously the Sword Burial Pond that Senior Brother Xiao just heard about.

The most important thing is that there is only one sword in this pool, and there is no doubt that this is the Lingyun Sword.

Therefore, what Senior Brother Xiao just said for a long time is meaningless at all.

The point is not to find Lingyun Sword, but what to do after finding Lingyun Sword.

"Is it to surrender the Lingyun Sword?"

This seems unlikely.

Judging from Senior Brother Xiao's tone, this Sword Burial Pond is no worse than the Tongtian Sword Pond.

And how could this only sword in the Burial Sword Pond be so easy to surrender?

At this moment, a sword emerged from Meng Fan's storage ring without his summons.

Snow Sakura Sword!

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