To Meng Fan, the realm of the fifth level of Yin Shen was nothing.

But there are dozens of Lingyun Sword fragments in his storage ring.

If all the sword's origins in these Lingyun Sword fragments were absorbed and refined, Meng Fan wouldn't even dare to think of what level of cultivation he could reach.

At the same time, the innate sword body will also be greatly improved, and it is even unknown what new sword body will be transformed into.

Just thinking about it makes me feel very happy.

If this body of his can really transform into a new sword body, to be honest, Meng Fan is still looking forward to it.

I just don't know if a new sword body will appear, whether it is an evolution of the innate sword body, or whether it is possible to have an innate sword body and other sword bodies at the same time.

"Not to mention, there is no need to force this thing. To put it bluntly, the so-called sword body is just some strengthening of other aspects. The most important thing is to become stronger. If you are not strong enough, even if you have a heaven-defying sword body, it will be the same. He’s a weakling, vulnerable!”

After all, I already have a lot of blessings in various aspects, so there is no need to deliberately pursue other aspects.

Meng Fan quickly corrected his attitude and began to practice with concentration.

The way to go is to stay grounded. First, work hard to refine the origin of the sword in your body, and then upgrade your cultivation to the fifth level of leading the gods.

Strive to reach the fifth level of spiritual cultivation before leaving the Lingyun Sword Sect.

In the following time, Meng Fan did not go to the Lingyun Sword Sect for a walk, and basically practiced in his room.

Three days passed quickly, and the day agreed by Xiao Longhu was reached.

Xiao Longhu said before that he would definitely help Meng Fan get it done within three days and let Meng Fan enter the Tongtian Sword Pond.

Now three days have passed, but Meng Fan must be embarrassed to rush Brother Xiao, so he can only continue to wait in the room.

Needless to say, Xiao Longhu and Li Kun, the leader of the Lingyun Sword Sect, must have been very busy these days, so Meng Fan naturally needs to be more considerate.

It wasn't until the evening of the third day that Xiao Longhu came to Meng Fan's room and knocked on the door.

"Senior Brother Xiao." Meng Fan quickly opened the door and greeted him.

"Senior brother promised you before that he would help you enter the Tongtian Sword Pond within three days. Although it is a little late, it is still within three days." Xiao Longhu said to Meng Fan with a smile.

"Can we go to Tongtian Sword Pond now?" Meng Fan asked in surprise.

He thought he would have to wait a few more days. After all, Senior Brother Xiao did have something to deal with in the past few days, and it was a relatively important matter.

"Okay, I'll take you there right now." Xiao Longhu nodded.

Meng Fan also left the law enforcement hall with Xiao Longhu without hesitation.

After going to Tongtian Sword Pond, his trip to Lingyun Sword Sect is over and he can return to Shushan Sword Sect.

On the way, Meng Fan couldn't help but asked Xiao Longhu: "Senior Brother Xiao, how are the affairs of the Tianlong Sword Sect being handled?"

Xiao Longhu heard this and said casually: "The leader has personally gone to the Tianlong Sword Sect to handle this matter. If the leader takes action, it won't be a big problem."

If it were someone else, they wouldn't be talking too much after hearing this.

But Meng Fan was very secretive about the demon clan and the demon world, so he couldn't help but ask another question:

"Senior Brother Xiao, what should you do if your master goes to the Tianlong Sword Sect?"

Xiao Longhu glanced at Meng Fan and asked a little strangely: "Junior Brother Meng, why are you so concerned about this matter?"

To put it bluntly, this is an internal matter of the Tianlong Sword Sect, and at most it has a barely-connected relationship with the Lingyun Sword Sect.

Junior Brother Meng himself is a native Shushan Sword Sect disciple. Why is he so concerned about the affairs of the Tianlong Sword Sect?

"When I came to your Tianlong Sword Sect, I only encountered this one thing. I am a bit curious, so I asked more questions." Meng Fan said casually.

"Well, when the leader goes to the Tianlong Sword Sect, he will naturally destroy the altar. Making a deal with the existence of the demon world is playing with fire and burning yourself. It will not end well at all!"

When a normal person encounters something like this, their first reaction is to destroy the altar, which is not unusual.

Meng Fan had an ominous premonition in his heart. This altar was not easy to destroy. Elder Lin's example was the best example.

If you are not careful, the leader of Tianlong Sword Sect and his son Zhao Xifeng may die.

"Senior Brother Xiao, since the being behind the altar is from the demon world, then this altar must be difficult to deal with. Head Li must also be careful not to capsize in the gutter." Meng Fan warned.

But to be honest, this kind of reminder is meaningless, and no one will take it seriously.

While Meng Fan could only do this, he couldn't possibly say that the sword-wielding elders of the Shushan Sword Sect were all robbed in similar situations.

Once the news leaks out, it will bring huge trouble to Shushan Sword Sect.

We can only let Zhao Xifeng, the father and son, wish for themselves.

"Don't worry, it's natural for the two heads to deal with a small altar at the same time." Xiao Longhu said casually.

Sure enough, as Meng Fan expected, no one took it seriously.

After a while, the two came to the edge of a huge pool.

"Junior Brother Meng, this is the Tongtian Sword Pond. My ability is limited and I can only help you arrange a day and night here. I will pick you up at this time tomorrow evening."

Xiao Longhu pointed to the pool and said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded. One day and one night was obviously the limit that Senior Brother Xiao could achieve.

He didn't know anything about this Tongtian Sword Pond, and he didn't know how much growth he could make in one day.

I can only give it a try.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xiao. I'm really troubling you this time!" Meng Fan said, clasping his fists at Xiao Longhu.

"No need to say thank you. After all, this is a task assigned to me by the old guy. If you really want to thank me, you have to thank the old guy." Xiao Longhu said with a smile.

The old guy he was talking about was naturally his father, the leader of Meng Fan and the others of the Shushan Sword Sect.

A thought suddenly popped up in Meng Fan's mind, and then he asked out of nowhere: "Senior Brother Xiao, I have a question, I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"If you have any questions, just ask. We are all grown men and we don't care about mother-in-law or mother-in-law." Xiao Longhu said very grandly.

"Senior Brother Xiao, if one day the master and your Lingyun Sword party come together, which side will you help?"

This question is indeed a bit rude and should not be asked.

But Meng Fan was really curious. He had been wondering if this Senior Brother Xiao was an undercover agent sent by Shushan Sword Sect to Lingyun Sword Sect.

After all, he has read too many scripts similar to Infernal Affairs.

And after spending the past few days together, he felt that Senior Brother Xiao was a cheerful or honest person.

Honest people are easy to bully after all. Meng Fan would not dare to ask such a presumptuous question.

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