Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 551: There is no doubt that they are all scum.

For Meng Fan, there was really nothing to prepare for.

Needless to say, he has indeed experienced too many "tests". This Medicine King Tower and other things are really child's play relatively speaking.

The two left the sword pavilion and soon came to the area of ​​the alchemy hall.

The so-called Medicine King Tower is located on the site of the Alchemy Hall. The tower is quite tall and can be seen at a glance.

Meng Fan stood in front of the Medicine King Tower and asked in a curious tone: "Senior Sister Ye, I rarely hear news about the Medicine King Tower in the Shushan Sword Sect.

There is little news, in a sense it is a kind of news.

If I guessed correctly, only you Alchemy Hall disciples are allowed to enter the Medicine King Tower, right?

Can I, an outsider, enter? "

When Ye Qingyu heard this, he stretched out the index finger of his right hand and put it at the corner of his mouth, making a silent expression.

"Junior Brother Meng, keep your voice down. This Medicine King Tower does only allow disciples of the Alchemy Hall to enter, but if you don't tell me and I don't tell you, who would know that you are not a disciple of the Alchemy Hall?" She said cautiously.

Meng Fan's expression changed slightly. Do you want to pretend to be a disciple of the alchemy hall when it comes to relationships?

"Senior Sister Ye, is this not good?" Meng Fan said with a frown.

Isn't this against the rules?

It's really not worth it to break the rules for such a small thing.

"Don't worry, I've already prepared it for you." Ye Qingyu took out a token from his arms.

"I am now considered a deacon of the Alchemy Hall. Although this deacon is a bit watery, he still has some rights.

With this token, you are a genuine outer disciple of the Alchemy Hall. This is not deceiving the sect.

Of course, if one day you no longer want to be a disciple of the Alchemy Hall and return the token to me, then you will no longer be a disciple of the Alchemy Hall. "

Meng Fan took the token and said with a helpless smile: "Is it so casual?"

But he actually understood what Ye Qingyu meant by this operation.

As he is now the deacon of Jiange, if he wants someone to be a disciple of Jiange, it is just a matter of words.

This identity is indeed recognized by the sect.

To put it bluntly, Ye Qingyu's operation gave the impression of a bug.

Although it is legal,...

Well, compliance is enough, nothing else matters. Meng Fan also stopped writing, after all, he came here.

"Okay, then I am now an outer disciple of the Alchemy Hall. But looking at this, I should be the strongest outer disciple of your Alchemy Hall, and there is no one else!" Meng Fan put the token away, and then Said with a smile.

"That must be the strongest outer disciple. Not to mention the outer disciples, there is no core disciple of the inner disciples who is stronger than you.

No, the layout is still small.

You, an outer disciple of the Alchemy Hall, probably all the deacons in Shushan are not enough for you! "Ye Qingyu said with great approval.

I just don’t know if she believes what she said.

But Meng Fan believed it.

The Shushan deacons are all monks in the realm of condensing pills or leading gods.

Although Meng Fan is currently at the fourth level of Yingshen, even monks at the peak level of Yingshen are far from enough in front of him.

Zhao Xifeng yesterday was an example. Zhao Xifeng, who had already entered the realm of Yuanshen, was completely hung up and beaten by Meng Fan.

"Senior Sister Ye, I'm actually a little confused. Since this Medicine King Tower belongs to your alchemy hall, why does this Medicine King Tower not test alchemy skills, but instead tests cultivation and combat prowess?" Meng Fan looked at the Medicine King Tower in front of him. , couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Meng Fan's question, Ye Qingyu smiled bitterly and said: "Alchemy cultivators are also monks. No matter what kind of monk you are, your cultivation and combat power are indispensable if you want to gain a foothold in the world of immortality.

Apart from anything else, if you don't have the strength, you won't be able to pick the medicinal materials you need, even if you know where they are, and you may even die outside because of them. "

Meng Fan nodded when he heard this, it really made sense.

Even if you are an alchemy cultivator, you will inevitably have to rely on your strength to speak in the world of immortality.

In the world of immortality, it is true that whoever has the bigger fist is the right person in many cases. In other aspects, sometimes you are right but it doesn't make sense.

"Okay, I'll go then." Meng Fan said to Ye Qingyu.

He held the token given to him by Ye Qingyu and walked towards the gate of Medicine King Tower.

After just a few steps, he turned back and asked Ye Qingyu: "Yesterday you said that if you broke through the sixth floor of Yaowang Tower, you would be rewarded with a divine elixir. Then if I accidentally broke through the seventh or eighth floor, what to do?"

This is really a problem, and it’s not that Meng Fan is unfounded.

When Ye Qingyu heard this, she was stunned for a moment. She had never considered such a tricky angle.

"This...then after you break through the sixth floor, just exit the Medicine King Tower and don't continue to break through."

If she breaks through the seventh floor of Medicine King Tower, then the reward will not be the Ascension Pill. What she needs now is the Ascension Pill, not the more breakthroughs, the better.

The suitable one is the best.

"Okay, I understand." Meng Fan nodded, and then walked towards the gate of Medicine King Tower again.

He handed the token that Ye Qingyu gave him to the deacon in front of the Medicine King Tower. Then the deacon couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that he couldn't see through Meng Fan's cultivation level.

Because the sign Meng Fan gave him was the token of an outer disciple of the Alchemy Hall.

How could the outer disciples of the Alchemy Hall be better than the deacon himself?

However, this doubt only lasted for a moment.

During this period of time, he was on duty at Yaowang Tower, and he was already familiar with these "hidden rules".

Someone from the alchemy hall must have asked the guy opposite to help. You can't say this is against the rules, so you can't stop it.

And no elders came forward to stop this kind of thing, which proves that the opening of Medicine King Tower this time is acquiescence to this kind of thing.

As for why he acquiesced, this was not something he, a young deacon, could figure out.

"Go in." The deacon said to Meng Fan, and then returned the token to Meng Fan.

"Thank you." Meng Fan took the token and walked straight into the Medicine King Tower.

This Medicine King Tower has nine floors in total, and Meng Fan's goal this time is only the sixth floor.

Moreover, the rules of the Medicine King Tower are that only monks below the Yuanshen realm are allowed to enter. Those who exceed the Yuanshen realm are not eligible.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, the best in the realm of attracting gods should have hope of reaching the ninth level.

And Meng Fan is the best among these outstanding people, so Meng Fan actually thinks that he can break through the ninth level.

This is not arrogance, but pure analysis, reasonable analysis.

Therefore, if it was only the sixth level, he felt that there was no problem.

After Meng Fan walked into the Medicine King Tower, he entered the first floor of the Medicine King Tower.

At a glance, there were more than a dozen Shushan disciples trying to break through on the first floor of Yaowang Tower.

Meng Fan just glanced at it casually and didn't take it to heart.

This kind of disciple who is trapped on the first level cannot even pass through the first level, so there is no doubt that he is a scumbag.

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