Ye Qingyu suddenly felt that he seemed to have misled Meng Fan a little bit.

In the final analysis, Meng Fan is just a fourth-level cultivator. Why do I think that Meng Fan is stronger than a cultivator at the peak of cultivating spirits?

Is it because Meng Fan acted too stunningly in front of me when he was in the Dan Condensation realm?

Indeed, it seemed that the way he looked at Meng Fan had a filter, and he thought too strongly of Meng Fan.

"Junior Brother Meng, don't be sad. The sixth floor of the Medicine King Tower is originally very difficult to break through. Even monks at the peak of leading gods have failed many times." Ye Qingyu comforted Meng Fan.

When Meng Fan heard this, he looked at Ye Qingyu with a puzzled expression.

What nonsense are you talking about?

He threw the Ascension Pill to Ye Qingyu and said casually: "Senior Sister Ye, fortunately you have lived up to your fate."

Ye Qingyu took the Ascension Pill and was immediately shocked.

" succeeded?"

In such a short period of time, she felt that even walking to the sixth floor and back down normally would take more than this time.

How can it be so fast.

That's outrageous!

In fact, Meng Fan just walked up and down normally.

"I've already come down, so naturally I succeeded. Is it possible that I can still make it back halfway?" Meng Fan said to Ye Qingyu in surprise.

"No..." Ye Qingyu wanted to say something with a confused face, but finally gave up.

There's really nothing to say.

She thought her layout was already big, but she didn’t expect it was still small!

"Junior Brother Meng, I really want to thank you this time. When I master the refining method of the Ascension Pill, I will give you ten Ascension Pills back to you." Ye Qingyu said with a serious face.

"It's not urgent, so don't feel pressured." Meng Fan said with a smile.

Don't rush, rather than don't.

Meng Fan was clear about this.

"By the way, Senior Sister Ye, can I break into the Medicine King Tower again?"

Having just reached the sixth floor, Meng Fan felt that it was not satisfying and wanted to go to the seventh floor.

"It's okay, but each person can only get one reward. If you go again, even if you pass the seventh or even eighth floor, you won't get any more rewards." Ye Qingyu said to Meng Fan, with a bit of a tone in his tone. Excuse me.

Because this was a waste of Meng Fan's opportunity. If she could get through the seventh floor next time, there would be no reward.

"That's it, I understand." Meng Fan nodded.

Then the two of them separated after some polite exchanges.

Meng Fan pretended to go back to Jiange, and after Ye Qingyu left, he returned to Yaowang Pagoda.

It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Since you've come here today and you are interested in this seventh floor, you naturally want to go and see it.

He walked into the Medicine King Tower again.

When Elder Xu saw Meng Fan, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

"Why are you here again?"

Meng Fan smiled shyly and said, "I didn't perform well just now, so I want to try again."

"Go." Elder Xu showed a wry smile on his face, thinking to himself, you just didn't perform well, you didn't perform at all!

However, he was also quite curious and wanted to see how evil this precious disciple of Lin Bianyun could be.

Just like before, Meng Fan strolled to the depths of the sixth floor of Medicine King Tower in one breath.

At this point, the entire sixth floor was empty.

Because beings who can step through the fifth level are at least in the realm of leading gods, or even high-level ones.

There are not many people like this in the first place, so the probability of them coming to the Medicine King Tower is even lower. If they happen to meet Meng Fan at this point, the odds are even lower.

Meng Fan stepped onto the stairs to the seventh floor.

On the seventh floor of Medicine King Tower, just as Meng Fan expected, the attacks here were all at the sword soul level.

"Even monks in the realm of Yuanshen cannot withstand this great sword formation. If they resist, they might be hacked to death here." Meng Fan looked at the great sword formation on the seventh floor of the Medicine King Tower. , there was a hint of surprise on his face.

It is really not easy to be able to arrange such a sword formation.

For example, Meng Fan not only cultivated the sword soul, but also the soul of the sword. He also had some knowledge of sword formations, but it was still impossible for him to arrange a sword formation of this level.

Not to mention, the sword array in the Medicine King Tower is fully automatic and open 24 hours a day!

"Hey, if the sword array in the Medicine King Tower can keep running like this, what kind of energy supports it? If I can get this kind of energy, wouldn't it..."

Meng Fan began to have wild imaginations. When he came to the Medicine King Tower for the first time, he thought about how to dig out the roots of the Medicine King Tower.

" seems a bit excessive."

After banishing this ridiculous idea from his mind, Meng Fan officially stepped into the seventh floor of the Medicine King Tower and began to come into contact with the sword formation.

As soon as he took the first step into the formation, a sword spirit came towards Meng Fan.

There is a saying that the attack of the sword soul is indeed much stronger than that of the sword soul.

The sixth-level sword soul could allow Meng Fan to break through his defense, and it was even said that the sword soul in front of him was so powerful that Meng Fan did not dare to be careless and mustered up his energy to prepare for it.

As the sword spirit struck, he raised his hand and threw out the sword spirit.

The sword spirit that Meng Fan used was of an extremely high level. After all, his knowledge of the sword was so profound.

Especially after cultivating Ten Thousand Swords and Returning to the Sect, any sword soul he casually wielded seemed to be filled with the sword spirit of thousands of sword souls.

The sword spirit that attacked Meng Fan was instantly eliminated.

Pretty easy!

Meng Fan looked calm. The sword spirit in the sword spirit formation on the seventh floor of the Medicine King Tower was essentially inferior to the sword spirit he had cultivated.

He took a big step forward at an extremely fast speed, and then took seven or eight steps in an instant in an extreme amount of time.

This behavior seems to have angered the sword formation here.

If you take one step at a time, it's still quite orderly. Taking so many steps at once will give you the feeling that you don't take the sword formation seriously.

In an instant, nearly ten sword spirits surged toward Meng Fan.

Meng Fan's face showed a smile, this is interesting!

He went back and forth just because he wanted to hone his sword spirit here. After all, at this stage of his sword spirit, he cultivated directly to the level of the soul of the sword without any transition.

If you can't feel any pressure at all, wouldn't this seventh level be in vain?


Ten sword spirits erupted from Meng Fan's body in an instant, each one exuding unparalleled edge.

Who has more sword souls?

I didn’t practice Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan in vain.

Next, Meng Fanlai stayed on the seventh floor and refused to leave.

In fact, he can completely withstand this wave of pressure, and then rush directly to the seventh floor with lightning speed.

But here I am pacing back and forth, taking one step forward and one step back, three steps forward and three steps back.

Going back and forth, constantly stimulating the seventh-level sword formation, in order to master his own sword.

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