Meng Fan had a thoughtful expression on his face when he heard Mr. Wang's words.

This sentence feels like it contains a lot of information and has implications, but it seems like there is no information at all.

After thinking about it carefully, Meng Fan decided not to think about it anymore.

Anyway, this is not important, I just asked casually.

In the next few days, Meng Fan and Mr. Wang sat on the top of the mountain, closed their eyes and retreated, and stopped talking.

The same goes for the other four people, who have no communication with each other.

On the third day after Meng Fan arrived at Qingyuan Mountain, a stream of light once again landed on the top of Qingyuan Mountain.

An old man and a young man appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone is here." Mr. Wang said to Meng Fan.

"Ye Di said that when the ruins of the Heavenly King's Palace are opened this time, four people will enter."

There are four places, and the last one appears in front of you.

Meng Fan ignored the old man and focused on the last young man. After all, this was his competitor.

The previous Li Yulan was at the eighth level, and Gu Yefei was at the seventh level.

As for the young man who just arrived, like Li Yulan, he is at the eighth level of the spirit.

Meng Fan's cultivation level is the lowest, at the sixth level of the Soul Enchanting Level, but it's not much lower.

This was actually different from what Meng Fan had expected. He had thought that these "activities" that could only be participated in by people who were in the realm of souls were all about attracting monks at the peak of their spiritual powers to participate.

As a result, there wasn’t even a ninth-level spirit guide.

If you think about it carefully, the gold content in this case is actually higher.

Meng Fan is the best example of this who is not necessarily the strongest when he is at the peak of leading gods.

"Zhao Beichuan of Netherworld Palace, I've met you all." After the young man arrived here, he introduced himself as a greeting.

Then Meng Fan and the other three also introduced themselves to Zhao Beichuan.

"Mr. Wang, what kind of sect is this Nether Palace? I have never heard of it." He whispered to Mr. Wang quietly.

"Actually, I have never heard of Netherworld Palace before, but before coming here, Emperor Ye should have known that someone from Netherworld Palace would be coming, so he mentioned Netherworld Palace to me.

But Ye Di didn't introduce much, he simply said that the Netherworld Palace was a sect of the Eastern Region, and a sect of the Demonic Way. "

Meng Fan was a little surprised when he heard Mr. Wang's words.

Demonic sect?

Isn’t it said that good and evil are incompatible?

The Qinglian Sword Sect and Longyuan Holy Land, which sound like the right path at first glance, can actually live in harmony with the demonic path of Netherworld Palace here?

Meng Fan asked Mr. Wang his doubts.

“Boy Meng, you are still too young after all to have such childish thoughts.

The so-called contradiction between good and evil is not as simple as you understand.

In the face of certain interests, good and evil can also join forces, and there are even more extreme behaviors. "

After Mr. Wang said a few words, he stopped responding to this topic.

In his opinion, although Meng Fan was a rare genius in the world, he spent most of his time in seclusion in Shushan and did not see much of the viciousness and darkness of the outside world.

In a sense, Meng Fan is like a flower in a greenhouse.

He knew that if he said this, Meng Fan would definitely be unconvinced.

Because from Meng Fan's perspective, he had gone down the mountain several times and experienced some dangers in the outside world.

But from Mr. Wang's perspective, Meng Fan had seen too little, far from enough!

Blindly retreating may be able to improve your cultivation, but it will stagnate in some aspects.

Just like this, three days later, a breath suddenly appeared on the top of Qingyuan Mountain.

Mr. Wang and the other three old men looked at each other, and then they took action at the same time and began to set up barriers to prevent the aura from leaking out.

The four of them came here not just for the three young people to protect the law.

What's more important is to set up a barrier to prevent "outsiders" from coming here.

After a while, an old man said: "The entrance to the ruins has appeared, you go in quickly."

At the same time, something similar to an altar appeared on the top of Qingyuan Mountain.

Zhao Beichuan from the Netherworld Palace was the first to step onto the altar, riding a brilliant horse.

The next second, his figure disappeared from the altar.

Then, Li Yulan of the Qinglian Sword Sect followed closely and disappeared on the altar.

Gu Yefei from Longyuan Holy Land glanced at Meng Fan and stayed put, with no intention of going to the altar first.

When Meng Fan saw this, there was no trace of ink, so he chose to be the third one to step onto the altar, and then his figure disappeared from the altar.

Meng Fan's eyes were confused for a while, and he had a feeling of being blocked from everything, as if all his perceptions were gone.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment, almost just a second, before he regained consciousness.

Then he saw that he was still on the top of Qingyuan Mountain.

It's just that the top of this mountain is next to the top of that mountain. Because the four old men on the top of the previous four mountains have disappeared, he only saw Zhao Beichuan and Li Yulan.

The most important thing is that there is a dilapidated palace on the top of Qingyuan Mountain at this moment.

There is no doubt that this is the legendary Palace of Heavenly Kings.

"Huh?" Meng Fan turned around and saw Gu Yefei from Longyuan Holy Land following him there.

This kid...

Meng Fan vaguely knew Gu Yefei's habits. This guy obviously didn't trust anyone and was unwilling to hand over his back to anyone, so he chose to be the last one to step in here.

This kind of stability and caution made Meng Fandu faintly amazed.

In fact, Meng Fan has always considered himself a cautious and steady person, but after only a little contact with Gu Yefei, he realized that this person was more cautious than himself.

I really don’t know what this guy went through to develop such a character that is even more “perverted” than his own.

“The Hall of Heavenly Kings once had four heavenly kings sitting there, so there are four halls.

Qinglong Hall, White Tiger Hall, Suzaku Hall, Xuanwu Hall.

I want to go to the White Tiger Palace, do you have any opinions?

Anyone who has any objections can come out and compete fairly with me. Whoever wins will enter the White Tiger Palace! "

Gu Yefei from Longyuan Holy Land was the first to speak and said to everyone.

Meng Fan didn't speak when he heard this.

He didn't know anything about the Heavenly King's Palace, and he didn't know which of the four palaces was suitable for him, so he chose to just follow his luck.

It all depends on fate!

Therefore, he was naturally too lazy to compete with Gu Yefei.

However, this Gu Yefei is a disciple of Longyuan Holy Land. Longyuan Holy Land has the word dragon, but he chose White Tiger Hall instead of Qinglong Hall.

After five breaths, Gu Yefei saw that no one spoke, so he said to himself: "Since no one wants to fight for it, then Gu will enter the White Tiger Palace."

Li Yulan and Zhao Beichuan didn't know whether they were really not interested in the White Tiger Palace or were intimidated by the Holy Land of Longyuan, so they did not choose to compete for the White Tiger Palace.

Anyway, based on what Meng Fan knows so far, Longyuan Holy Land is undoubtedly the strongest force among everyone.

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