Landing 300 years in advance

Chapter 139: New Town Completed, One Year Later (Second Update)

After walking out of the underground training ground, Chen Ronghuo came to the cell again.

Only this time, he did not draw attributes from the prisoners in the cell.

Instead, he ordered everyone to send all the prisoners out of Green Water Bay Town.

In the next period of time, the entire town will flourish under his leadership.

Continuing to keep these people in the cell will not only waste food, but also destroy the purity of his faith.

As for where these people will go after leaving and whether they will defect to Zhou Yuanhua, it is not up to him.

After dealing with the matter, he started practicing in seclusion again.

But in the next few days, he would go to the underground training ground every day.

Go and meet those two hundred warriors.

When integrating various attributes into those people's bodies, he also assessed the growth rate of these people's loyalty.

The results obtained were quite satisfactory to him.

As for those warriors who were not selected by him, after a few days of decadence, most of them began to regroup and practice hard.

I hope I can be chosen by him next time I have another chance.

Then some time passed, and a month after he issued the order to build the new town.

The construction of the new town centered on Shanghe Village has finally come to an end.

The new town was named Shanghe Town.

After the new town was built, Chen Ronghuo immediately ordered villagers from more than a dozen villages to move to the new town.

The villagers were hesitant and dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.

After all the villagers arrived at Shanghe Town, Chen Ronghuo and Sha Mao also rushed to Shanghe Town.

There is a large area of ​​land surrounding Shanghe Town.

It's just that this land is full of ravines and, for some unknown reason, barren of grass, making it unsuitable for planting.

[Cursed Place: In the past, a third-level warlock from the Magic Li family cursed and killed a third-level peak cultivator here at the cost of his life.

And this place is also under the influence of the curse, and it is difficult to survive.

Only another twenty years would pass before the land could come back to life. 】

Chen Ronghuo looked at this land, his eyes flashing.

On the way, he got off the fat cat and tried to touch the ground with his left hand.

After a while, he pulled out several cursed attributes from the earth.

Although this cursed land was left behind by a third-level warlock, it seems that it has gone through too long, making these curses extremely weak.

Chen Ronghuo believes that after his own treatment, this land can definitely be rejuvenated quickly.

With this in mind, he mounted Fat Cat again and continued to drive towards Shanghe Town.

"Sir Huang, the lord said before that after the new town is built, he will take us all as his subjects. Will there be any mistakes in this matter?"

"Yes, during this period we didn't even plant the land, let alone hunt and store food. We just kept building a new town here. If things go wrong and we go back, we will really have a hard time."

Several village chiefs gathered around Huang Tiesheng and asked him anxiously.

"Don't worry."

Huang Tiesheng shook his head when he heard this and said: "Lord Jinkou Yuyan, there will never be any mistakes in what he said."

But after he finished speaking, the village chiefs and nearby villagers still couldn't relax.

Given the environment of the land around Xiahe Town, it was obviously impossible for them to farm.

Everyone wants to know how Chen Ronghuo plans to arrange them in the future.

If there is no good resettlement method, even if they are adopted as subjects, what is the use?

Your status as a citizen cannot be used as food!


While these people were waiting, Sha Mao suddenly roared like a tiger and appeared on the field carrying Chen Ronghuo.

"Meet the lord!"

Seeing Chen Ronghuo, Huang Tiesheng and others quickly bowed to him and saluted.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became silent due to the arrival of Chen Ronghuo and the shock of Sha Mao's huge size.

"Mr. Huang, you have worked hard during this time."

Chen Ronghuo first exchanged a few polite words with Huang Tiesheng.

Then he turned his head, focused his gaze on a large number of townspeople in the field, vibrated the air with the power of his soul, and said in a loud voice: "Hello everyone, I am Chen Ronghuo, the new lord of Green Water Bay Town.

I know that now everyone is worried about how you will live in the future after you move here.

Let me tell you now, you don’t have to worry about this at all!

Because in the next period of time, your clothing, food, shelter, and transportation will all be provided by me!

And what you need to do is help me reclaim the wasteland outside Shanghe Town as soon as possible..."

Chen Ronghuo had to make use of the vast wasteland outside Shanghe Village.

This wasteland is vast.

Once it is reclaimed, as long as he extracts all the cursed attributes and incorporates some of the fertile attributes of the land into it, the potential is absolutely huge.

In the future, he plans to make Shanghe Town his grain production base.

Otherwise, the few pieces of land on the shore of Lushuiwan Town alone, no matter how productive they are, and even if combined with the aquatic products of Lushuiwan Town, can only feed and drink 20,000 people.

No matter how much people want to supply, they will be unable to do so.

But his future subjects will obviously not be only 20,000 people.

With these thoughts in mind, he continued: "I know you are worried that after this land is reclaimed, you will still not be able to grow crops.

But you can also rest assured about this matter.

Because the problems in this land are just small problems to me!

Also, after today, I will open a school in Shanghe Town.

Your children, and even you yourselves, will be able to learn in schools.

There is also martial arts. I will also teach you a middle-grade apprentice-level martial arts.

In addition, after this land is reclaimed and able to grow crops, I can also rent this land to you..."

Chen Ronghuo stood in front of the crowd and talked.

As he spoke every word, looking forward to the future and drawing a blueprint, the eyes of all the residents of New Town became brighter and brighter when they looked at him.

And under such a huge sense of expectation.

And Chen Ronghuo did fulfill his promise. He quickly took out a middle-grade apprentice-level Kung Fu book and asked people to open several schools in Shanghe Town. After two days of hard work, the citizens of Shanghe Town worked hard. A few months later, a large area of ​​wasteland around Shanghe Town was reclaimed.

After the land was reclaimed, Chen Ronghuo also quietly discovered all the cursed properties in the land.

And let Sha Mao take him to find out many fertile properties of land from other places and integrate them into this land.

Then, under his arrangement, the residents of Shanghe Town soon planted a large number of crops on this land.

Of course, these crops are just ordinary crops.

Before he was not strong enough, it would be best for him not to expose high-yielding crops.

After all, this place is no better than Green Water Bay Town.

There is no way to cover up such a large area of ​​crops.

At the same time, he grows a large number of ordinary crops here, which can also provide some cover for the high-yielding crops in Green Water Bay Town.

Time passed quickly.

In the following period, the situation on Baiwu Island became increasingly chaotic.

Many forces are fighting against each other.

However, under such an environment, Chen Ronghuo hid in this corner of Baiwu Island and managed his territory in a short period of time.

At this time, it came one year after he became the lord.

Thanks to the ‘weird person’ for the 100-coin reward, and thanks to everyone for recommending monthly tickets@@

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