Landing 300 years in advance

Chapter 226 New Target and the Blue Thunderbird Flock (First Update)

[White Mist Island and Black Mist Island, due to the influence of the bipolar coiled snake formation covering the entire Kato Snake Islands, have become closer to each other, and will collide and merge into one place soon.

However, due to the great natural repulsion between the two islands, as well as the recent incorporation of the power of negative emotions mixed with the original evil energy of the Black Demon Star, and the drastic changes on the islands, both islands collapsed prematurely.

However, White Mist Island and Black Mist Island can give birth to part of the original power of Black Mist Evil every thousand years.

The Black and White Mist Demon and the Black and White Spirit Pearl have the same origin. After refining, in addition to acquiring strange abilities, they are also born with a strange force field that can protect the two islands.

Each black and white mist's original power can protect a large territory.

Territories with the original power of black and white mist evil can be protected from a certain degree of natural disasters or unnatural disasters.

If there are multiple beings in a certain territory who have refined the power of the black and white mist demons, they can superimpose and protect multiple territories.

At the same time, gathering together multiple beings who have refined the original power of the black and white mist demons can also make the territory act like a magnet, forming a suction force on other islands split by the two islands, slowly gathering them around themselves. ...]

After learning the reason for this change from the ancient book, Chen Ronghuo's eyes suddenly flashed.

At first, he thought that the changes in the island were all caused by the appearance of the Black Demon Star, but he did not expect that this matter was also related to a two-panel snake formation covering the entire Jado Snake Islands.

"Gathering together multiple beings who have refined black and white mist evil, the territory can act like a magnet, attracting the floating islands where other territories are located..."

Chen Ronghuo murmured to himself.

From this point of view, as long as he returns to Lushuiwan Town, he will hand over the giant eight-clawed octopus and the original power of the black and white fog evil in Tan Xiong to the big river crab for refining.

It seems that some floating islands can be actively approached.

Then he can create a huge floating island of his own with Green Water Bay Town as the core.


Then he glanced at the ancient book with his consciousness.

I saw that behind the lines of writing in the ancient book, there were also written brief introductions of more than twenty beings who had refined the original power of the black and white mist evil, as well as the locations of those beings.

Among these twenty-odd lives, the big river crab is also among them.

At the same time, Chen Ronghuo also discovered that the reason why Longtan Town was able to remain intact and not cracked was because there was also a life in Longtan Town that had refined the original power of the Black and White Fog Evil.

[Xuanbing Toad: Half-step fourth-level demon, lives at the bottom of the Black Dragon Cold Pool, feeds on the cold air of the cold pool, is solitary in nature, and does not go out all year round. 】

Half step to the fourth level...

Chen Ronghuo frowned.

Demons of this level are not something he can deal with now.

But no matter what, it was a big gain for him to know the locations of all the beings who had refined the original power of the black and white mist evil this time.

Now, as long as he is strong enough to catch all these lives in one fell swoop, he will obtain the black and white mist demons and let the big river crabs refine them. With Green Water Bay Town as the core, he should be able to create more than twenty floating islands split from the two islands. All attracted around Green Water Bay Town.


Suddenly, just as Chen Ronghuo was thinking this, his ears moved and he heard a piercing scream coming from a distance.

This is……

He raised his head and immediately saw a group of seventy or eighty large birds with a wingspan of two to three meters, and blue electric light pulsing all over their bodies, rushing towards him like a huge continuous blue lightning.

At the same time, behind this group of big blue birds, there is a densely packed area. I don't know how many of these big birds are fluttering and hovering in the sky.

[Blue Lightning Thunderbird: A life born from the Black Demon Star. It has certain intelligence, is good at controlling thunder and lightning, and is at the peak of the fourth level of its clan level.

Most of the group are first-order blue electric thunderbirds, some are second-order, and a few are third-order. The blue electric thunderbird king is at the early stage of fourth-order.

The blue electric thunderbird lives in the sky, and where it lives, thunder storms will slowly form.

Blue Thunderbirds feed on Thunderstorms.

Talent ability 1: Killing advancement.

By killing lives that are not lower than the level of your own clan, the overall strength of the clan will increase.

The lives bred by the Black Demon Star all have this ability.

Talent ability 2: Summon the power of the ancient Thunderbird King.

Blue Electric Thunderbirds, led by second-level Blue Electric Thunderbirds and above, hunt in groups. They can activate their own innate formation patterns, gather the power of all Blue Electric Thunderbirds, summon the power of the ancient Thunderbird King, and exert their abilities beyond their level. strength.

The Blue Lightning Thunderbird has a strong sense of territory and will not hesitate to attack any aerial life that appears in front of it.

However, most people who invade their territory can avoid their attacks if they do not attack them and take the initiative to land.

(Note: Killing a large number of Black Demonic beings below your own level will arouse the hatred of powerful Black Demonic beings. Some powerful Black Demonic beings may develop induction and hunt you down.)]

"Let's go down quickly!"

When Chen Ronghuo flew high into the sky, Huang Lin and others also flew into the sky with him. When Chen Ronghuo identified the attributes of these blue electric thunderbirds, his expression changed and he immediately called out to the people around him. , quickly fell from the sky.

What a joke.

The seventy or eighty blue electric thunderbirds in front of him were nothing to him, but the dense group of blue electric thunderbirds behind him made his scalp tingle with just one sweep.

If he was targeted by these things, I'm afraid he would have to kneel down even with his strength.

This large group of blue lightning birds, there are probably thousands or tens of thousands of them.

In addition, the meaning of the fourth-level peak of the group level is mostly that with the innate abilities of these things, if they are led by the strongest blue lightning bird king, they can use their innate abilities to summon the power of the ancient thunderbird king, which is comparable to the average fourth-level peak cultivator.

Now for him, let alone the fourth-level peak, even ordinary fourth-level existences can take his life.

Moreover, killing a large number of black magic star life forms below their own level may cause hatred from powerful black magic star life forms, which is obviously an extremely unfriendly thing for Chen Ronghuo.


When Chen Ronghuo and his group landed, the seventy or eighty blue lightning birds flew over them, and then circled a few times before leaving, as if warning them not to invade their territory again.

After these blue lightning birds left, Chen Ronghuo took a deep breath.

Before, he thought that the life bred by the Black Magic Star would be like the giant octopus that was stained with a trace of the Black Magic Star's original magic energy, without intelligence, or even more weird.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

But no matter what, this time, he is in big trouble.

With such a group of terrifying blue lightning thunderbirds hovering in the sky, I am afraid that all of them will have to be banned from flying in the future.

(There are two more chapters in the evening)

Thanks to 'Dongb', 'Drunk is drunk', 'May you be treated gently by the world pi' for 1,000 coins, and 'Bonde in front of the grave' for 500 coins, and 'Cassia seed, man', 'Stubborn heart', 'Heaven and earth Wuji Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian', 'Sky Guide' for 100 coins

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