"Everyone, please be quiet."

After sending Zhu Dapeng away, Chen Ronghuo stretched out his hand and pressed it in front of him, then said loudly: "I stayed in Xiahe Village mainly because of Huang Xiaoshan.

Huang Xiaoshan is too young, so I can't teach him too much now.

I can't sit still, so I plan to teach in Xiahe Village, teaching everyone to read and write, as well as some other knowledge.

But my strength is limited, so I can only teach the children in the village and the members of the hunting team first.

If others want to learn, they can listen outside, or ask others after class. I hope you can understand."

"Don't worry, sir, we all know it."

The villagers all expressed their understanding.

Chen Ronghuo's words were very polite. Before, they might have thought that this was a sign of Chen Ronghuo's guilty conscience.

But after what happened yesterday, everyone knew that no matter how humble Chen Ronghuo was, he still had the strength of a tiger.

You can't touch a tiger's butt.

Even if this tiger doesn't look scary at all.

Seeing everyone's response, Chen Ronghuo nodded secretly.

His performance yesterday may not be that good, but no matter what, he has established a firm foothold in Xiahe Village.

Thinking of this in his heart, he waved his hand and said: "In this case, those who want to attend the class should come in, and we will start the class now."

As he finished speaking, the children in the village and more than a dozen people from the hunting team hurriedly walked in through the fence gate.

The children in Xiahe Village, plus the members of the hunting team, a total of 40 to 50 people.

However, Chen Ronghuo's farmyard is no smaller than a normal class, and it is more than enough to accommodate these people.

The children sat in the front and the adults sat in the back, all showing an expression of listening attentively.

Even the seriously injured Huang Lin and Huang Tiesheng, who was already in his seventies or eighties, were mixed in with these people.

Chen Ronghuo glanced at them and said nothing.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Because there are some new people in the class this time, I will roughly repeat what I taught in the last class.

I said in the last class that I teach you three aspects of knowledge.

The first is ideology and morality; the second is literacy; the third is what is it..."

He paused slightly and looked at some children who attended the class yesterday.


Several children shouted loudly immediately.

"Well said." Chen Ronghuo clapped his hands lightly to show encouragement and then said, "But I also said before that morality comes first, that is, among the three aspects of knowledge, ideology and morality are the most important.

For this reason, I will tell you two stories, one is about filial piety, the name is..."

"Shun moved the sky!" The children replied in unison.

Chen Ronghuo smiled: "Yes, the other one is about respecting teachers?"

"Cheng Men Li Xue!"

All the children were quite excited.

Chen Ronghuo also had a smile on his face: "It seems that everyone studied seriously in the last class.

But there are some new students joining this class. You know, but they don't know yet. Are there any of you willing to retell these two stories to them?"

In the class of ideology and morality, filial piety must be ranked first no matter what.

In addition to filial piety, he ranked respect for teachers and respect for morality second.

But after arranging it like this, it's okay for him to tell the children in Xiahe Village, but it would seem a little deliberate to tell the adults in the hunting team.

So, he repeated what he said in the last class through the mouths of these children.

This can test the children's learning effect, secondly, it can enhance the children's interest in learning, and thirdly, it can subtly make the adults in the village accept his point of view.

After the two children finished retelling the two stories, he continued: "The retellings by Zhu Xiaopeng and Huang Xiaoshan were both very good.

In fact, after telling these two stories, I should first teach you how to write the two words "filial piety" and "respect for teachers".

But because I haven't made a blackboard and chalk yet, the literacy work has to be put on hold for the time being.

Then, I will tell you another story, the name of the story is "Serve the country with loyalty"..."

Chen Ronghuo's storytelling naturally has to be linked to his own interests.

He has already planned to follow the path of aristocratic lords, so the story of "Serve the country with loyalty" is just right.

However, because these stories were originally stories about Earth, he also had to make some slight changes in the process of telling them.

"With great ambition, he would eat the meat of the barbarians when hungry, and drink the blood of the Xiongnu when thirsty. What a great Yue Fei, he is really bold!

He is worthy of being the man who engraved "Serve the country with loyalty" on his back."

Chen Ronghuo was only halfway through his story when Zhu Dapeng slammed the stool with excitement.

"But sir, I wonder which island Yue Fei is from?

Who are the Hulu and Xiongnu?"

Chen Ronghuo glanced at Zhu Dapeng and said, "Just listen to your story."

Zhu Dapeng immediately looked embarrassed.

Then, this class was spent with Chen Ronghuo telling stories in a rhythmic tone.

There are usually no entertainment programs in Xiahe Village.

So even if Chen Ronghuo's stories were not particularly attractive, everyone still listened with great interest.

An hour later, Chen Ronghuo said, "Okay, today's class ends here.

Village Chief Huang, please stay for a moment, and the others can go first. ”

Hearing what Chen Ronghuo said, everyone showed regret.

These people, especially those in the hunting team, originally thought that learning from Chen Ronghuo would be a painful thing.

But after one class, they were all conquered by Chen Ronghuo's stories.

Even Hou San, who was more scheming than others, was the same.

No matter how scheming he was, he was just an eighteen-year-old young man from a poor mountain valley.

After the crowd dispersed, Chen Ronghuo said to Huang Tiesheng: "Village Chief, please ask someone to help me get a rectangular wooden board that is as smooth as possible.

I want to teach the villagers to write, and I must have a wooden board. ”

"Don't worry, sir, I'll do it right away. "Huang Tiesheng naturally agreed to this.

After Huang Tiesheng left, Chen Ronghuo shook his head. In addition to the wooden board, he had to get another pen himself, but with the ability of his left hand, this should not be too difficult.

At the same time, Zhu Dapeng, who left Chen Ronghuo, suddenly asked Hou San on the road: "Hou San, did you see the crab in Mr. Chen's yard just now?"

"See it?"

"Is that the one we caught?"

"It should be."

Hou San's tone was also a little uncertain.

"That's probably it, but how could it become like that?"


Hou San murmured to himself, with a hint of heat in his eyes.

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