Lu Yuan tried the new ability he had obtained.

"Space teleportation!"

The world changed subtly at this moment. Countless points and lines filled the mind, intertwining into an abstract and magical image.

The abstraction of this image is a bit like some high-dimensional curves and thread-like lines in mathematics, bringing a sense of lost beauty.

Lu Yuan felt an inexplicable confusion. His "self" began to touch the boundaries of reality, and countless information was fed back to his mind in an indescribable and abstract way.

"Whoosh!" He disappeared on the spot and reappeared a hundred meters away.

Then, he fell to the ground with a pale face.

Bean-sized beads of sweat seeped out from his back, his mind was dizzy, and stars were shining in his eyes.

This ability is indeed very impressive and has a lot of room for development. It may be the most complex ability he currently has.

The same level as the Tree of Life.

But in just a hundred meters, his mental energy was completely squeezed out.

"It seems that it can only be used in critical situations."

"What's going on? Is this another milestone reward?" The old cat was stunned and wanted to scratch it, but found that he only had one head left.

"We worked hard, and you are here to enjoy the fruits of your labor... What a blessing, comrade!"

"God is so good to you... If God really exists, he must be your mother." The old cat was simply twisted, and its head was rolling around on the ground.

Lu Yuan didn't know what was wrong with it, so he could only stroke the cat's head: "Cat, if you are in pain, you can tell me, don't keep it in your heart, don't be jealous."

"I will also get you one for your body."

"Let's do this. If the tree of life bears more fruits, I will get you a pure that you can eat, sleep, shit, and experience the feeling of being alive."

The cat slowly calmed down.

It discovered that it was indeed jealous, not that it was jealous of superpowers

But he was jealous that Lu Yuan could come back from the dead, but it couldn't...

It is indeed dead and is just jealous!

So the old cat shamefully condemned himself in an unprecedented way, and said in a cold and blunt tone: "No, you must at least have an extra life before you can continue to explore Pangu Continent."

"You don't have the confidence to save your life."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath: "Sometimes you don't have to be so rational. Anyway, I owe you a life, and I will think of a way for you."

"Oh, by the way, how did [the monster] die? Was it the crossbow bolt that I set up as a backhand?"

He took out a set of clothes from the storage space and put them on for himself.

No matter what happens, you can't run away!

He even shook his butt proudly and touched the cut off egg, which had grown back!

Old Mao had regained his composure and told the story of Lu Yuan's death.

The thrilling scene made Lu Yuan speechless.

"I see... that arrow didn't kill it... it was blown up with a bomb."

"Old Wolf, it actually came in handy?!"

"My large intestine was blown out by you..." He touched his abdomen, "It's too cruel."

"The cat is not ruthless and can't stand firm! It's better to blow up a deformed being like you, and it wasn't me who blew it up." The old cat is even more venomous now.

"Ouch?" The old wolf trembled for a while, as if he was talking about it?

It pretended not to hear, lay lazily on the ground, and gnawed the turf.

Lu Yuan reviewed this battle and found that it was indeed full of coincidences.

If we had to do it again, I am afraid it would be difficult to replicate the miracle of victory.

Finally, he sighed: "I have three successes, and the old cat has three successes."

"Those Rize people who brought the bomb in have done both work."

"The last two achievements belong to Lao Lang. Without him, [the monster] would have been seriously injured. I don't know what changes would have occurred."

He touched the old wolf's fur.

"Your distribution is quite reasonable..." Old Mao nodded in agreement, "However, don't feel that you are unworthy of Rize Civilization. They are extremely lucky to be able to help them kill this [monster]. "

"It's them who should be thanking you."

"Given the original historical trajectory, this civilization would have no future at all."

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes drifting to the distant sky.

Green mountains, waterfalls, flying birds, a peaceful scene.

Thinking of that terrifying battle again...

He stretched out a hand and grasped the sky with his fingers.

Living... living is really not easy!

At this moment, he did have an unreal feeling. He was paralyzed on the ground and roared: "God, please go to bed, kill me!"

There were insects crawling across my face, causing waves of numbness.

When Lu Yuan wanted to continue to experience the feeling of "alive", the insect suddenly bit him hard.

Lu Yuan subconsciously slapped his face, and found that there was a trace of blood on his hand, and a lump the size of a peanut was swollen on his face - it turned out that he was fucking alive! !

"By the way, what year is it today?"

"Ninth Era, Day 4232." The old cat ruthlessly revealed a number.

"What are you talking about? How come it's been more than four thousand days?" Lu Yuan jumped up from the ground.

More than four thousand days, not more than ten years! !

"Nonsense, the proportion of time in the cave is different from that in Pangea. The battle in the cave alone lasted for about ten days, and it took another ten days for you to be resurrected."

"It is indeed 4232 days now!"

Lu Yuan thought about it for a while and could only sigh.

"Forget it... time is not that important."

After the discussion, Lu Yuan grinned and trotted towards the cave.

His mood was high!

Next is the time to pick up garbage happily!

The cave is still the same cave.

It is gloomy and damp.

It exudes a terrifying atmosphere that keeps strangers away.

But the change in state of mind has indeed changed many things.

Lu Yuan whistled and lit the oil lamp, a bit like a gold miner in the West, with a wild expectation of picking up nugget gold at any time.

His eyes flashed with light!

First, he picked up his tent. There were also a series of equipment left over from the Rize civilization, such as machine guns, walkie-talkies, nuclear battery lights, etc. nearby.

He also picked up the black iron armor he had taken off.

"Where are those people from Rize?"

"I asked Lao Lang to move them to a cave. As the matter in the alien space fell into reality, they all disappeared... Maybe they entered the safe zone, or maybe... they died."

The old cat told the truth.

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

The arrangement of the old cat can only be said to be acceptable.

After all, he, Lao Lu, is only one person, and there is really no way to take care of so many people from Rize with eyes all over their bodies. He can only watch them die.

"I hope they can wake up some people after returning to the safe zone."

There are still some treasures in the cave.

[Horn of the knocking beast: A pure white knocking beast, its horn is extremely hard and has the effect of "indestructible". It also has certain medicinal value. After grinding it into powder and taking it, it can make people strong and indestructible. ]

[Ability: Indestructible (General Grade·Natural Wonder)]

"This thing... is used to make a spear?" Lu Yuan dug it out of the soil. It was heavy, about 20 to 30 kilograms. "To make a crossbow? It seems good."

[Ice Qilin's core crystal: Ice Qilin, a rare supernatural creature, will produce this blue crystal in its heart, which has the ability to freeze surrounding substances. ]

[Ability: Freezing Power (General Grade·Natural Wonder)]

[To activate the freezing power, you need to consume idealistic energy. You can use spirit crystals to charge it. ]

This cave is chilly, and it is this light blue crystal that is causing trouble.

Lu Yuan estimated that the [Monster] itself does not need food, but those servants do. Therefore, after the [Monster] lured and killed these supernatural creatures, the spoils were left here.

"No wonder the fighting power of those servants is much stronger than that of the people of Rize. It turns out that the food has improved."

These two things seem to be useless for the time being.

However, you must not miss something you picked up for free.

Even if you use the core crystal of the Ice Qilin as a refrigerator, it is not bad.

Lu Yuan turned for a long time and found the exit on the other side, which is the location of the tiankeng.

He saw a tomb where his own body was buried.

"You died a bit tragically. It's better to be buried than to be eaten by flies." The old cat said proudly.

The feeling of seeing your own body... um...

Lu Yuan cleared his throat and touched his neck, and suddenly felt a suffocating and neurotic feeling.

He suddenly thought of something: "Old Wolf, you didn't eat my large intestine secretly, did you?"

"You stayed here for 10 days, and there was not enough food. How did you survive?"

The old wolf's tongue drooped outside, indicating that he didn't understand.

Then Lu Yuan saw the [Monster] that was blown to pieces by the bomb. The original crystal eyeball was burnt black, and the whole body was shriveled, dead as hell.

[The remains of the monster, the Spirit Eye. (Dead)]

[It is enough to be proud of being able to blow a monster to death. The one who can accomplish all this must be a powerful civilization. ]

Lu Yuan had no expression on his face: ...

I will take you as a joke.

[Abilities: Multiple Alien Spaces, Mental Piercing, Control, Pollution Alienation. ]

Even after so many days, this corpse still has no signs of decay, nor does it have the stench of rotten meat.

[Monster] is indeed not an ordinary life form.

"Spirit Eye, what's wrong with you! Baby, who is so bold to kill you?!"

Lu Yuan bravely touched it twice, it was slippery.

Then he kicked it again.

"Why did you die like this?"

The old cat couldn't help but close his eyes. This scene was too creepy. It felt that Lu Yuan was crazier than it.

The skin of the Spirit Eye is like a rubber tire, tough and elastic.

If the crossbow is not made well enough and has strong enough elasticity, the poisonous arrows may not be able to pierce the eyeball.

[The remains of the monster Spirit Eye are based on a silicon-based structure, so I am afraid it cannot be digested normally. ]

[It is as strong as a bulletproof vest. What you eat will come out the same way. ]

[Some parts are also poisonous, please be careful to identify. ]



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