Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and complained: "It turns out that people from other worlds also like to fish at work."

"Kaogong is also the end of the universe in another world."


This guy named "Xinqi Zhi" squats on the toilet for three hours every day and hasn't been fired yet. Isn't this the end of the universe?

Well, most of the files actually have some meaning...

Papers on biology, physics, chemistry, economics, etc. occupy the vast majority of the archives.

A true treasure of civilization was in front of him. Lu Yuan expressed his admiration, but he couldn't understand it at all and felt that he was illiterate.

Oh, and politics!

I can barely understand it.

[Meida Civilization, the sixth branch, the mayor of Gouer City, Mei Ganda, presided over the government executive meeting and delivered an important speech. 】

[The main content of this meeting covers the maintenance and upkeep of industrial equipment, the trade-in of consumer goods, and the reuse of renewable items. 】

[Research and promote large-scale equipment updates, replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, recycling, and the construction of a rule of law government. 】

[...Focus on the current main line, clarify goals and tasks, understand the rules, clarify the direction, learn methods, and increase wisdom...especially focusing on solving social stability and the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the masses, in order to achieve the expected goals and achieve obvious results! 】

A familiar feeling came over me, like this kind of political report, I didn’t want to read it after reading the first line.

Lu Yuan has always believed that those who write materials are real talents!

Of the 10,000 words of content, only 100 words seem to be effective, but you can write so much text. Why don’t you write online articles?

He patiently read the article carefully.

"What this government work report means is that when Gouer City, the sixth branch of the Meda Civilization, first came to Pangea, its resources were in straits, and many supplies were difficult to replenish."

"So we must enforce controls and find ways to recycle some important items. Like rubber, metal, coal, and oil, use less."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but worry, will humans encounter the same problem?

Obviously, yes!

There are only 17 large cities that humans have teleported to Pangea.

How many reserve resources can a city have?

It would be great to be self-sufficient in food!

Coal and other things will be gone when they are used up!

From this perspective, "god" actually encourages various civilizations to leave the safe zone earlier.

“Would the same choices appear in humans?”

"How long will humans hide in the safe zone?"

Next paper: [Does God exist? When can our city cancel the safety zone? On the potential harm of hiding in the safety zone for a long time. 】

[Author: Keregu. 】


【Who is it? It summoned 13 cities of my civilization into Pangea, each with a population of approximately 10 million. We are called the sixth branch of the Meda civilization. 】

[The culture of each city is slightly different. There is only one city in a country. 】

Lu Yuan was slightly startled. There seemed to be 17 cities on the earth, and the Meda civilization had 13.

[Its voice has never appeared again since it appeared fifty years ago. 】

[It is more like a bystander. Apart from the initial settings, it is just quietly observing the changes in Pangea. 】

[Our Meida civilization has stayed in the safe zone for a full fifty years, while the outside world has been a full five thousand years...]

[We have wanted to revoke the safe zone several times, but in the end it was rejected. 】

[Will it also give us more time? What is the final outcome that awaits us in the end? 】

The author of this paper, "Kereba", wrote this paper with a worried attitude.

He also appealed to the people not to covet comfort and move towards Pangea as soon as possible.

"It's a normal appeal, but it may not be useful."

Next article.

[When will Meda Civilization cancel the safe zone - On the opportunity cost of hiding in the safe zone for a long time. 】

"?" A question mark appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

He looked at it and found that they were indeed two different articles, but they were published at different times.

Do you use the same word count for articles? Do your leaders know?

After a brief look, the content has not changed much, from "fifty years" to "sixty years".

Well, ten years have passed, and the Meda civilization still has not left the safe zone.


Next article.

[When will Meda Civilization revoke the safe zone? 】

[Our Meida civilization has stayed in the safe zone for seventy years, and the outside world has changed dramatically...]

The expert called for the safe zone to be revoked as soon as possible and move towards Pangea!

Only in Pangea, there are more resources!

How can we develop if we are stuck in a safe zone and have no resources?

"Is it too easy for you experts to eat this iron rice bowl? This time there are no subtitles." Lu Yuan sneered.

Next article.

[When will the sixth branch of the Meda Civilization enter Pangea? 】

? ? ?

Next article.

[Study on the importance of Pangea to the Meida Civilization. 】

Gradually, Lu Yuan's face lost the mocking smile, and instead felt a feeling of panic.

These articles are like death notices, announcing the death of a civilization.

It is not the individual who dies.

It is civilization that dies.

Does anyone care? Someone cares.

But all living beings don't care.

All living beings have chosen comfort.

Three hundred years!!

In the 50th year, some experts have called for the "cancellation of the safe zone"!

But in the 300th year, the Meda civilization still did not enter the Pangu Continent!

Three hundred years in the safe zone.

In the Pangu Continent, it is already 30,000 years!

The civilization that left the safe zone the earliest and the civilization that has not left the safe zone have a gap of nearly 30,000 years...

This is an insurmountable time gap.

No matter how smart you are, how can you make up for the 30,000-year development gap?

What is even more terrifying for the Meda civilization is that with the rapid passage of time, the environment of the Pangu Continent is getting worse and worse.

[The frequency of incomprehensible horrific disasters is increasing rapidly! ]

[The observation frequency has increased from once every ten years in the past to once a year. ]

[Do we still have time? ]

Lu Yuan held his breath and continued to read.

What is "incomprehensible disaster"?

It refers to some super-large-scale vicious supernatural phenomena.

For example, a certain area is surrounded by black fog, and all the creatures inside have undergone terrible mutations; red raindrops fall from the sky, turning all creatures into pus; a large number of corpses come back to life and attack living creatures indiscriminately, etc.

These inexplicable disasters appear more and more frequently in the later stages.

In the end, Pangu Continent turned into a desert with no one living.

[We even observed the fall of the sky city. ]

[In order to avoid such disasters, powerful civilizations in the outside world generally build movable sky cities. ]

[But this kind of super civilization will also fall one day. ]

[Do we still have time to build a sky city? ]

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