Chapter 152 We... almost perished?

After a long time, a think tank whispered: "That mirror, isn't it also a [ghost]?"

"Mr. Lu was attacked by two [ghosts] as soon as he entered?"

One is not enough, there are two? !

The people of Li Ze are quite familiar with the "Mother Earth Goddess". They don't know what this gorgeous mirror that suddenly appeared is, but it is indeed possible that it is another [ghost].

This scene makes my scalp numb.

"It's a big trouble."

"Ancestor, what did you leave behind?"

"Ancestor wants us to die!"

Every lizard man was frowning.

A few of the more fragile ones were paralyzed in the chair and almost cried.

There were also a few who subconsciously made the gesture of worshiping the gods and muttered to themselves: "Mother Earth Goddess bless... May Mother Earth Goddess protect us..."

They were halfway through their chanting when they suddenly found something wrong.

Oh my God, Mother Earth Goddess is one of the ghosts! !

Although I have known this fact for a long time and have speculated a lot of information,

But when they really saw the "head", they did feel a sense of loss of illusion and faith.

How much they hoped that the Earth Mother Goddess was their pillar and could bring warmth like spring...

Some people in Li Ze even thought of an incredible statement: "It was the Earth Mother Goddess who held the mirror! The Earth Mother Goddess is still protecting us."

But the more rational and smart people are, the more they understand that their faith has been completely shattered.

Hope... is only in their own hands.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Suddenly, the governor of the seventh branch, Leon, knocked heavily on the table.

"Dear friends, we must unify our ideas. The Earth Mother Goddess we worship is a great existence that protects us. It is not the arm in front of us, or the head on the screen."

"The Earth Mother Goddess must exist."

"If she doesn't exist, who broke this [ghost] into pieces and sealed it up?"

The seventh branch is worthy of being the origin of religion, and its ability to debate scriptures is quite good.

His words gave everyone some faith.

Yes, the Earth Mother Goddess still exists, but we worshipped the wrong one in the past...

Thinking in this way, many people feel a little better.

"But the concept of the masses must be corrected slowly."

"We should worship a benevolent God, not the enemy of God."

However, it is not easy to change one's mind.

Let the general public find out that they have worshipped the wrong object for thousands or tens of thousands of years. The consequences are simply terrible! It is comparable to humans interpreting God as Satan!

At the least, there will be riots, and at the worst, there will be all kinds of civil unrest!

Only the seventh branch, the origin of religion, has the power to interpret the scriptures... Well, this is very complicated politics again, and it is a struggle for discourse power within civilization.

In addition to the instability of people's hearts, what is more worrying is the two [ghosts].

These two visions are imprisoned in the spaceship of the first branch.

Once they escape the seal, the first branch will most likely perish directly.

And no one knows how far the [ghost]-level disaster will spread and how much ecological destruction it will cause.

"The safe zone is not absolutely safe."

"Mr. Lu has the ability to cross the safe zone."

"[Ghosts] may also have it, and we can't afford this risk. So what should we do next?"

Everyone looked at the leader of the first branch, Mr. Moshi.

Moshi was nervous and uneasy. This experienced leader of a great country who had experienced many big scenes was actually a little confused at this moment.

Well, they are the most technologically advanced country and a superpower on the planet. Although only one city has been teleported to Pangu Continent now, it is no exaggeration to say that the industrial capacity of their city is more than that of other cities combined. The scale of talents is also the largest.

But what can we do in the face of a super natural disaster of the level of [Ghosts]?

And two at a time.

The emergence of this idea made him feel that his soul was held down by something.

There was a kind of terrifying depression of being pressed under the water and unable to breathe.

Even more, a very important international friend was almost killed by him...

He didn't know that there were two [Ghosts] in it...


"No, no, no, don't worry, Mr. Lu is not dead yet, he escaped." The scales on Mo Xi's forehead stood up, which was an instinctive physiological reaction when extremely nervous. In the Lize civilization, it was considered impolite behavior.

Well, now everyone has their scales erected in this occasion, and no one seems to care.

Yes, Lu Yuan is still alive, and has become the last straw in his heart.

He actually escaped?

How did he do it!

The more Mo Xi thought about it, the more shocked he felt...

Two ghosts...

How is it possible?

But he secretly felt fortunate that Lu Yuan was alive... Fortunately... Fortunately

Otherwise, they really had no way out, and could only cancel the safe zone and start a desperate escape.

The farther they escape, the better!

Everyone watched the video over and over again, analyzing the scenes in it.

"I roughly understand! As expected of a strong man who can kill [monsters], he thought of a way in a flash..."

"The arms of the enemies of the Earth Mother Goddess left by our ancestors are particularly sensitive to blood." A scientist from the seventh branch suddenly slapped his head and analyzed, "In that mysterious room, bleeding may be a taboo."

The seventh branch has the ghost hand, which is the branch of civilization that knows it best.

Once blood appears near the ghost hand, the ball of resin will boil violently, as if it can escape at any time.

Even the ghost hand is like this, and the ghost head is even more terrifying.

"That mirror is also not well-intentioned. I guess... it may be controlling Mr. Lu's body."

Everyone was thoughtful.

"This kind of control power is too strong, almost impossible to resist by human power, even the extraordinary fire."

"Therefore, Mr. Lu can only let himself spray blood and guide the power of the Earth Mother Goddess... to deal with that mirror..."

He stumbled for a long time.

I'm used to calling her "Earth Mother Goddess", and now I suddenly have to change the name, which is quite strange.

Anyway, it's okay as long as you can understand it.

"Finally, he used his ability in the other dimension to wrap up all the blood that had been sprayed out, to avoid the head from escaping... After all, leaving blood in the room... is a taboo. So he took that drop of blood back."

"The above is my general idea, and you can add some details."

The conference room fell into silence again.

"Did we... almost perish?" Someone said.

"It seems that we did perish once."

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