"Hello, friends. Today, the appraisers of our ninth branch have successfully identified a small amount of information about the strange phenomenon in the sky."

"This strange phenomenon is suspected to be a kind of natural disaster 'demon', named Frost Mist."

Frost Mist, this name seems to imply its ability.

"In Pangu Continent, any appraisal result has information depth."

"Even if it is just a name, it has its real meaning."

Several officers in Yunhai City tapped the table with their fingers, thinking in their hearts, will the focus of future research be the glyphs related to temperature?

On the screen, the spokesperson of the Ninth Branch, Digdit, continued: "Only by constantly eating people can the vision accumulate energy and become stronger quickly."

"Now it can't eat people, it can only slowly absorb the idealistic energy emitted by the city, and the speed of becoming stronger is acceptable..."

"But the time can't be delayed too long. If it grows to a certain stage and undergoes a qualitative change, we will miss the opportunity."

"I propose that after five years, everyone will jointly open the safe zone and capture this vision together! Five years is enough time to recuperate and produce a large number of weapons and equipment."

In fact, the time agreed upon by everyone at the beginning was ten years, but now it has been advanced to five years.

On the one hand, the emergence of carving technology has indeed given everyone a lot of confidence.

The carving requires materials. In five years, the supernatural materials accumulated in the city have been almost consumed, which is considered to have reached the peak of their own combat power.

Even if the time is longer, those non-renewable materials cannot be more than one point.

On the other hand, the pressure from the Rize people is quite large.

With aliens as a comparison, humans are always unwilling to fall behind.

However, the Ninth Civilization spokesperson's suggestion was very good, but few people responded. After all, war will kill people. Who will fight?

Who will open the safe zone first and take the lead?

After being exposed, what should we do if the "Frost Mist" floats over?

A breath of air from others may kill tens of thousands of people?

How should this war be fought?

What should we do if an accident occurs?

Everything is unknown.

"Our Ninth City, Zero Wave City, can be the first to cancel the safe zone and fight this anomaly."

"But I need firepower support from all cities, and I need a commitment from everyone. The resources of a single city are limited and cannot last too long."

The conference room fell into a long silence.

Even Li Chunhong was a little surprised at the Ninth Civilization's aggressive decision.

Well, if there was a [Monster] blocking Yunhai City outside, he would not know what to do.

Does Yunhai City really have the courage to fight it head-on?

He doesn't know.

The spokesperson of the Ninth City, Digdit, said sincerely: "If our Zero Wave City fights alone, it is very likely that we will not be able to defeat this vision."

"When the population of Zero Wave City is completely eaten up, let it eat tens of millions of people, how big will it grow?"

"Humanity will lose the chance to defeat it forever!!" He slapped the table heavily.

"There is only one chance. If the safe zone is to be abolished, we will abolish it together and fight together."

"This is the dignity of mankind and the glory of mankind!"

Digdit's words are indeed very reasonable.

But cold death can always overcome everything.

If the safe zone is not abolished, it can still live for three or four hundred years. Fighting against the vision, it may die in an instant.

Among the 17 human branches, only a few cities are ambitious.

"Mr. Digdit, the promise you want is too big." Li Chunhong of Yunhai City cheered up for a moment, "It is actually difficult for us to plan the future five years later. The production of weapons, the training of talents, and especially the research of glyphs are full of unknowns."

"The current research is indeed going well, but it is hard to say what the future will be like."

"Especially many cities are still in a state of chaos. It is uncertain whether they can contribute in five years."

"Of course, if everything goes well, we in Yunhai City support this action."

"Our resources will basically be transformed into combat power in five years. If it is delayed for too long, without resources, it will only waste time."

With the support of a relatively strong city, Digdit can be regarded as slightly alleviating the embarrassment of no response.

"We in Dongjin City also support this action!!"

Unexpectedly, the representative of Dongjin City also spoke: "This is the glory of all mankind! If we can defeat an anomaly, we will have the capital to settle down."

Li Chunhong couldn't help but glance at the screen of Branch 11.

The Emperor of Togane City still had a blank expression on his face, as if he was asleep.

This old man always looked indifferent no matter what happened.

After careful thought, I understood.

"The first possibility is that these guys' gambling nature has taken effect."

"The second possibility is that they want to surrender and become Run people... but their status will be lost after Run."

"If they can have a credit in the battle, it can also be regarded as a political bargaining chip in the future."

You know, the safe zone is not absolutely safe.

There are always some abnormal abilities that can project beyond the safe zone.

Like dream abilities, mental abilities, and the "blood in the soil" and "cat-faced old lady" recorded by the Meda civilization...

Without the extraordinary fire, they cannot upgrade, and their ability to resist disasters is seriously insufficient.

Even if Tojinshi hides in the safe zone, he has no confidence that he can survive.

"These guys are quite cunning..."

Other than that, no other city has taken a stand.

Even the city of New York, which is full of talents, only had a vague attitude and said a few good words.

If they really wanted to, they wouldn't dare to do it.

And those mining cities did not speak.

In particular, the city of Sydney, which owns the "Pandora's Crystal", and the city of Babylon, which has a large amount of oil resources, did not make any statement, and did not even dare to say ambiguous words.

Yes, although the earth's crust was greatly damaged when the city was moved, the city of Babylon still had a lot of oil resources.

The mineral output of these two cities is the most important material basis for building the City in the Sky.

With Pandora crystals, extremely huge floating ships can be built to transport hundreds of thousands of people at a time.

Moving a city is no problem.

But they don't have any will to fight, which is very troublesome.

In fact, the spokespersons of these cities also know that it is indeed a good opportunity for a decisive battle, but they can't even solve the chaos in the city, so how can they talk about it?

The meeting broke up in silence.

Many officers in Yunhai City were a little angry, with a strong feeling of "humanity is about to end" in their hearts.

Li Chunhong shook his head: "Forget it, they actually just want to pick peaches."

"If we win, they will definitely come out again."

"If we lose the war, they will be a coward for the rest of their lives and a local emperor for three hundred years."

"That's really smart...hey."

"Pandora's crystal is not a very rare thing. It must exist in Pangea. If it doesn't work, we can look for it ourselves!" Several officers said angrily. "Anyway, after leaving the safe zone, the time ratio is restored, and we have plenty of time to develop."

"When we build the city in the sky, shouldn't we still share it with them?"

Another officer mocked: "Can we not share? A large group of people are going to starve to death. What do you think we should do? Can we still watch them die?"

This may sound childish, but it seems to be a problem if human rights are too high.

After all, Yunhai City has not experienced large-scale deaths and disasters, and many beliefs have not been shattered.

"Hey, don't say angry words. We will consider these morale issues later." Li Chunhong comforted, "Politics is the product of mutual compromise. Development behind closed doors will only consume our own costs."

"We must maintain our industrial capabilities and continue to make scientific and technological progress... What's wrong with the mining in Xini City? Without industry, we will naturally have to rely on us in the future!"

"Industry, talent and technology are the keys to the future!"

"What about an arms race? Someone else makes one plane, we make ten!"

The ninth branch of humanity, Zero Wave City.

The atmosphere in the room was not wonderful, as if a cold Siberian wind was blowing in from outside the window, bringing an icy chill.

This time, most cities rejected the cooperation and were unwilling to give even a vague promise.

Digdit shook the cigar in his hand and whispered: "Comrades, you saw it! I gave them a chance, but now they choose to become cowards and deserters."

"They are traitors to humanity!"

"Our cities represent human civilization, standing on Pangea, competing with hundreds of millions of intelligent races."

"And all they want is to save their own lives."

"When our dignity, territory, and living space are trampled on, they are still escaping."

"There is no other way. I want to 'control' those damn cowards and make them strong!"

He changed the subject and lowered his voice: "Professor Heinrich, how is the research on spreading superpowers through communicators going?"

The bald and white-haired professor nodded: "The research is going well and it will be cracked soon. But if the other party turns off this function, we have no way to force it to turn it on."

Digdit said: "The default state should be on, right?"

"Yes, there is no doubt about it... The last [Demon] attack, all cities were affected by ability radiation."

"Furthermore, the mutual communication of glyphs also requires this function to be turned on."

"The ability to radiate in the past may only be one-tenth to one-twentieth of the original version...So, it may be necessary..."

"As long as we control the vast majority of city leaders, the problem will be solved!" Digdit's eyes glowed with a faint red light, and he walked out of the meeting room with a firm face, "Prepare more death row prisoners for me!"

"Your Excellency, there are no more death row prisoners."

"Execute all rapists, our civilization does not need such scum."


(PS: It’s the end of the month, please vote for me! I’m out of the top 100 T^T)

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