I only heard the cold voice say: [One person is randomly selected from the 18th branch of human civilization and given the eyes of the pioneer...]

Well, there’s only one person in Branch 18, so there’s really not much to choose from.

In an instant, a ray of light that didn't know where it came from hit Lu Yuan's right eye!

An indescribable burning sensation surged into my heart, the severe pain was like steel needles rushing through my mind, and my ears were filled with whispers.

The brain seemed to have stopped functioning, and all thoughts and ideas turned into chaos. Only a clear light hung high in the sky to maintain Lu Yuan's personal consciousness.

A moment later, Lu Yuan woke up from the grass sweating profusely. He checked his body and found that he was not injured.

I also discovered that I had an additional ability, called [Eye of the Pioneer].

This feeling is amazing.

His heart beat faster, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he glanced at the ground subconsciously.

[A boring weed, non-toxic, with grass seeds, which cannot be digested by your digestion level. If you want to experience the trouble of constipation, you can eat some. 】

[A boring weed whose roots are rich in polysaccharides may be soaked in water to drink, bringing a small amount of energy. 】

[A boring weed contains licorice saponin, which has a small amount of detoxification, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, anti-tumor, anti-ulcer, antibacterial and other effects. 】

He was confused by the amount of information fed back from his right eye.

Then he looked at his right hand with the "Eye of the Pioneer".

[The right hand of a boring person seems to have a little tendonitis due to years of traditional craftsmanship. 】


Lu Yuan was a little embarrassed and looked at his left hand again: [The boring man looked at his left hand again. This time there was no tendonitis. 】

I have to admit that this ability is very powerful, and it is worthy of the reward brought by the "only milestone".

"God" drove him to hell with a stick, and seemed to raise his hand slightly, causing Lu Yuan not to know whether to cry or laugh.

"With this ability, can I survive?!"

"At least, finding food won't be a problem!"

[The boring man's pulse quickened and he seemed excited. 】

But what is the situation with this inexplicable complaint?

Lu Yuan took a few deep breaths to calm down a little.

As for the so-called "civilization milestone", it may be an accident or a bug.

Maybe "God" didn't expect that someone would bypass the safe zone mechanism and come directly to Pangu Continent...

A normal civilization must be watching its surroundings and hiding in a safe zone!

If the safe zone is not revoked, no one can come out!

It can also be considered that God... doesn't care!

God just scattered some cookie crumbs in his garden and did not care which ant removed the food.

You have the ability to enter the garden in advance, that is your ability!

But no matter what, this small reward is indeed Lu Yuan's hope for survival.

Lu Yuan showed a determined expression, and his eyes exuded a determined light.

"As long as I find enough 'milestones', I can pile them up into a superman! One step will make a thousand miles."

"Then I will travel hundreds of millions of miles, maybe I can still find a safe zone where the people on earth are, and go back and become the emperor!"

But the next second his face twisted, and he jumped up from the ground in fear.

Because there was a big python as thick as a bucket and brown all over, rushing out of the river not far away!

With a body length of more than ten meters, the oncoming fishy wind made Lu Yuan's scalp numb.

Seeing the fresh and delicious food, the python opened its mouth like a dump truck and launched a vicious attack!

[A small and powerful snake seems to want to turn you into feces. You are definitely no match for it now. 】

Death is only a short moment away.

Lu Yuan's pupils dilated, and when he saw those two huge fangs, he broke out in a cold sweat.

At the critical moment, he used his ability: "Different space!"


A lot of weeds were crushed.

The python jumped away.

Its poor intelligence doesn't understand why the plump food suddenly disappeared?

The forked red tongue hung in the air for more than an hour before swaggering away from this place.

Lu Yuan's clothes were soaked with sweat. "Fortunately, it didn't wait for it...otherwise I would be dead."

After confirming that the python left, the different space was released.

I picked up a brown snake scale from the ground. It was as big as a palm and as hard as steel.

[The scales that fell off a snake have sharp edges. 】

"It seems to be a good weapon..."

Lu Yuan pondered the scales for a few seconds, picked up a thick branch from the ground, picked up a stone, and knocked the snake scales into the branch with a "dong dong dong" sound.

He also wrapped it around a few times with vines that could be seen everywhere.

Make a simple axe.

[A tool suspected to be an ax means that the user has entered the Stone Age. 】

Lu Yuan felt the sense of security brought by the axe, and took a few deep breaths to calm down his nervous mood.

He still hasn't recovered yet.

The earth disappeared inexplicably, leaving only 17 cities scattered across the vast and boundless Pangea.

Trying to find these human cities is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

What should I do if I am alone?

Can an ability from another space, plus a nonsense eye, turn the situation around?

This inexplicable situation, even the most elite special forces soldiers will be confused and fall into deep despair.

After all, humans are social creatures. If they are separated from the environment, loneliness alone can torture people to death, not to mention food, disease and other issues.

Of course, Lu Yuan has not felt lonely yet. His mind is just a little stiff, like a rusty gear, and he has not had time to feel lonely.

He walked to the river carefully and observed for a while.

[It is very ordinary mountain spring water. The probability of getting sick after drinking directly is small, but it is better to boil it before drinking. ]

The water quality is clear.

He held it up with both hands and took a sip. It was icy cold and had a pure natural sweetness.

Lu Yuan was alert to the appearance of wild animals and shouted in his heart: "Milestone! God, give me a milestone reward!"

"I am the first person to drink the river water of Pangu Continent!"

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, the voice of God did not appear.

The so-called "milestone" is not something that can be achieved by drinking a sip of water or eating a bite of meat in Pangu Continent.

It must be some kind of commemorative moment, a kind of progress at the historical level.

Lu Yuan's plan failed, and he was a little upset.

He saw his reflection by the river: [A decadent person, exuding a sense of confusion. ]

Then he saw his right eye: [This is the Eye of the Pioneer, an extremely great creation, but unfortunately, it was installed on a decadent person. ]

Lu Yuan couldn't help but laugh at this weird statement. It judged other things as "boring", "ordinary", and "decadent", but it said that it was extremely great.

Why are you so narcissistic!

"If I become the feces of a certain creature, aren't you a piece of extremely great feces?"

[This person is not so decadent. ]

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