Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 210: Sky City, does it still have a chance to rise again?

The old cat's two opals reflect the sun's rays from the sky.

It has been thinking about how to settle these Sarai people who have been tortured by disasters.

Let them fend for themselves, or accept, manage, and rule them?

He has thought about this issue for a long time.

To be honest, the Shali people are actually the same race as Lu Yuan, that is, they both belong to "Homo erectus".

There is no reproductive isolation between the two parties, only some genetic differences such as hair and skin color.

The Sarai people look like they have brown skin... They are actually yellow people, they are just tanned by the sun.

We have already reached this point, and it seems a bit unreasonable to leave it alone.

Lao Mao just didn't know what Lu Yuan was thinking.

"It's coming soon! Be alert!"

In front of you is the majestic Sky City. In the flat desert, this one-kilometer-high city looks particularly majestic.

"Look!" A young man with sharp eyes saw the body of a giant python buried in the sand.

After its soul was extracted from the poppy tree, it had been dried by the hot sun into a snake trunk.

Like a large spicy stick.

"Can it be eaten?" Everyone rushed forward excitedly and dug out the giant snake.

It weighs about a ton!


Young people are always easily satisfied, cracking their dry mouths and laughing.

I almost forgot what a terrible place this is.

"Leave it for now! Wait until we get back and then pick up the body." The old cat said.

As the tricycle rode along, they saw the mummies of many animals, from pythons to crocodiles to camels, all dead.

These guys are in a hot mood.

So many dead animals!

If they are all moved back, the food crisis can be greatly alleviated...

All the people in Shali have practiced extraordinary fire and have good physical fitness. Even if the food is a little rotten, they can digest it normally.

What's more, the desert is dry, and the meat of these animals is well preserved, which can be regarded as high-quality food.

"Stop inking. If we delay any longer, the village will be invaded by robbers." Old Mao kept urging.

The tricycle found an entrance to a sewer.

The footsteps of the four people in the sewer were like thunderstorms.

The female insect that was originally entrenched here has gone somewhere. Maybe her soul was taken away and she died in a corner...

The four of them were happy and worried. What they were happy about was that there was food and water in the Sky City, and a lot of land was freed up.

What's worrying is the large group of mobs at the village gate...

It's easy to go down, hard to go up.

Once you become a robber, you may be a bad person for the rest of your life.

I don’t know how many people are willing to change their ways.

After exploring like this for a while, the direction of the sewer exit is ahead!

"Dong dong", "dong dong", as the buds kept squirming, the hearts of several people resonated.

I don’t know why, but the power of this resonance is much less than before.

In other words... the poppy tree has become weaker.

"Stay here and don't move."

The old cat stepped forward, threw a smoke bomb with a "swish" sound, and used the walkie-talkie hidden in his body to make a sound: "Hey, Lu Yuan, are you still alive?!"

At this moment, the Tree of Life has soared to a height of 30 meters, and the trunk diameter has also reached three meters.

The crystal clear leaves are like emerald green jade, and a few rays of the sun shine on the ground through the gaps, giving it a delicate beauty like a fairy tree.

In the process of crazy growth, the two attributes of "God" and "Qi" have basically remained unchanged, and the "Form" attribute has actually exceeded the 60 mark!

Even, it is still soaring crazily!

The surging power left Lu Yuan at a loss as to what to do, considering that his own "form" attribute only had more than 20 points.

Being over sixty is really a bit abnormal.

Although it is incomparable to the poppy tree, it can easily knock away an immortal giant turtle with one slap.

Of course, the larger the Tree of Life grows, the slower it moves, which is also a major drawback.

After all, the "plant" race is here and cannot require a tree to be more flexible than an animal.

In addition, this crazy growth reached its limit in a short period of time, and Lu Yuan felt a sense of exhaustion at the soul level, which took a lot of time to relieve.

Therefore, he just slowly extracted this energy and accumulated it in the Tree of Life. There are probably more than 30,000 units.

"Digest it slowly from now on."

On this day, Lu Yuan was studying the knowledge of glyphs seriously. When he saw a puff of black smoke coming out of the manhole cover, his heart moved and he quickly took out his walkie-talkie.

At a distance of less than one kilometer, a walkie-talkie can still be used.

"Hey, Lu Yuan, are you still alive? (*Noise)"

The signal is intermittent.


The old cat said on the intercom: "Comrade, what's the matter with you? It's been two months and you still haven't come back?"

"It has turned into a big tree, let's waste time with it." Lu Yuan's human body was hidden inside the piranha and he took out his walkie-talkie.

He briefly explained what happened.

"You're a blessing in disguise!"

The old cat stuck out his head and saw the huge Tree of Life. The simple aura came towards him, making people involuntarily feel a sense of worship.

There was a hint of surprise in its eyes.

This must be a [demon] of the same level as the "Poppy Tree", otherwise, how could it possibly grow so fast?

It took less than two months for it to grow from 15 meters to 30 meters, and its diameter increased dramatically, with its tonnage almost ten times the original!

The old cat remembered the business and said in a serious voice: "How long will your action of extracting energy last?"

"Alas, I have to wait until the ascension ceremony is over. I have to stay here, otherwise the poppy tree will riot again, and the conch will be in danger." Lu Yuan said helplessly, "By the way, how is the Sandy tribe?"

"A lot of people died this time, and the social order collapsed..." said the old cat, "Our village is slightly better. In the villages farther away, only some people with stronger soul power are left, barely alive."

"The total population is less than 10,000..."

"They started the doomsday riot and were about to rob our village!"

"Ah?" Lu Yuan was stunned for a few seconds, and the Tree of Life shook.

Driven by hunger, should food robbery be subject to legal judgment?

This question is very complicated...

Even in the earth civilization, there are many debates.

Many countries stipulate that as long as it does not involve murder or arson, stealing some food is usually regarded as a minor violation of the law rather than a serious robbery.

Lu Yuan and the people of the Shali tribe also have some friendship, and he really can't bear to see this civilization destroy itself like this.

"How do you want to deal with it?"

The old cat said seriously: "I want to maintain order first."

"Those who commit minor crimes can be forgiven, but serious crimes cannot be forgiven."

"We must gain a military advantage to suppress the riot. Do you have any way?"

Lu Yuan is now unable to get away and can't fight.

He pondered for a moment and extended a green vine from the ground, trying to avoid those "dong dong" jumping buds.

This place is less than one kilometer away from the sewer.

In a moment, this vine extended into the sewer.

In the surprised eyes of the four Shali people, the vine gently scratched and opened the storage space.

Several rifles fell out.

"Shamo, I'm Lu Yuan."

"Put away these weapons, and when you go back, keep the village safe. I'm still fighting the monster, and I have to win before I can leave."

"Mr. Lu... you're still alive... great!!"

"They all said you were dead, but I'm the only one who believes you're still alive!"

The young man seemed to have found his backbone, and he suddenly lost his strength and leaned against the wall of the sewer.

At the beginning, when he was mentally disturbed and wanted to rush into the Sky City, Lu Yuan gave him an orange to stabilize his mind.

The taste of that orange...

I still remember it vividly!

From then on, he became a loyal supporter of Lu Yuan.

The other three also showed ecstatic expressions and picked up the rifle from the ground: "The monster is not dead yet!"

"It's all thanks to the great warrior Lu."

They had seen Lu Yuan demonstrate this thing in the past, and it was very powerful.

As long as you can hit the target, you will be injured if you don't die.

But the power of a few guns is actually not enough.

After all, those thugs have cultivated extraordinary fire seeds, and they are all tough and thick-skinned.

Lu Yuan took out a small anti-aircraft gun and a box of explosives.

He also took out most of his food reserves, such as rice and wheat, about 2 tons.

"Well, I'll give it all to you. Although it's not enough for a few days."

The old cat still felt uneasy: "Are there any others?"

"You'd better make a token and show up. No one has much confidence to survive."

Hope is more precious than water in the desert.

Now the people of the Sand Clan are scattered and urgently need a backbone to lead them-even if this backbone is a foreigner, it doesn't matter!

Lu Yuan was in a dilemma. After thinking for a moment, he moved in his heart.

With the great evolution of the Tree of Life in recent days, more functions have emerged.

Especially the part of grafting the poppy tree, which allows the Tree of Life to use the ability of the poppy tree to a certain extent!

The poppy tree has a total of four abilities, field confusion, dream control, soul capture and split sub-body.

Among them, "dream control" is a profound ability, and the Green People transformed it into a Green Paradise.

And the split body is an important manifestation of the combat power of the Poppy Tree.

Each fruit can be transformed into a man-eating monster - you should know that the Poppy Tree was also an evil existence at the beginning. A long, long time ago, the Green People defeated it through a large-scale war and transformed it into its current appearance.

Lu Yuan urged the Tree of Life to grow a human-shaped fruit - it can be regarded as his current "clone".

The clone carries part of his consciousness and the energy of the eternal fire.

He can roughly use about 30% of his own strength.

"Wait a moment, it will take about five minutes." Lu Yuan felt a little tired, and his mental power was exhausted in just a moment.

The old cat looked at the Tree of Life for a few times, "The ability of your clone is quite good."

The potential of this tree is indeed great, but the cost of cultivation is a bit high... If it is not a dog owner like Lu Yuan, how many civilizations can afford it?

"What should we do about the food problem? We can't rely entirely on this tree of mine, right?" Lu Yuan asked again. He felt a little painful. Is the life force that I have accumulated with great difficulty going to be used to produce ordinary rice?

The old cat said: "We have observed that the Sky City can pick up animal corpses... It can hold out for a while. Or you can get a few more clones to help us search?"

"Do you think it's cabbage? I need to rest for several days to give birth to a clone! Damn... Okay, I'll help you think of a solution."

Lu Yuan was helpless.

This is considered... more than half of the tribe has been wiped out?

Survival and development are really too difficult in this world.

"Where is the immortal giant turtle?"

"It's mixed in a flower bud, and I can't find it for the time being... Anyway, it won't die, so don't worry about it."

While the "human clone" was growing, the old cat suddenly changed the subject and asked a very strange question.

"The remaining Sand Li tribe has a high proportion of divine skills, maybe two or three hundred people... I don't know what you think?"

"I... what can I think?" Lu Yuan asked doubtfully.

"Do you think race is important?"

"It's important... but not that important... it depends on how well they get along." Lu Yuan really thought so. He, the old cat, the conch, and the turtle were not of the same race.

The old cat was silent for a moment: "This civilization is actually of the same race as humans, and has not yet formed the concept of 'nation', nor has it a long-standing cultural heritage."

"There are only some simple ancestor worship, and they are not too superstitious."

"In other words, it is not difficult to integrate them into humans..."

Lu Yuan vaguely understood what it wanted to express.

The old cat continued on the intercom: "Does this sky city still have a chance to rise again?"

"If you are alone and your productivity is not high enough, you can't do many things at all."

"If the Sandy tribe joins, it may be possible to make the city rise again."

"Are you asking me to be the local emperor here?" Lu Yuan was stunned, "How can the city rise again?"

This is a plan he has never thought of!

"Why not?"

"Such a big city, there must be some intact equipment."

"How much supplies can you carry by yourself? Can your storage space capacity compare with that of a city? Can you take the poppy tree with you?"

"It is more efficient to drive the Sky City back to the human world than to travel on foot, right?"

"Think about it, how many years did it take you to cross this desert? Three whole years... This is just a desert."

"It will be much simpler if there is a city as a backup!" The old cat said a series of things, as if it had been planned in advance.

It paused for a moment: "And the management of more than 10,000 survivors is not that complicated."

"Those children, as long as they are educated for one or two generations, will become human beings."

"Of course, if you don't want to, just let them fend for themselves... I won't object."

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