"Yunhai City Government will fully protect the people's legitimate rights and interests in all aspects!"

"The Ministry of Public Security strikes hard to crack down on all kinds of illegal crimes!"

"An emergency announcement is played below: All veterans are summoned to gather at various sub-district offices."

"A notification will be played below..."

Big loudspeakers sounded in every corner of the city.

This is a great war, a war between the glory and darkness of human nature, and a major test for civilization.

Many civilizations suddenly collapsed and fell into a state of doomsday carnival, paralyzing production overnight and never getting up again.

Decades may have passed before the remnant population regained order...

But there are also many civilizations that are just chaotic for a while, or even just a little riot.

It seems to be night in Pangea now, the sun rises again, and the day goes by like this.

The temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, which is quite comfortable.

Unkai City is the capital city of a province in Dadong Kingdom. The land area in the safe zone is about 12,000 square kilometers, and the total population is about 10 million.

Affected by this huge change, all major departments of Yunhai City Government were paralyzed for several hours, and then they took action at an extremely fast speed.

"All satellite networks have been disconnected! There is indeed no contact with the earth."

"Rescue work for the earthquake is ongoing, and there are not many casualties... The current death toll is 7 people, and more than 100 people are buried."

"The security department reported that they cracked down on more than 500 criminals..."

"What can be confirmed is that we have indeed lost contact with the earth. The entire Yunhai City is located in a corner of Pangea, relying on a large lake the size of Poyang Lake."

"The restoration of the power grid is still ongoing. It will take about 3 hours to restore power in urban areas, and about 1-2 days to restore power in remote areas."

"But our power plants don't have much coal reserves, and they will be used up in about 10 days."

"Let's save some money first. After the factory shuts down, we won't be able to use so much electricity."

"Several granaries and large logistics centers have been successfully controlled... If we follow the wartime rationing system and save a little, we can supply food rations for 10 million people for about a year."

"When will communications within the city be restored?"

"The lowest level of network communication has been restored. For faster communication, more power is needed."

One message after another came to the government office.

Heavy pressure weighed on the hearts of every participant.

This emergency meeting is called "Yunhai City Survival Meeting."

In addition to officials from the city government, representatives from the military region, professors from universities, and outstanding people from all walks of life attended the meeting.

As a first-tier city, Yunhai City's industrial capabilities are quite good, and many industrial chains, including electric vehicle factories and chip factories, are part of it.

But all these factories were paralyzed overnight.

Everyone has a confused emotion on their face. Thinking about the unknown Pangea Continent in the outside world, and what keywords such as "civilized screening" and "safe zone" are, it is simply confusing - after all, not everyone Everyone is familiar with online novels and can quickly accept this set of stories.

It's simply baffling.

The middle-aged man sitting on the rostrum is named Li Chunhong, the top leader in Yunhai City.

He knocked on the table lightly and said in a serious tone: "Comrades, whether you accept it or not, we have come to the new world... The earth has really disappeared."

"We must accept the harsh reality as soon as possible."

"The most important thing at the moment is to protect people's livelihood, calm people's panic, and restore order to society."

Looking at the silent crowd, Li Chunhong paused for a while and then said: "We don't have much power, but we must provide some regularly every day."

"The food rationing system must also be implemented in place. Only in this way can order be restored as soon as possible."

"The restoration of network communications is the most important thing at the moment, so that everyone can at least go online, send text messages, and watch the latest news. Only by allowing information to flow smoothly will people's panic be reduced."

"Severely crack down on criminal activities such as hoarding, smashing, looting and burning!"

"And the Pangea continent..."

"We also have to think of a way to investigate what happened..."

"Before the facts are confirmed, I appeal to the public not to vote to revoke the safe zone indiscriminately!"

As Yunhai City entered Pangea Continent, a mysterious button to "confirm and cancel the safe zone" appeared in every citizen's mind.

As long as the number of voters exceeds 50%, the safe zone will be permanently revoked and the city will officially head towards Pangea!

The emergence of voting rights has made netizens ecstatic.

Is this true democracy?

It's not important, what's important is... happiness? !

Soon some fun people pressed the "confirm evacuation safe zone" button in their minds.

The self-media, fearing that the world would be in chaos, began to fabricate stories. Even though WeChat and Douyin disappeared, these guys still published articles written by themselves on their mobile phones in the newly opened online forum.

"Evidence of the existence of gods has emerged, and those who have no faith will eventually be eliminated. 》

What happened this time can indeed only be described as "miraculous"!

So some black people were so excited that they thought they could be protected by God if they converted to God.

"Shit, then go to another city. Why are you staying in Yunhai City? We represent Daxia civilization! Go to another city and convert to God!"

"Brain-dead stuff!"

Netizens are not used to it, especially now that they have nothing to do and even short videos are gone, they can only be trolls.

So both sides sprayed each other passionately.

[404 not found! Sorry, the content you are reading has been deleted by the administrator. ]

"The United States contacted aliens without authorization and shot itself in the foot! The United States should be fully responsible for this matter! 》

[Due to violating community regulations, this account has been banned by the administrator. ]

"It must be a conspiracy of aliens! ! 》

"Don't vote to leave the safe zone, otherwise it means that humans will participate in the civilization elimination game and shrink the poison circle! 》

"In fact, we are the protagonists in the novel! Hurry up and cancel the safe zone! 》

"When will the army be sent to attack Xiaori? I want to join the army to attack Xiaori. 》

All kinds of weird remarks filled the newly opened forum of the government, which once again proved that "Journalism" is indeed a world-famous bad major...

The staff of the government communication department were also confused. Since the forum was opened, hundreds of posts have been refreshed every second, and they can't delete them all.

And why do I feel... the public reaction is a bit strange?

As if they don't know the seriousness of the matter?

The post that wants to attack Xiaori has already received thousands of replies.

What's going on? He is a little afraid to delete it!

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