Even on a few buttons, there are a few small functions [dust avoidance] [temperature control], which are the abilities generated by the carvings he engraved, that is, this clothing will not get dirty, and it can be warm in winter and cool in summer, and can be worn all year round.

Oh, yes, there is also a very important [concealment] carving!

The identification ability can only identify that this is an "ordinary level" clothing. Only by removing this [concealment] button can it be identified as "immortal level".

This is also to avoid possible troubles.

"Transform!" Lu Yuan thought and issued a command.

Suddenly, the shirt changed color, a soft feeling came to him, its color also turned black, and the feel became pure cotton fabric.

He put the clothes on himself, it was a little small.

Fortunately, the shirt can be deformed, and after a while of adjustment, it was adjusted to the right size.

The extraordinary power from the clothes resonated with Lu Yuan's soul.

A very subtle sense of comfort seemed to come from the space in all directions, constantly bringing a feeling of washing the soul.

Lu Yuan was not sure what this power was. It might be the so-called [Painted Skin]. As the name suggests, this piece of leather was really awesome.

[Resonance Power of Immortal Equipment]

A lot of positive buffs, so many that it was dazzling.

Lu Yuan adjusted his breathing. With this set of clothes, the time for the soul of the conch girl to solidify was shortened to one-tenth of the original.

His great cause of abstinence finally saw a ray of hope...

Lu Yuan was almost about to shed bitter tears.

"Huh... That's it."

He took off the clothes and turned them pink.

He observed the new body of the old cat again.

[Immortal Level——], two minus signs, okay, it's acceptable.

Well, the inspiration at that time had begun to decline.

[Art Theme: The damn old cat is alive. ]

[This work depicts the master craftsman, Lu Yuan, and one of his partners, who is obviously dead but still wants to live. The extraordinary realism style is integrated with the enthusiasm of comrades. 】

【Master craftsman, Lu Yuan, specially optimized the activity of the leather. Wearing this skin can produce the perception of normal skin. 】

【Although the purpose of this item is a bit inexplicable, it is still a high-end luxury product. 】 (There are a lot of entries to follow)

Then there is his own windbreaker, shoes, and hat.

【Immortal level——】, three minus signs.

The speed of improving the god attribute is only 4-5 times.

But he, Lu Yuan, actually does not pursue soul solidification.

This set of clothes has another function: the recovery speed of mental power is greatly accelerated by 300%!

The learning concentration is increased by 102%!

Whether it is learning glyphs or teleporting in space, it consumes mental power. This thing is actually tailor-made by Lu Yuan for himself.

Finally, there is the leather necklace for Lao Lang. Since it is sewn with scraps, it is inevitable that some "supernatural veins" will be damaged, and it will be downgraded to [Epic Level].

Its core is to delay aging and speed up metabolism.

As inspiration is exhausted, the speed at which items are downgraded is really fast.

6 of the worst socks and 12 gloves even dropped to [Legendary]...

There is no artistic theme.

That's OK, it's [Legendary] - who dares to dislike it? !

There are also a series of entries on it, such as increasing the speed of cultivation, increasing the speed of energy recovery, increasing resistance, etc., but the values ​​are a little less, only a fraction of the immortal level, generally about 10-50% bonus.

There are two levels in the middle, which is normal.

But this harvest... is still too exaggerated!

Equipment above the legendary level is really a treasure.

No wonder "Daedalus" said that no matter which civilization he goes to, legendary craftsmen are treated as guests of honor!

One piece of equipment, passed down forever.

This is not a joke!

And Lu Yuan's divine skills are actually better than Daedalus. "Glyph Insight Talent" plus "Craftsman Talent" is a god-level combination that is one in a trillion.

According to this statement, even if he works for other civilizations, his life will not be miserable!

"Huh... What a pity. Without inspiration, I can't even make legendary equipment." Lu Yuan thought greedily.

The heart of the greedy demon was stirring at this moment!

Once upon a time, he was actually too lazy to learn. After all, the props he made before were all black iron swords and fire lizard skin shields. It was amazing that such mediocre stuff could reach the "rare level" above the "ordinary level".

There was no special bonus, it was just usable.

But after getting the [Painted Skin Leather], in order not to waste the natural resources, he bit the bullet and read books for many years.

He also used the leather of other creatures to practice a lot - after all, he was already the best talent in the entire civilization.

This time, the value of the immortal masterpiece really shocked him.

The bonus of each number is several times, and it can even reach 10 times the bonus!

What kind of leader is he? !

Is the social value created comparable to one percent of the "Immortal Masterpiece"?

It felt like winning the lottery, and I couldn't stop.

"Don't be complacent, Lu Yuan!"

"If you can make legendary equipment with ordinary materials in ordinary conditions, that's awesome."

Now, he just maximized the performance of the materials themselves.

"From now on, if anyone makes a contribution, I will reward him with a sock... or a glove."

Lu Yuan suppressed his greed.

This is only 5 square meters of leather, and there are still 75 square meters unused.

Calculating it this way, [Ancient Demon·Painted Skin] is really too valuable, and Lu Yuan really picked it up in a huge way!

After sorting all these items, he sighed lightly, put them into the storage space, and trotted away, wanting to give gifts to Conch and the old cat as soon as possible.

His mood was like sunshine, extremely bright.

At this moment, a huge dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

Before he could look up, a cold reminder echoed in his ears.

[The 18th branch of human civilization that you belong to has created extraordinary items of legendary level and above. 】

[Congratulations on achieving the only milestone, the first legendary craftsman of the ninth era. 】

[Unlocking conditions: The first to create a great masterpiece of legend or above. 】

[A masterpiece of art is a poem that eulogizes civilization, a song that can span the long river of history and look into the future. Today, the art you created has remained in the long history, and the future of the ninth era will be a great symphony. 】

Lu Yuan was surprised and happy. He had not expected this milestone.

The sudden accident really surprised him!

He shouted loudly to the sky: "Brother, this is an immortal masterpiece. It has two more levels! Find a way to increase the reward!"

The voice was still unhurried: [Your civilization has received a milestone reward: Universal Factory (Incomplete). 】

[Your civilization will receive the only milestone point reward: 5,000 points. (This feature has not been turned on yet)]

As a bolt of lightning flashed across, there was a soft "bang" sound.

A big red guy appeared in front of Lu Yuan out of thin air.

The side length of this thing is about six meters, it is square and brings a burning feeling.

There are light red ripples on its surface, which looks somewhat similar to "Rubik's Cube-level energy".

I quickly identified it.

[Universal Factory (Incomplete), a mysterious thing left behind by the gear civilization. (Legendary level·Artificial wonder)]

[Ability: Creation, investing a certain amount of spiritual energy and raw materials can create items. 】

[Due to an unknown accident, the Universal Factory is incomplete and can currently only create products with a complexity higher than 8 nanometers. The size of the creation cannot exceed 1 cubic meter. The speed of creation depends on the complexity, the higher the complexity, the slower the speed. 】

[You can use a huge amount of spiritual energy to repair it to increase the speed and accuracy of creation. 】

Finally, there is the customary bragging of Gear Civilization.

[Hahaha, do you feel the power and generosity of my gear civilization? Try to find more treasures! 】

[Nothing in the world can exist forever, only gears are always rotating! 】

"This thing..."

Lu Yuan took a breath and his eyes widened as he touched the red cube.

Although this thing is only at the legendary level, it is obvious that it does not use particularly awesome materials and is more like a product of technology.

This technical content and the equipment Lu Yuan made instinctively are two different directions.

A mysterious idea came from the machine.

It expresses a meaning: "Please enter the item you want to create."

"You need to enter drawings or provide specific physical objects."

Lu Yuan stuffed a "legendary sock" into it.

Soon, the socks were withdrawn.

The voice said: "Sorry, high-level extraordinary items cannot be imitated. Currently, only 'low-quality' extraordinary items can be imitated, and more spiritual energy is required. Please choose wisely."

The "ideal energy" that can be used is 100 million times more valuable than material energy.

To give a simple example, spiritual crystal is a type of spiritual energy.

In such a large empire, there are only about ten pieces of spiritual crystals that can speed up the progress of cultivation, and most of them are of inferior quality.

Therefore, using spiritual energy to create inferior items is definitely a loss.

He slipped in an ordinary pocket knife.

"This item is of low complexity and can be copied. Please enter raw materials."

Soon, as Lu Yuan inserted a steel ingot, the knife was copied exactly, even the scratches on the back of the knife were exactly the same.

This is equivalent to a powerful 3D printer.

The first reaction in Lu Yuan's mind was - chip!

He can use this universal factory to create chips! !

The second reaction is...

"Holy shit, why did I smash my phone in the first place!!!"

When he first entered Pangea, he smashed his cell phone in order to light a fire!

No matter how powerful the universal factory is, it is not strong artificial intelligence.

It must provide drawings or concrete objects that exist in reality before it can create it.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan was so anxious that his hair stood on end!

Of course, he still kept the remains of the phone.

After rummaging for a long time, I found the old friend from half a century ago, Warwick mate888, from the corner. The screen was broken, what a mess!

"I just took out the battery to make a fire, but it caused the decline of human civilization."

Lu Yuan stuffed the broken mobile phone inside.

After a while, the dark voice said: "This item is highly complex and can be copied, but it may require more spiritual energy. Please enter the raw materials."

Lu Yuan was surprised and delighted.

"I wonder if there are still a few things that can be used, even simple things, such as speakers, will do."

"Besides, some of the technological creations of the Green People may also be able to imitate and create... this thing..."

The more Lu Yuan thought about it, the more he felt that this thing was very wonderful. It was really a machine that provided timely help!

Today, I got both equipment and machines. It was an extremely lucky day.

The thunderbolt in the sky naturally caused some reactions in the patrol team.

"King, what happened?" Several king insects flapped their wings at the fastest speed and flew to the scene.

They are the best patrol team, responsible for the safety inspection of the Sky City.

Lu Yuan pretended to be calm: "Nothing, a civilization milestone has been completed. You move this machine to the poppy tree and put it together with the magic cube-level energy."


The king insects began to move it with a "grunt". They always felt that this scene was familiar.

One red and one blue, these two machines exuded a mysterious halo.

This is the generous blessing of the gear civilization and the foundation of the future of mankind.

This milestone that Lu Yuan completed caused a small sensation among the human high-level.

Of course, Lu Yuan only claimed to the outside world that he had made a "legendary work".

"Immortal" is really too exaggerated. It is already a strategic item that can arouse greed. Lu Yuan does not want to cause trouble because of his own show-off.

But "Legendary" is acceptable to everyone. After all, in the entire civilization, Lu Yuan is indeed unique in terms of carving attainments.

And Lu Yuan already has legendary items in his hands.

For example, the donkey head mask, as for the function... Hey, it's just like that!

And the "Universal Factory"... is also legendary.

"Cube Energy Converter", even epic!

People quickly shifted their attention to the "Universal Factory", which is a good thing that can affect all mankind.

How to plan the production capacity of the "Universal Factory" has suddenly become the hottest topic in the upper parliament.

"Great Commander, the establishment of the Great Academy of Sciences requires this! We can cultivate more scientists. I am confident that we can produce televisions and radios within five years!"

"The Great Academy of Engineering also requires this! I am confident that it can be completed within three years!"

The people below started to roll inward.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but complain in his heart: "How ignorant... Just a universal factory, and they are arguing non-stop..."

But the fact is that the current industrial strength is really not good, and this initial production capacity is indeed the first driving force.

Lu Yuan had to let them sort out the necessary schedule to arrange industrial production capacity.

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