Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 34 The ability of the alien space is exposed!

"What about Lu Yuan's family? Have you asked?" Li Chunhong suddenly thought of something and asked, "Call and ask."

A contact person immediately said, "We just found Lu Yuan's relatives' information."

"His parents are both doctors at the Third Hospital of Yunhai City, and they are quite famous. His sister is a high school student and is in the third year of high school at Yunhai Experimental Middle School... As for grandparents, they are still on Earth and have not been transmitted here."

"This is his parents' phone number. Do you want us to call them... The number is..."

"I'll call." Li Chunhong picked up the phone and called.

"Hello, Third Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, who are you looking for?" A middle-aged male voice came from the other side.

"This is Yunhai City, Government Office, we are looking for Dr. Lu Qianghua."

"I just... Is there anything?" The middle-aged man paused.

Li Chunhong said, "Doctor Lu, we have a few questions for you. Is Lu Yuan your son?"

"Yes... He didn't seem to go home yesterday. Did you find him? Or did he stay on Earth?" The other party seemed a little excited.

"We sent you a multimedia message. Are you sure the person in the photo is your son?"

The other party was silent for a moment, breathing rapidly, and looked at the photo for a long time.

After all, the human in the photo was covered in blood and was much thinner than the son in his memory.

He was a little uncertain.

"It should be... him? What happened to him? Where is he now?"

"Don't worry, I have another question, has he awakened superpowers?"

"I... don't know. I haven't heard him talk about it."

Everyone looked at each other, actually didn't know?

Superpowers are something that, if you don't take the initiative to use them, it's really hard for others to know.

Then he called Lu Yuan's mother again.

Finally, he called his sister.

"My brother said that he awakened...another space? It's just these few days, and it hasn't been reported to the government yet." The young girl finally gave the answer, "Commander, where did my brother go? Did he stay on Earth?"


Li Chunhong raised his eyebrows, feeling that the story happening in this world was really bizarre.

Lu Yuan went to the Meda civilization as a diplomat, do you believe it?

"We will send someone to explain to you, please wait patiently."


After hanging up the phone, everyone started to discuss, and many young experts were very excited!

"The ability of the different space is very rare."

"The different space, according to his sister's description, is to form an independent small space to protect himself."

"The outside world cannot observe or contact this mysterious space."

The superpowers that appear in the human group are limited, and most of them are physical abilities, including but not limited to huge strength, physical regeneration, clairvoyance, and super hearing.

Only a small number of people can discharge electricity, spit fire, and emit light.

As for those with space abilities, they are really rare!

In the public information of the earth, there are only 2 people in the world, one is short-distance teleportation, and the other is wall-penetrating.

The ability of the different space is the third space ability person on the entire earth! And it sounds more advanced than "short-distance teleportation" and "wall-penetrating"!

"If it is an alien space, how he got out can be explained."

A researcher slapped his head and thought of a possibility: "I guess that when he was using the alien space, God launched this plan, and the earth suddenly disappeared, causing him to enter the universe inexplicably."

"After the Pangu Continent appeared, he had to run to the Pangu Continent to survive. Otherwise, wouldn't he be waiting to die in the universe..."

"Can it be like this?!" Li Chunhong's face trembled twice, "God, would he make such a mistake?"

"If 'God' is indeed a programmed and rule-based existence."

"This cannot be considered a mistake, but a bypass of the mechanism..."

Supernatural experts, Professor Zhang Hui also got excited. He drew two circles, one large and one small, on the table with his finger and explained, "The earth is a huge space, including seven continents and four oceans, land, sea and air."

"And the alien space created by Lu Yuan is another space, which does not belong to our dimension."

"So he was directly ignored by the gods, bypassed the safe zone setting, and entered the Pangu Continent."

"If this conjecture comes true, he is indeed from our Dadong Country, Yunhai City... I'm not here to sigh, this is too unlucky!"

"It's normal for young people to awaken superpowers and play a little. While playing, the whole earth is gone... Why does it feel so festive?"

Everyone felt the same and got goose bumps all over their bodies.

"Professor Zhang, you can't say that..." Li Chunhong joked with an optimistic attitude, "I was hosting the opening ceremony of the Osmanthus Culture Festival at that time... and the whole city flew up. Isn't it also very festive?"

Another major in the military also said: "It was really scary at that time. We were training to throw grenades! I thought the grenade blew up the earth. Do you know how terrifying that scene was?"

The conference room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Optimism is indeed a good thing. No matter what the environment, optimism is much better than pessimism.

Zhang Hui licked his dry lips. What was he doing at that time? That's right, he was pinching in the toilet, and then the earth suddenly disappeared.

"Ahem, I think Lu Yuan's environment is still a bit difficult. We have to find a way to help."

Think about it, there are 10 million of them, and they are still protected by the safe zone and dare not go out.

What is the concept of a person falling into Pangea?

Li Chunhong decided: "Let's find an opportunity to make it public. Lu Yuan is from our side, so that the whole world can rest assured. Let them stop pretending to be their identities. They are either Chinese or from Yunhai City. Their parents are still alive. ”

If there is no benefit in hiding something, but there are benefits in making it public, then there is no need to keep it secret.

"What's more, the machine at Lu Yuan's side seems to be broken. It can only send signals, but it can't receive them. How can we contact him? It would be great to ask him to send more information!"

"Are there any superpowers that can communicate...such as telepathy?"

"No, telepathy usually occurs between twins. He has a sister, but she is not a twin. His sister is currently incompetent."

"The speed of time passing over him is a hundred times faster than ours. He may... die within a few days."

"It would be nice if he could send more pictures... Hey, how can he survive in a primeval forest full of monsters..."

“It would be great if there were people in other cities who could communicate remotely.”

People were worried, but there was nothing they could do to help. Yunhai City couldn't even send a message...

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