Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 44 The Choice of the First Branch of Human Civilization

In fact, leaders at all levels of Yunhai City Government have also seriously discussed that all houses should be owned by the public, which can save a lot of trouble.

The loopholes are so big that just wrangling in this area will take months.

Therefore, we can only make a slight compromise, and a family is allowed to keep a house for self-occupation. This part of private property is protected.

"Comrades, we are in a new era, and we must change our mindset."

"The world is no longer what it used to be! We are no longer on Earth!"

"You should also understand that there are people who don't have a house to live in now, and we must give them something to rely on!"

But now we can’t control too much. Stabilizing society is the most critical issue.

Tenants can effectively establish a sense of security by living in collectively owned houses without having to worry about being evicted.

Yunhai City has a large migrant population, and the tenants are mostly strong young people. Their emotions must be stabilized before they can talk about the future.

As for the landlords, after all, they still have a big house where they live, so they can barely accept it...

As long as there is a place to live, young people's emotions are relatively stable and they can live in their own rental houses forever without paying rent. Even if the area is smaller, it is acceptable.

Li Chunhong couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the dark, gloomy crowd all staring at him.

These ten million people represent the first branch of humankind, the Bactrian civilization.

Now may be the moment to decide the fate of Daxia civilization!

After a long time, seeing that the mood of the crowd was still stable, he shouted loudly through the loudspeaker again.

"Comrades, relatively large supermarkets and granaries have been compulsorily controlled by the government!"

"Some criminals have also been arrested, and what awaits them is legal punishment!"

"The current network communication is recovering quickly. If you have anything special, you can call the mayor's hotline! The police have also been put back on duty."

"As for the issue of food, please use your ID card to go to major communities to get a week's worth of food... It may not be too good, but it will definitely satisfy everyone!"

"There are also certain reserves of baby milk powder and diapers. Parents can receive certain supplies with their children's birth certificates."

"We have a year's worth of food reserves, so we won't have to worry about it in the short term, but in the long term we must be self-sufficient and resuming production as soon as possible is the key to survival!"

"We call on everyone to grow some vegetables on their balconies and other places! To increase the diversity of food."

Li Chunhong paused for a moment: "Everyone must understand that now is the time to show the national character of our Daxia civilization. We have no other way but to rely on ourselves. There will not be any external rescue! We must rely on ourselves!"

"Once society is in chaos, the only thing waiting for us is destruction!"

"Our soldiers will always protect the rights of the people! They are also our solid backing!"

A soldier shouted: "All of you! Stand at attention! Salute!"


A row of soldiers formed a neat team.

"Everyone has it, distribute food to the masses!"

"We are united! We will overcome the difficulties together!" the soldiers saluted the people and shouted in unison.

Immediately afterwards, they began to take out batches of supplies from the large trucks and distribute them to the people.

After this series of combination punches, most people were quite satisfied.

At least, housing and food, the two most important things, are guaranteed.

What's more, the image of soldiers is relatively positive in front of the people of Dadong Kingdom, and few people take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Within a short while, a long queue formed in the square. People collected their daily necessities and went home.

Li Chunhong breathed a long sigh of relief, and a big stone in his heart temporarily fell away.

He heard several young staff members whispering: "I don't know how other cities are doing. Have they stabilized..."

"It's probably a shootout, and there are zero-yuan purchases!"

"I have always felt that the people here are quite reasonable."

"Other cities may not be able to maintain stability as quickly as we can..."

"is not that right?"

It may be human nature to gloat over misfortune.

When he thought about the zero-dollar shopping activities that were happening in other cities, such as New York City, Li Chunhong felt a lot better inexplicably.

This is indeed civilized competition. The fundamentals of each city are different, and the executable policies must also be different.

What Yunhai City can do, can other cities do it?

Li Chunhong said with a smile: "Comrades, don't relax, there is still a lot of work to do next."

"Our Yunhai City only has short-term stability. Most people are staying at home, and their skills are useless."

"We must provide more jobs as soon as possible and put people in them."

"We also need to design a new monetary system to restore economic operation as soon as possible."

"Talk about ideals and contributions can be short-term, but not long-term... After all, we have passed the era when barefoot people were not afraid of wearing shoes..."

Everyone sighed.

Today’s young people are very smart!

Wolf culture? Yes, but you have to give meat to the wolf!

What is the wine table culture? Today I will let you know what it means to rectify the workplace!

It pays attention to temporary contributions, and young people are very willing and enthusiastic.

But if we eat from the same pot, this enthusiasm will die sooner or later.

So a qualified set of equipment suitable for the current economic system can enable capable people to live a better life and effectively stimulate productivity.

"Has the city communication been restored?"

"Except for some corners, most areas are connected to the Internet."

"What about electricity?"

"The minimum power supply has been arranged, and it can charge everyone's mobile phones and so on."

"Well, it's enough to charge mobile phones for the time being."


(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

(In order to facilitate everyone's reading, items are divided into several levels: inferior, general, rare, excellent, legendary, epic, immortal, and mythical. "Legend" was changed to "Legendary".)

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