Chapter 55 Lu Yuan... is he dead?

Everyone hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed to the laboratory.

Zhang Hui, the general manager, had two dark circles under his eyes. He was excited all night and didn't sleep much: "Good morning, everyone."

"Don't just study peaches and rice, there are also those weeds and trees, which are also mutants and have research value... Let's divide the research topics and arrange the manpower."

"Who wants to study the big peach tree?"

Almost everyone raised their hands.

"What about rice?"

Half of the people raised their hands.

Zhang Hui smiled in his heart. Who doesn't want to study the easiest to produce results?

Well, in fact, he also wants to study peaches: "Ahem, everyone, there is no Nobel Prize now."

"All our research results belong to Yunhai City and the collective."

"So I can only be a bad guy and directly designate researchers."

He selected several more authoritative professors and divided up the major topics, especially the two major topics of medicine and food, which are the top priorities at present.

Everyone is quite cooperative. How should I put it? After all, it is an extraordinary plant. It is better than other cities where there is no research.

After assigning the work, Zhang Hui asked casually: "How is Lu Yuan? Are you still watching him?"

After all, Lu Yuan has not gone completely crazy. He just uses the big ball as a clock and does not think about contacting human civilization all day long.

He put the metal ball in a room full of garbage.

All the things that the camera can capture are gold, silver, and all kinds of miscellaneous garbage.

It is difficult for researchers to get more effective information.

In this case, all the doctors stopped watching, and it was the turn of the master's students with lower academic qualifications to watch.

"It seems to be winter over there, and it snowed heavily." A young female student raised her hand to indicate, "Judging from the speed of freezing, it is at least minus 20 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is relatively high."

For the people in the safe zone, Lu Yuan has gone through three seasons, summer, autumn, and winter in just three days.

How can people not feel emotional?

To be fair, most people probably wouldn't survive such a long time.

"It's really hard... Fortunately, he made a fur coat." Zhang Hui shook his head and sighed, "I hope he can survive the winter safely, even if he doesn't have more information, it's good to be alive."

"Professor Zhang, he hasn't been home for several days." The girl said weakly, as if she was a little embarrassed, "The wolf dog he raised often ran out, and he seemed to be anxious."

"But he didn't find his owner back."

"Now Lu Yuan still hasn't come back... Although it hasn't been long here, I estimate that he has been missing for a week."

The conference room suddenly fell into silence from the bustle, and only the breathing and rapid heartbeats of the crowd could be heard.

Zhang Hui began to sweat on his forehead.

What does it mean to be missing in an environment of minus 20 degrees Celsius?

Frozen into ice, for sure!

Not only him, but everyone who knew about it felt a chill in their hearts.

In this icy and snowy environment, missing for more than a week, still thinking that Lu Yuan can survive is self-deception.

Zhang Hui hurried to the room where the metal ball was.

The picture on the screen was motionless, and at first glance, I thought it was a garbage room.

Gold, silver, steel and other metal garbage are piled together with a large amount of firewood. This garbage dump is really luxurious, noble and upscale.

I have to admit that even in most of the current human cities, gold and silver are still valuable-as long as humans do not think that they will perish tomorrow, then the value of gold is already strong.

And this large amount of gold owned by Lu Yuan, maybe it can cause the price to collapse?

"This picture is motionless, and it has lasted for a long, long time." The female student was a little nervous in the face of so many big guys.

"Fortunately, I can see the flying snow outside the window, otherwise I would think the machine has crashed..."

"Lu Yuan will come to this room at least several times a day, an average of about 3 times, but this week, he has not come once."

Everyone was silent, staring at the screen for a few minutes, and then began to mourn.

Lu Yuan deserves credit for Yunhai City getting this milestone reward.

Otherwise, even if the milestone is achieved, the ranking will drop a lot.

It may even be squeezed out of the top 100,000 and receive no reward.

At this moment, the contact request from other civilizations happened to ring.


"Please connect."

"Professor Zhang, Mr. Lu, who is living outside Yunhai City, hasn't appeared for a long time... I wonder what happened?" The spokesperson of Dongjin City said straight to the point.

Standing next to him is the current emperor of Dongjin City.

He has wide cheekbones, a sharp chin, and a flat face. He looks like an ordinary person.

The old man drooped his eyes, not knowing whether it was because he was listless or because he was a political puppet.

Zhang Hui actually knew that these days were a bit gloating, but on the surface he was still very polite and said: "I'm sorry, I don't know the specific situation."

"I guess he dared to go out in the cold winter, and he had his own ideas and confidence."

"Alas, we haven't been able to go home for so many days. The first explorer of our human race may have passed away... We must be mentally prepared for this." The spokesperson of the third branch of mankind, Jiudeli, said.

This person is called Di Mo, a white-haired old man with a medium build. He usually wears traditional ethnic costumes. He is the leader of the third branch and has a lot of prestige.

"Dear friends, we must rely on ourselves to explore the Pangu Continent in the future."

"I hope everyone can share any information we find, which can effectively increase our chances of survival."

Zhang Hui frowned.

The subtext of this sentence is that Lu Yuan on your side has indeed made a lot of contributions, and everyone is very disappointed.

But in the future, Yunhai City will no longer be a maverick existence, and everyone will communicate on an equal footing.

He sighed slightly. Politics is indeed cold and cruel.

Of course, the other party's request is not excessive.

Lu Yuan is dead, what kind of human boss is Yunhai City still?

"This gentleman was buried in Pangu Continent, which is really... regrettable." Leaders of many cities sent condolences.

"Ten days of ice and snow, not returning home, even the Eskimos can't bear it."

"May his soul return to the arms of God, Amen..."

No one can tell how sincere it is.

After all, human beings are indeed diverse, and they are all human civilizations, but everyone still does a good job of superficial work.

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