Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 57 Milestones of the Third Human Branch

Zhang Hui frowned slightly. From what the old man said, it seemed that he really had important information and wanted to exchange it?

However, Yunhai City also had important bargaining chips - the conditions for achieving a civilization milestone. This bargaining chip was enough to trade a lot!

The next second, the 11th civilization branch, Newyue City, received a private contact.

The 3rd civilization branch, Jiudeli, also received a private contact.

Smart people always make the same choice.

"Professor Zhang, we want to make a deal. We can exchange all the supernatural knowledge from the Earth period. Whatever you want, we can exchange it." Professor Edward from Newyue City said.

After all, it was once a superpower. It was able to monopolize resources from the world. It was normal for supernatural science to be one step ahead.

"We also want to make a deal. Our bargaining chip is... a civilization milestone. We have achieved a civilization milestone." The white-haired old man in Jiudeli also said the same.

Zhang Hui was shocked. It seems that every city should not be underestimated.

"We have also achieved a civilization milestone. Let's exchange information."

The milestone achieved by the third branch, Jiudeli, is: domesticating extraordinary life!

That's right, they actually domesticated a supernatural being - to be exact, a cow in the temple, which suddenly mutated and became a supernatural being.

The cow still recognized the monks in the temple and did not run away.

So the city inexplicably reached a milestone: domesticating supernatural beings!

As for the rewards they received...

Well, I don't want to reveal it for the time being.

"This... this is not right!" Professor Edward was stunned and shouted with a red face, "We also have mutant life forms in our laboratory, how come we haven't reached this milestone?"

"This is a mutant lion caught from the African savannah in the past."

Di Mo said: "There are two possibilities. The first is that the extraordinary level is not enough. At least it must be a level 1 extraordinary creature."

"Ordinary experimental specimens should not be level 1... You should also have people with identification capabilities, right?"

"Indeed, there are a few."

"The second is that it must be domesticated. If it is simply locked up in a cage, it cannot be considered domesticated."

"Well... that makes sense..." Edward nodded, "Thank you for the information you provided. We will trade in good faith. We will provide any papers you want."

Zhang Hui seemed to have thought of something and asked again: "Professor, can you reveal the ranking of your milestone?"

After a moment of silence, the other party replied: "More than 50,000..."

Zhang Hui was a little puzzled. There were more than 50,000 civilizations that domesticated extraordinary life as soon as they came out. What kind of luck is this!

Why don't we have this luck in Yunhai City?

"What about the rewards?"

"This question is confidential to us and does not belong to the scope of this transaction. But I can tell you that these rewards are indeed conducive to the development of civilization."

"Well, in fact, I suspect that the higher the ranking, the better the reward." Professor Zhang picked up a rice with tweezers and showed it in front of the camera.

After all, this is a private transaction. The more information is given, the more the other party will return.

Integrity is still very important, especially when there are many cooperations in the future.

The heads of the other two cities held their breath involuntarily.

Because after the picture of the rice was enlarged, there was a slight phenomenon of supernatural interference!

The leader of the third branch said: "We also got... plants. One of them can be used to make curry."

"How many plant mutations do you have?"

"4... The level of mutation is much stronger than that on Earth."

"We have 13 here."

Professor Edward, who was listening on the side, was so depressed that he couldn't even connect the words.

They fell behind, completely behind!

Especially being overtaken by the third brother, made him feel uncomfortable.

Newyue City is lagging behind now. If it is not more active, it will be the fourth. After all, there are other cities that have not experienced social unrest.

Moreover, this information is not for nothing. A lot of information chips must be provided, otherwise I will not play with him next time!

"There is rice in Yunhai City, and curry in Jiude... We have nothing."

"Alas, let the consortium act faster, don't care about that little wealth, send out what should be sent, and the city must be stable. Otherwise, everything will be too late."

Suddenly, the conversation stopped, as if something had attracted everyone's attention.

Edward looked at the screen on Lu Yuan's side again, and was even more stunned.

"Oh, God, what is he... what is he eating? He is really the son of God!"



"This corn is really big... but it looks a little old. I don't know if it tastes good."

"These are quite tender? Try it."

The sun is good today.

Lu Yuan moved the big metal ball and put it on the snow to charge.

He excitedly lit the fire, cut off one-fifth of a large corn, scraped the corn kernels with a knife, added a small amount of oil and salt, and began to stir-fry.

Then he opened two bird eggs he had found from the tree.

With a light "swoosh", when the bird eggs and corn met in the pot, they were fully integrated under the stimulation of the hot oil, retaining each other's characteristics.

It only took a moment for the aroma of coarse grains to fill the entire pot. At this time, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions, which not only increased the color of the dish, but also added a refreshing aroma.

With a light flip of the pot, the whole plate of corn fell on the plate.

He picked up a piece with chopsticks and bit it into his mouth.

"This bird egg tastes good... The corn kernels are just so-so, and they are indeed a bit old. Just eat it." Lu Yuan's mouth became more and more picky.

Because each corn kernel is like a peanut! It really tastes a bit old.

But the old wolf was eating happily on the side and couldn't stop at all.

A faint warm current was generated from the stomach and flowed to every part of the body, which meant that this corn also contained a small amount of extraordinary elements.

Combined with its huge output, it should be enough to feed a few bears and there is still corn left.

"Grind some cornmeal when you have time."

Then the highlight of this feast is the honey barbecue pork!

Lu Yuan only ate 30% full and took out half of a skinned wild boar from the storage space.

Well, this is the animal cub hunted by the wolf pack before hibernation, and it has been kept in the storage space.

This little wild boar has not grown up yet, and the meat is tender and does not have the unique smell of wild animals.

When Lu Yuan first ate it, he was shocked and almost swallowed his tongue into his stomach!

The taste is very similar to the castrated pork of human civilization, so he specially kept the half of the little wild boar until now.

Anyway, the storage space has its own preservation function, even if it is placed for a hundred years, it will not deteriorate.

What... lizard meat?

That thing has a high content of muscle fibers, to be honest, it is not very delicious.

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