Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 71: Each of the major civilizations shows off their magical powers!

The third branch of human civilization, Old Delhi.

The Akshardham Temple, which can accommodate 100,000 believers every day, has increased to more than one million in the past few days.

Countless believers are crawling on the ground, like a group of black ants.

They recite scriptures and listen to the prayers of the high priest.

The external environment has changed drastically, and the panicked people are in urgent need of spiritual sustenance.

Religion has exerted a powerful force at this moment.

Local officials, chaebols and religious forces quickly banded together to provide stable food to settle believers.

Old Delhi is not a super city with developed industry, but there are many fertile fields, and the local rulers are not stupid. Only stability can have a future.

Even the statue of Mahatma Gandhi was placed in the temple...

Anyway, everything that can provide stable faith is good.

"High priest, new news... There is new news from the university!" A young man in the distance hurried over on a "rumbling" motorcycle, and it can be seen that his face is very anxious.

Until now, basic communication has not been restored in Jiudeli, and communication can only be carried out through telegraphs and city broadcasts...

But there are only a few telegraph machines in this era, and they are basically owned by the army, which is not enough for the army itself.

So we can only rely on motorcycles to transmit information.

There is no way, compared with the infrastructure, few cities can compare with Yunhai City.

"Don't be impatient, talk slowly." The white-haired high priest, with white hair fluttering, wearing a white cloth robe, and a rough and thick beard like a dense painting.

As a Brahman with a distinguished background, this appearance of immortality is indeed excellent.

"Professor Amir Khan in the university asked us to find an ability called extraordinary fire! It is very important, extremely important! This extraordinary fire is roughly like this..." The young man described it stumblingly.

"I is indeed very important."

The high priest walked in front of the crowd, singing and dancing.

"I am a poet, my father is a doctor, my mother is busy grinding, and everyone works hard for happiness like an ox! Soma! Come out for Indra."

"Horses are willing to pull easy vehicles, happy people laugh and shout, men want women to be by their side, and frogs look forward to the flood. Soma! Come out for Indra."

After attracting the attention of all believers, he suddenly changed his style and shouted: "Extraordinary fire... Indra's gift! It is a magical flame, hidden in our hearts, but it can burn a raging fire and bloom bright sparks!"

"Children of God, don't hide it anymore... Soma! Come out for Indra!"

"Children of God, don't be afraid, work hard for happiness with the sacred cow, and light up the road ahead."

Behind the high priest, followed the mutated big yellow cow, majestic and extraordinary in appearance.

Its size is more than twice that of an ordinary big buffalo.

Even though this big buffalo has mutated, its character is still gentle. The tail on its buttocks sways back and forth, driving away the flies around.

Its ability is: blood can detoxify!

Its bezoar can even detoxify all kinds of poisons!

This is indeed a very powerful ability. A drop of cow blood is comparable to the best antibiotics, providing sufficient convenience for the temple to appease the poor.

The dark crowd crawled on the ground, not knowing what the high priest was saying.

But I saw a pale and thin child standing up from the ground in a daze. He was the owner of the extraordinary fire.

Newyue City, the sixth branch of mankind.

The slums and the rich areas are clearly divided.

The rich areas have basically stabilized, but the riots in the slums are still continuing, and it is unknown how long various gunfights will last.

An emergency call was made to Professor Edward of the Supernatural Laboratory.

The two sides talked closely.

The old professor conveyed the importance of this matter in earnest words.

"Super Fire Seed... can it increase lifespan?"

"Professor, find the person with the Super Fire Seed as soon as possible!"

Edward dared not neglect it, because he was facing the biggest tycoon in the city, the controller of the army, and the real ruler of the city now...

But he was very embarrassed: "Sir, how should we find him? Now the outside world is so chaotic, what can I do?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little gloomy: "Promote it on the radio, give him the best treatment, and he will come out by himself."

Edward frowned and said: "In this situation, even if he is given the best treatment, it is difficult for him to appear... Why does the Super Fire Seed trust us? Sir, you must consider this issue objectively and factually."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while: "We will send troops to stabilize the city as soon as possible so that the poor can have a bite to eat."

"But this is not enough, far from enough." Edward sighed.

The other end of the phone said: "Then, make him a real city hero... New Yue City needs superheroes now! Yes, superhero plan, what do you think?"

"We can first make other superpowers superheroes, give them superior treatment, and declare that they have extraordinary fire... Anyone who has extraordinary fire will enjoy special rights."

"Then, fish out the real holder of the extraordinary fire like fishing."

Edward was silent. This plan seemed feasible.

Politics is indeed a dark drama.

The fourth branch of human civilization, the city of Rome.

"Dear Abba Father, dear God, the living God, Jehovah God, dear Lord..."

The power of religion comforts people's hearts.

I have to admit that many cities with strong religious atmosphere stabilize faster...

The gods of Pangea are ruthless and neutral.

But most sentient beings don't think about this. They just think that they have witnessed a miracle and believe it.

In churches, red archbishops listened to the Pope’s edicts, and in the squares, they were crowded with believers... How to say, because there are more educated people, they are not as pious as in Old Delhi, but after all It's of some use.

After all, faith is a way of life.

"I want to cry out to God and may He bless you!"

"Extraordinary fire, this is a gift from God."

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ flow into you equally like a river, Amen!”

Each city has a different culture, different fundamentals, and different status.

But faced with the huge benefits brought by "Extraordinary Fire", he still acted as quickly as possible.

The 14th branch of human civilization, Cape Tun City.

As the once richest civilization in Africa, it has been plagued by controversy in recent years. With the industry declining and the economy declining sharply, Cape Town has had a tough time in recent years.

Gangster culture is even more prevalent.

But this time, the violent turbulence of the environment naturally plunged Capeton City into serious turmoil, with crimes such as smashing, looting, and burning occurring in endlessly.

At this moment, several major warlords in the city were sitting in the conference room for a meeting.

Beside the round table were several university professors and several former heads of government.

"Find him, and I will marry my daughter to him." The largest warlord smoked a cigar and shook it gently. "He is very important and affects the future of all of us."

"What if that one is a woman..."

"If it's a girl, I will recognize her as my daughter and give her everything. In short, find the person as soon as possible."

Several university professors were trembling: "Sir, even if you say so, it's still hard to find... We currently have no way to identify superpowers at all."

"There must be a stable urban environment before the owner of the extraordinary fire can believe in us."

"Otherwise, even if you shoot me... there is really nothing I can do."

These warlords all fell into silence, and they were in big trouble.

This is the diversity of civilizations. Some civilizations can rely on "luck", while others can rely on strong organizational capabilities to find the holders of extraordinary fire.

There are more civilizations, and even if they know the existence of "Transcendent Fire", they can't find this person.

Of course, there are civilizations that have good luck, and there are civilizations that have very bad luck.

When they learned the truth, they found that the owner of the extraordinary fire... was dead!

"Baga! Extraordinary fire type, why is it dead?!"

Human Civilization, Branch 11.

Dongjin City.

A group of soldiers and a large group of leaders in suits were facing a student corpse and all doubted life.

It's simply more uncomfortable than losing your own life!

To be honest, compared with Western cities, the social unrest in Dongjin City is not that great.

The three countries in East Asia are influenced by Confucian culture. People are generally conservative and obey authority, and will not have collective doomsday carnivals like Westerners.

But their extraordinary fire... suddenly died?

died? !

Displayed on the screen of the big ball: [Number of extraordinary fire types: 0]

Yes, it was "1" just now, and just last hour, it suddenly became "0"!

"How did he die? Tell me!" The officer excitedly grabbed his subordinate's collar and lifted him up.

The subordinate quickly reported: "This student...because of long-term campus violence..."

"I was bullied by a bad boy just now and committed suicide by jumping off a building!"

"Someone saw something like a small flame coming out of his body. The small flame burned on the surface of his skin for a minute and then disappeared."

Silence and anger filled the air.

"Those bad boys are really beasts!"

"Catch them! Bunch of bastards!"

Whether they are military officers or government leaders, their faces are pale and disgraced, but no matter how much they yell and curse, people cannot be resurrected, and their extraordinary gone!

The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west, the clouds in the sky are still peaceful, the mountains are still towering, and the lakes are still quiet. Pangea has never lacked civilization, just as this land has witnessed the life and death of countless civilizations.

It never cares about them.

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