Lu Yuan disappeared.

Only the blazing flames remained.

The terrifying skeleton trembled, and it tried to use its abilities.

But any ability has its limits. It was restrained by the flames and could not be used in the bright environment.

The cold eyes looked in the direction where Lu Yuan disappeared.

Perhaps this monster did have intelligence comparable to that of humans, but it was hard to imagine that the human in front of him had so many "divine skills".

And it was hidden so deeply.

Perhaps it had won a lot in the past eras, and in the past eras, it calculated the unknown, calculated thousands of miles, calculated a year and a month, but it could not calculate that it would fail miserably at the beginning of the ninth era.

Lu Yuan hid in the different space, and hurriedly put out the flames on his body.

His whole body was burned, and the severe pain made his skin secrete a lot of mucus, burning and painful.

According to medical appraisal, it was at least a second-degree burn, or a first-degree burn!

The hair that was originally elegant became bald, with only a few crooked and burnt hairs left on the scalp. The fire lizard skin coat had good resistance, but it was scorching hot. The leather shield was even more miserable, with the surface burnt.

He hid in the alien space, without any excitement, just watching coldly.

Did he win? Not yet...

Facing a terrible and terrifying opponent, there is no reason to relax before completely defeating it.

The two sides stared at each other across an alien space, and those words that transcended killing were buried in their hearts.

This was the ninth era, the first warrior, and the civilized hunter staring at each other.

Lu Yuan could see the other party.

The other party could not see him.

In the intense high temperature, the donkey-headed monster persisted for less than 3 seconds again, and the bones of the whole body began to turn red and shatter.

Its upper body began to attack the metal door frantically.

"Boom! Boom!!"

Each blow was extremely heavy, like a violent elephant trying its best to hit the city wall.

It was a pity that the metal door weighed more than ten tons, and even high-explosive bombs could not blast it open. Its brute force was still a little low.

In the raging fire, as the metal melted in large quantities, even the gaps were directly welded.

The door could not be knocked open.

Lu Yuan's heart could not help but beat wildly.

"Da Da Da..." The voice of the mysterious friendly army was slow and fast, and I didn't know what it was expressing.

The fire in the room was still fierce, and the oxygen in the air could last at least a few minutes, enough to burn the enemy to death, but Lu Yuan still did not relax his vigilance.

[The terrible idealistic life named "Shadow of Zhao", the devil, was forced into a desperate situation at this moment. ]

[Attributes: ? ? ? ]

[Ability: ? ? ? ]

[Supernatural level: Level 2. ]

More information was spied out by the pioneer's eye.

Shadow of Zhao, this name really fits its ability.

This terrible enemy is only... Level 2? !

"That is to say, it is indeed in an extremely weak state." Lu Yuan was shocked and scared. He just stared at the powerful enemy struggling in the flames.

The demon named "Shadow of the Sun" completely fell apart in the raging flames.

It used its last strength to remove its hard bones - the skull of the donkey head.

In the corner of the wall, a triangular bracket was built, and its skull was placed on the bracket.

It turned out that this skull was a mask-like thing, a piece of... equipment?

Exploded equipment? !

This piece of equipment is really awesome, it can withstand high temperatures, and a dark corner was built by the donkey-headed monster with its last body.

Then, the red-hot bones on all sides permeated with clusters of strange black liquid.

This liquid is like mercury, viscous, cold, and full of vitality, and it keeps gathering towards the dark place.

"Da Da Da! Da Da Da!!!" The mysterious friendly army began to hurry again.

Lu Yuan was also very anxious.

He knew that the black liquid was the real "body" of the donkey-headed monster. Once the body was allowed to escape in the dark by activating the space ability, it would be an unbearable burden!

But he was hiding in the alien space now. If he wanted to interfere with the outside world, he had to cancel the alien space first.

The alien space was indeed a very powerful ability. Even if a billion-ton nuclear bomb was detonated in the outside world, it would not harm the alien space at all.

Unless someone could move the black hole over, it might affect the alien space.

But in any case, this ability also had its own limitations. Objects could not be thrown from the inside of the alien space to the outside.

Otherwise, the alien space would be completely shattered, and Lu Yuan would suffer mental damage. For a while, he would not be able to reactivate it. At that time, he would be burned alive.

Of course, there was only one thing that could freely enter and exit the alien space-that was his body! !

Lu Yuan really had no choice. Seeing that the strange black liquid flowing out of the skull was getting more and more, it quickly gathered in the shadows.

There was not much time left for him.

He was ruthless in his heart, took off his fire lizard skin, and brazenly stretched his left arm out of the alien space!

"Light curtain, come!"

A thin layer of light curtain covered the skin of the left arm.

This is a defense method of the extraordinary fire, which greatly increases the ability to resist attacks through spiritual energy.

But in front of the terrifying purgatory on earth, this layer of defense is equivalent to nothing.

Instantly, Lu Yuan's left arm was torn apart, emitting a burnt smell.

Burning, painful!

Sweat as big as soybeans instantly gushed out of his pores.

This hand felt like it was stuffed into a boiling oil pan.

This is normal. Even the donkey-headed monster can't resist the terrifying high temperature, and Lu Yuan naturally can't either. He is not the Monkey King who can resist the furnace of Taishang Laojun.

"Hurry up and die for me!"

He gritted his teeth and slapped the skull of the donkey-headed monster away with a slap.

As the skull was blown away, it lost its cover, and the dark corner was covered by flames again.

The black liquid kept bouncing.

Without a dark environment, "Shadow of the Sun" could not teleport...

Lu Yuan immediately retracted his burnt arm, watching the enemy's movements with burning eyes.

The terrifying degree of this donkey-headed monster is definitely not something he can defeat head-on. If it grows up, even if the power of the entire human civilization is pressed, it will be difficult to defeat it.

The most correct choice is to kill it in the bud.

"Super Fire Seed... Pain Blocking Method!"

A bright light appeared in the bone marrow of the arm, temporarily cutting off the pain of being grilled in an oil pan.

The arm became a little stiff, as if it had been anesthetized, but it was no longer painful.

Lu Yuan licked his dry lips. Such a serious injury could not be cured in a short time. He could only use the Super Fire Seed to forcibly suppress the terrible pain.

Otherwise, the terrible pain alone would stop his brain from thinking.

But his crisis had not yet passed. The next second, the skull of the donkey-headed monster actually flew back again!

Lu Yuan looked closely and saw that there was a black silk thread sticking to the skull cap!

The skull cap that flew back once again created a tripod, forming a shadow in the fire.

The black liquid gathered again.

"I have an eternal body and can regenerate my limbs."

"Even if I lose this arm, I will suppress you!" Lu Yuan was furious and stretched out his already burnt left arm from the alien space, and slapped the skull cover away again.


Then, he was surprised to find that his arm could not be retracted!

Several black silk threads wrapped around his arm and strangled him from the flesh.

The black water droplets kept extending towards his arm.

Lu Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, knowing that he had been tricked: "This thing is too smart. It predicted that I would slap off the skull cover and counterattacked within a second."

"Damn, once the divine skills are exposed, this is the consequence..."

"I don't have more divine skills."

This high-level wisdom and adaptability made him extremely afraid.

Lu Yuan subconsciously wanted to use the excellent dagger to cut off this arm directly!

If he hesitated for a while, his whole body would be directly pulled out of the alien space, and then he would be burned to death by the heat of the outside world.

But the next second, Lu Yuan showed a fierce expression.

He felt that he had thought wrong!

He had to hold on to the limit before he could cut off his arm.

Because the indescribable high temperature in the vault did cause damage to the black liquid.

[The terrible idealistic life named "Shadow of the Sun" was forced into a desperate situation at this moment. It lost its real body and exposed its true body. ]

[However, it is worth noting that the devil can be killed, but it will be immortal in another form. Every rebirth is just equivalent to the reset of memory, and it will always reappear in this world. ]

[Attributes: ? ? ? ]

[Ability: Field·Attribute Absorption, Dark Teleportation, Shadow Hand, Rebirth by Seizing the Body, Mental Tremor. ]

[Supernatural Level: Level 1. ]

Yes, the black liquid was downgraded by the fire again, and more information appeared.

The longer Lu Yuan persisted, the higher the probability that the black liquid would be killed by the high temperature.

Once Lu Yuan cuts off his arm now, the opponent will pull the skull back again and try to teleport in the dark again, and he will lose the ability to intervene.

He can't just extend his right arm...

Of course, he can also extend his leg and kick it.

But the extended leg will still be entangled immediately. Will he cut off another leg at that time?

So the most rational solution is to fight this terrible opponent until the last breath.

"Losing an arm is already the most ideal situation."

In a flash, Lu Yuan figured out all these twists and turns.

This may be a talent, or it may be a big heart brought by long-term independent survival.

Of course, it can also be said that fools are better than masters. The real fool will choose to protect this arm to the death, which is actually the best solution; the half-baked master cuts off his arm, but then loses the ability to intervene, and then is dumbfounded, and may lose more.

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