"Are we talking in a dream now?" Lu Qingqing looked at the empty Yunhai City. All the buildings were the same as in reality, except that there was no one around.

The scene farther away was even more hazy.

"Don't explore these, you will wake up. You are all in the lucid dream I have constructed." Han Yue whispered, "You need to imagine a trigger that cannot be done in reality. Just like the spinning top in "Inception", only with the trigger can you figure out the dream and reality."

After the dreams of the three people were connected together, there was still one last step: with the help of the "searching for people" ability user, that is, the general manager Li Lan, to find Lu Yuan who was far away in the sky, and then let her sister Lu Qingqing dream.

These steps together are extremely difficult!

Because this is in a dream, not the real world...

How to find people, this is a big problem!

And the time ratio of Lu Yuan's side is different from that of the safe zone.

While they slept, Lu Yuan may have passed forty or fifty days... Well, this is really amazing.

That is to say, they had to find Lu Yuan as soon as he fell asleep and send him a dream. The probability of this was as low as winning the lottery.

"Let's start. Let's leave the safe zone and try."

The scene became more and more hazy.

The three of them, guided by the "pathfinding" ability, really crossed the safe zone.

The light curtain was crossed.

They faced the vast Pangu Continent.

Then, the whole world went dark.

Nameless mist rose from nowhere.

The whispers were like whispers under the stars.

"Why do I feel that there is one more person in the team... There are 4 people in total?" Lu Qingqing trembled all over.

"There are five people now!"

"Six people?"

It's not only humans who have divine skills.

In the brilliant dream, one eye after another slowly opened, mocking and laughing at the incompetent humans.

Every star in the sky represents an eye, just staring at it vaguely, scrambling to move!

The dream suddenly became dark and quickly turned into a horrible nightmare.

There was a sound of chewing and swallowing in the void.

"We have to wake up. Something may be disturbing us." Han Yue, who has the ability to "enter dreams", was nervous and led the team back to the safe zone.

Then, the team became three people again.

She wiped a cold sweat: "Nightmares are often a sign of crisis. This sky is too unusual."

"There are other dreamers in Pangu Continent..."

"It may be a monster, much stronger than us."

"Once attacked, we will die in the dream."


The first dream induction ended in failure.

Only after trying, you will know the horror of the outside world.

Even if it is only the beginning of the Ninth Era, Pangu Continent is not something they can easily cross, and the dream world is not good either.

Li Lan, the general manager of the "Path Finding Plan", evaluated that if the ability value of the three of them is 100, the difficulty of the entire project may be more than 100,000.

It is not something that can be completed at present.

She is so worried!

"Perhaps, we can unite with other cities?" Several staff members discussed in the room.

"Since the ability of dreams can indeed transcend the safe zone... other cities should also have similar divine skills."

"But is it realistic to unite in dreams?"

"I think it's possible... Which city doesn't want to find Lu Yuan? At least we need to know whether he is dead or alive."

At the end of the discussion, Li Lan tapped the table lightly: "Let's first find a way to sense the people in other cities 10,000 kilometers away in dreams."

"If we can't even sense this, it's impossible to find Lu Yuan who is who knows how many kilometers away."


In this way, Yunhai City made its own decision: practice internal skills and external skills at the same time!

Other cities have different situations.

Cities with sufficient resources have barely maintained stability and constantly discussed the "risk issues of Pangu Continent".

The information transmitted by Lu Yuan is indeed of great value.

Rulers with a little bit of brains will not blame the question of "whether Lu Yuan is dead or not"... Instead, they think about finding him.

Some cities, like Yunhai City, try to contact Lu Yuan through their abilities.

"Jacob, you already know Lu Yuan's specific appearance and voice. Use your telepathic ability to confirm whether he is dead."

"Sir, this is impossible! I must have face-to-face contact before I can sense it, not just looking at photos and videos. My ability is limited."

"What if there is one more person..."

A gypsy girl walked in from the door.

Fortuneteller Jenny.

As an internationally renowned master of astronomy, she has been famous for many years.

She is famous for predicting the "death of Shinzo Abe", "Messi wins the World Cup", "Ukrainian-Japanese War", and "Trump-Portugal win the US election".

Her ability is naturally divination.

The blonde lady smiled and said, "Mr. Jacob, Yunhai City has sent an invitation to the 'Path Finding Plan'. I think international cooperation is necessary and the chance of success is not small."

"Lu Yuan's life and death are related to many things."

The world of superpowers is full of wonders.

The existence of divine skills brings endless possibilities!

Of course, there are also cities with less abundant resources and governments that are not strong enough, so naturally they cannot participate in cooperation.

In other words, these governments themselves are a collection of corruption and chaos, and panic is still boiling in society.

The second branch of human civilization, Kahelen, is in a state of anarchy.

All supermarkets were looted.

The entire neighborhood was like a ghost zone. Many cars were smashed and all the gasoline inside was robbed.

The bloodstains on the street changed from reddish brown to black, and occasionally stinking corpses could be seen.

Even if someone showed up, they would be in groups, holding axes, machetes and other weapons.

Gangs and warlords became the real rulers in the power vacuum.

But gangsters and warlords cannot solve one problem: the food problem!

Cahelan is an arid city with low food production capacity. In the Earth Period, food supplies have been obtained through international trade for a long time, and the food in the granary itself is not much.

Now that international trade has disappeared, how can we make up for the huge food gap?

Under hunger, people can do anything!

"Professor Toth, how to solve the food problem? What about the supernatural crops in our cities?" In the military camp, a general smoking a cigarette and wearing sunglasses asked a university professor.

The middle-aged professor did not dare to neglect and immediately said: "Unfortunately, we do not have such technological strength."

"However, if we open the granary, distribute food, and plant potatoes immediately, they will mature in three to four months, and maybe we can barely solve the problem."

"General, you can't open the safe zone! We haven't spread the extraordinary fire yet, we...will die!!"

"The water sources near our cities have increased significantly. It's still not too late to open up farmland now!"

The general was silent and did not speak.

As governments collapse, the current power structure is decentralized.

To put it bluntly, they all work on their own, and there may be tens of thousands of various gangs.

Some warlords are willing to open their granaries, while others are not.

Not everyone is willing to contribute their wealth to the common people and stabilize society.

"To cultivate farmland, we need a stable environment. We don't have this condition for the time being. Everyone is thinking about robbing, and no one is willing to cultivate it."

For the poor, the only way is to open the safe zone and head towards Pangea!

After all, the right to vote is in your hands, and people are starving to death, so you have no choice but to take risks!

As the turnout is getting higher and higher, the knot of chaos still cannot be untied.

The general finished his cigarette and finally waved his hand and issued an order: "Spread this video to cause greater panic!"

"The turnout must be brought down... Even if people starve to death, the safety zone must not be revoked!"

As a result, the video of "Lu Yuan fighting the donkey-headed monster" began to be widely circulated in the second branch of human civilization, causing the highest level of panic.

Creating panic just to not open the safe zone is ridiculous, but true.

Anyway, those high-level people who control the power cannot starve to death.

Coincidentally, the 17th branch of humanity, Ping An City.

The sounds of various guns and gunfire still spread in the ruins.

Most of the city was reduced to wasteland.

This city is even more chaotic than Kahelen, the second branch of humanity.

Because before Ping An City was teleported over, a war broke out!

"Liberate Ping An City!"


"If you are human, please stand with us. If you are human, please pick up a gun and resist those thugs."


Houses are falling down and the war continues.

This crazy scene resulted in the city having no city leaders at all, just two camps fighting a life-and-death war.

Before one party kills the other, they have no time to pay attention to other things.

The 11th branch of humanity, Dongjin City.

A large number of researchers are gathering in front of the screen, discussing something carefully.

"Sir, such a terrifying creature appears, what should we do?"

"We don't even have extraordinary fire... we will be killed!"

According to their original thoughts, Dongjin City is considered a relatively powerful city among the 17 cities of mankind, and its industrial capabilities are also good. They are qualified to be the leader of mankind!

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to use the flying geese model to lead other cities?

As long as they prepare enough guns and ammunition, open a safe zone, and hunt a creature with extraordinary fire, they can regain this valuable ability.

But now I'm a little timid again.

Adventurism and conservatism are in fierce conflict...

There are still some people, especially scholars, who privately believe that Dongjin City is finished.

Without the extraordinary fire, I am behind for who knows how many years, and I will never have a future.

Therefore, they want to escape.

As soon as the safe zone is revoked, they will be free.

As for the direction of Run... it is still under intense discussion.

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